/ How to plant a lemon on your own

How to plant a lemon on your own

In our family, lemon has been growing for many years.In the hot season we transport it to the country house, to the greenhouse. As for the winter, in this period the plant lives in a cozy house. Citrus saplings are planted in a large saucepan, which stands on the windowsill, so that the earth in it is constantly illuminated by the sun.

Generally grow lemons in your home or, tofor example, tangerines, in fact, is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. These plants require constant care. In addition, many people believe that you can grow a large lemon tree, for example, for a year or two, and even from the ordinary seed of lemon grass, bought in the store. Let us hurry to upset you - this is the delusion of inexperienced gardeners. If you grow a lemon tree in this way, then from the seed will grow an ordinary wildfowl, the fruit from which you will wait at least ten years. It is best to buy a stem of a plant that is sold in specialized stores. In this case, the first harvest will please you in a couple of years. We always take only a twig from the fruit tree. It should be no shorter than ten centimeters and have developed leaves. This will be a stalk. It will need to be planted in a small pot and covered with a transparent jar, and then for a while sprinkled with rain or even snow water, heated to room temperature. After a month and a half the twig will give roots, then the first kidneys will wake up. So your seedling is ready. We must not forget that this small plant must necessarily be accustomed to the air in your room. To transplant the lemon is best in early March. As for flowering, this happens twice a year, and the fruit will ripen every six months.

However, to find the suitable lemon stalk is enoughcomplicated. Another thing, if you need a twig, in order to plant your tree. The question of how to plant a lemon is of interest to many people. For this procedure, a seedling with a trunk of a small thickness (approximately with a pencil) is suitable. If you do not know how to plant a lemon, how it is generally done - do not buy the seedlings yourself. Consult with an expert. For example, it is better to purchase a seedling in a large specialized store. You do not have to go to the market for this purpose. The fact is that the seedlings sold in such places are dying shortly.

How to plant a lemon eye?Make a small incision on the trunk of your seedling in the form of the letter "T" at a distance of seven centimeters from the surface of the soil. Then spread carefully the bark, and under it insert the kidney or, as they say, the peephole, which you must first cut from the branch of the lemon tree, which already fructifies. This eye is cut as follows. Prepare a sharp knife or razor. Cut the kidney along with a thin plate of the bark of a tree twig. The quill must be left, but the leaflet must be removed. During the procedure of the vaccination, it is necessary to insert a peephole entirely under the bark of the rootstock itself. This place must then be permanently wrapped, so-called, bast, or ordinary insulating tape. Already after three weeks the petiole must turn yellow and fall off. This will indicate that you have coped with the task of "how to plant a lemon". If he withered or just wrinkled, you'll have to repeat the procedure after a while. In order to achieve the desired result, use two kidneys at once, that is, make a double eyepiece. Remember that only small cuttings from a cultivated lemon practically never perish and quickly take root.

Are you interested in the question of how to plant a mandarinat home? This is easy to do. Observe the rules given above. The fact is that the mandarin tree is planted as well as the lemon.

How to plant grapes?To begin with, cut off some of the vine just above the area on which you want to inoculate. Then the prepared stem is sharpened and inserted into the incision at the very bottom. It is best to do everything in such a way that they match the diameter. Place the inoculation with a polyethylene tape. In the case of a proper vaccination, after five minutes you will see a certain amount of decoction on the end of your scion. This will signal that you did everything right.