/ / Tanks for plastic sewage (reviews)

Containers for sewerage (reviews)

With the problem of disposal of liquid domestic wasteface developers of private houses. Tanks for sewer plastic can be installed with their own hands. They will serve for a long time and reliably. The assortment is quite large. These can be ordinary storage tanks, simple septic tanks and autonomous systems for waste-free sewage treatment.

containers for sewerage

Types of plastic containers

Tanks for sewage are of the following types:

  • accumulative;
  • septic tanks;
  • local treatment facilities.

At first, many simply buried in the grounda storage tank for the collection of waste water at home, which is periodically emptied using a sewage machine. Recently, plastic containers for sewerage have gained popularity.

Storage capacity is always needed. Even if the owner has a self-contained sewage treatment plant, additional tanks may be required for salvo discharges.

plastic containers for sewerage

In the septic tank, liquid household waste is processedwaste. It consists of compartments. In the first of these, the settling of heavy particles and the emergence of fats occur. It occupies 70% of the total volume of the septic tank. In the next compartment, biodegradation and filtration of partially separated water takes place, and then it goes to the ground through a filtration field or a filtering well.

Local treatment facilities contain devicesbiological treatment of effluents. It is necessary to distinguish anaerobic and aerobic methods of bacterial decomposition. In the first case, this occurs in the absence of oxygen. The action of most septic tanks is based on this method. Anaerobic bacteria feed on organic matter, which turns into silt. It settles on the bottom of the tank, and then it is collected and used as a qualitative soil fertilizer.

For the life of aerobic bacteria is necessaryoxygen, which is injected by the compressor from the air in the form of small bubbles. The process is active, and the degree of purification is high. The compressor requires electricity.

Biopreparations are periodically introduced into plasticCleaning tanks, where microbes multiply and eat sewage. It is necessary to constantly mix the waste water with air. Devices for aerobic decomposition of liquid wastes are called aerotanks. The process is continuous, otherwise the microbes die within 3 months. Therefore, this technology is used in homes with permanent residence.

The treatment facilities are calculated by the number ofliving in the house. Their volume should not be less than or greater than the estimated for effective waste treatment. But reserve capacity is always needed in case of an unexpected influx of visitors or unforeseen accidents.

Sewage tank can be metal, reinforced concrete or brick. Drainage containers for plastic have the following advantages:

  • tightness;
  • easy installation and installation;
  • resistance to aggressive environments;
  • durability.

The disadvantage is a small strength.In this regard, care must be taken during transportation and installation. Do not install the container on sharp stones that can push the walls.

plastic container

Choice of plastic container

Their volume depends on many factors and is calculated in different ways. Consider the factors that influence the choice of such tanks.

1. Determination of the storage capacity

Plastic containers for sewerage are chosen,based on the frequency of removals, the number of residents and the average water discharge per person. It is recommended not to pump out waste more than 2 times a month. With a daily intake of 150 liters for a family of 3 people. need a tank of 6.75 m3. At the same time, various unforeseensituation, because of which export can be delayed. They take about 30% of the estimated number of drains. Then the final capacity of the container is 9 m3.

If the manufacturer does not have such a reservoir,choose the nearest larger model. It should be purchased in advance to determine the size of the excavation. The height of the technological hatch is about 100 cm. In some models it can be hermetically lengthened to increase the depth of the tank in order to prevent the liquid from freezing in winter.

When you visit periodically, you can installplastic containers for sewerage in a smaller dacha that can be pumped out at the end of the season. For the purpose of economy, plastic containers can be used for 1-1.5 m3, second-hand.

plastic tanks for sewerage in the country

2. How to calculate the volume of the septic tank

The volume of the septic tank should be 3-dayconsumption of water by all users. At a rate of 150 liters per family of 3 people, the consumption is 450 liters per day. Then for 3 days will require a volume of 1350 liters. The calculated consumption increases by 30%, and then the nearest standard capacity of a larger size is selected. As a result, the required volume of the septic tank will be 2 m3.

The range of reservoir volumes is 1-150 m3.

3. Which plastic container to choose

Containers for sewerageare made of vertical and horizontal cylindrical, rectangular shape or in the form of a ball. The material is plastic or fiberglass. The walls can be single-layer or double-layered.

Plastic tanks are supplied with components to determine the level of their filling. This is a float system with a light or sound alarm signaling the filling to a given level.

The thickness of the barrel wall under the sewer should not be less than 9 mm.

Septic tanks for sewage treatment can be appliedas storage tanks for plastic storage. In summer, they work reliably for their intended purpose, and water after cleaning can be used for watering the garden. In winter, the activity of bacteria that consume waste is reduced, and drains must be taken out by a sewage machine.

storage tanks for plastic sewage

Plastic containers for sewerage. Reviews

Objective assessments of plastic tanks give feedback from people who have themselves installed, and also used them for many years.

For summer residents it was sufficient to use storage tanks not more than 1 m3. Even with a permanent residence there in the summer, it is enough for the entire period. But provided: if you connect the tank to the sink from the toilet, and pour the remaining waste into the compost pit.

plastic containers for sewerage reviews

It is advisable to purchase the storage capacity for the volume of the sewage machine. The drains will fill the barrel completely, and they will have to be taken out less often.

Industrial plastic septic tanks cope withwork with constant use in a private home. The water is reliably cleaned and leaves into the ground. Usually, the owners call the sewers for periodic cleaning of the containers once a year.

Autonomous sewerage based on plasticcontainers is an environmentally friendly and safe system. When observing the instructions for using it, it copes with its work. Industrial plants for biological treatment of sewage waste of domestic production are often purchased by homeowners and give positive feedback.

How to install a plastic waste water tank

  1. At a distance of about 5 m from the house and with the possibilitya convenient access to the sewage sowing machine is excavated, and a reinforced concrete foundation 20 cm thick is poured on its bottom. In it, the fastening elements should be placed.
  2. A sewage pipe with a slope of 3-5 mm / m is removed from the house into the trench 1 m deep for self-draining. The gasket is made rectilinearly so that there are no blockages.
  3. Plastic containers for sewerage in privatethe house falls on ropes or ropes in a pit. The tank is installed on the foundation and fixed by anchor belts to the concrete screed, so that it does not float further under the action of groundwater.
  4. Cut holes in the tank, and it connects the sewage and ventilation pipes through rubber cuffs.
  5. Further it is wrapped with geotextiles and covered with sand, which is periodically moistened and rammed. At the same time, water is poured into the interior to the level of the backfill.

plastic containers for sewage in a private house


If you select and install the tanks correctly,sewerage, plastic, they will allow you to live comfortably in a private house with export, with partial or complete processing of domestic sewage. Devices are reliable and durable.