/ / The bounty of the vine, or Corinka - what is it?

The bounty of the vine, or Corinka - what is it?

In ancient times, the vine gavewith their wealth of gardeners who grew it with love and awe. Grapes - a plant that is susceptible to the care and attention of man. Over time, thanks to the efforts of growers, this heat-loving culture has spread throughout the world. However, despite its popularity, grapes still remain an expensive product, unavailable in the desired amount of the majority of the population.

Growing grapes is not easy, but investedwork is worth the result. No more fruit plants have such wide application. The grapes are used fresh, canned, marinated, juice and wine are made from it, raisins are made.

Korinka - what is it?

kininka what is it
Many meet this name in baking recipes,but do not know what kind of "beast." Korinkoy called small black seedless raisins. Its main purpose is seasoning or an ingredient in baking. Korinka, like all dried fruits, has many beneficial properties, and its caloric content is 224 kcal per 100 grams.

Very often, irgu is confused with brown bread, although they are nothave nothing to do. Cinnamon raisins are obtained from a special seedless grape variety. Although there are still seeds in it, they are very soft and practically not felt, which is famous for korinka. What it is, we found out, now find out how to get this raisin.

How to make raisins from grapes?

For the manufacture of raisins use seedless andvery sweet grapes. The level of sugar content in it increase themselves growers. 20 days before harvesting, watering of plants is terminated. At the same time, part of the leaves are removed and the stems are struck. After 20 days, provided that the weather is dry and the morning dew has dried, begin harvesting. Then the clusters are hung, dried and get raisins.

Let's talk about grapes Korinka Russian

cinnamon variety
У нас словом «коринка» называют мелкий черный raisins and grapes Korinka Russkaya, as well as Korinka Black. In addition, as mentioned above, it is often called the Irga, this delusion has spread among a third of the population of the former USSR.

The grapes of Corinka Russkaya were bred bycrossing varieties Zarya and Kishmish Black. The result was a vigorous plant that yields good yields. Variety refers to the early, as the first harvest is harvested at the end of July. The cuttings of this grape root well.

Features varieties Korinka Russian

Korinka Russian grape variety
This is a winter hardy variety. Korinka Russkaya has fruit buds that do not freeze even at -28 ºС. In some regions, grapes are left to spend the winter under the snow.

The leaves of the grapes are large, dissected,veins there are omissions. The clusters grow small in size, weigh less than 200 grams and have a conical shape. The berries are small in size - weighing 1-2 grams, golden brown. Children love this variety of grapes for the lack of seeds and a very sweet taste. To increase the size of berries and clusters, gibberelin is used.

To protect the crop from pests, the bush is covered with a fine mesh before harvest. Already ripe clusters can hang on a bush until the very autumn, without losing its taste properties.

How can this grape be used?

There is a misconception regarding the Russian variety.Korinka - what are berries, of which only raisins are made. However, the options are much more. It is often consumed fresh, as it contains many useful substances, delicious grapes are often brewed from this grape and make wine, although this drink is very sweet. In addition, the resulting raisins are actively used in baking and added to muesli.

How to dry grapes?

Raisin Cinnamon
There are many ways to dry grapes,but not all of them can be used at home. To make juicy berries in raisins, it is best to use solar-air drying. The clusters are sifted and laid out on wooden or plastic trays, covered with paper, and left in a ventilated room, in the sun. Basically, for these purposes they use a veranda or a balcony. During drying, you must periodically rotate the clusters for better drying. So you will not allow fermentation and decay. It is necessary to turn the clusters at least once every three days. With good weather and proper technology in a month you will get ready-to-eat raisins. Keep it in a dark cool place, wrapped in paper.

Another method involves the use of drying.With its help, you can significantly speed up the process. This is important if you decide to prepare a lot of raisins, and the weather does not allow it. This method assumes a uniform supply and distribution of warm air in the dryer. The speed of the procedure depends on the power of the equipment and its technical characteristics. On average, at the first stage of drying, a temperature of 60-70 degrees is sufficient, and at the last stage - 40-50 degrees. Thus, one batch of raisins will be ready in 1-2 days.

Существует ошибочное заблуждение о сорте grape Russian Korinka - that this is an intricate plant, difficult to grow. By applying this knowledge in practice, you will see the absurdity of this statement.