/ / Boiler on coal: the principle of work, advice on choice and market review

Kettle on coal: the principle of work, advice on choice and market review

Kothet on coal is an indispensable thing for everyone who wants to have their own source of heating, independent of the centralized system, or in the absence of it.

Principle of operation

These devices are not in the full sense of the wordmodern and innovative, but the main models on the market are quite advanced devices. A boiler of long burning on coal can heat the room for a long time, does not require constant monitoring of its operation - this distinguishes it from the fireplace.

The principle of operation of such devices is based onconstant injection of hot air and permanent burning of solid fuel coming from the top down. The whole process of combustion is safe, as absolutely controlled.

coal-fired boiler
The prevalence of these devices and their popularity is explained by the cheapness of coal that goes to kindling, as well as the high efficiency of this heating device.


The high performance of the boiler on coal is affected by the peculiarity of its design. Like any other heater, this device has its pros and cons in practical use.

The merits of the device include the following qualities:

  • full consumption of fuel material - coal burns to the ground and burns slowly enough, thoroughly warming up the house;
  • the supply of air is limited - pure oxygen in the house remains;
  • the whole process of temperature injection is created by built-in automation, which ensures a full consumption of raw materials (about 1-2% of coal may remain unused);
  • there is no need for constant supervision and regular maintenance - the boiler is unpretentious and reliable in operation;
  • The volume of the loading chamber - it is possible to lay almost 350-500 liters of fuel raw material in one time, which allows to extend the heating time to several days;
  • It does not take much time to clean the chambers and the boiler itself;
  • the combustion process is evenly controlled, less soot is released, there is no overheating of the coolant.

For today, heating with a coal boiler is the most comfortable option for heating a private house for its occupants.


In addition to obvious advantages, coal systems have some drawbacks in their work. They are few, but they are quite significant:

  • high cost of the boiler for coal firing on the background of conventional devices (1.5-2 times higher);
  • similar performance with other types of heating at a higher cost;
  • dependence on the source of electricity;
  • the lack of the possibility of additional laying of coal after the start of the combustion process - additional portions can not already be reported until the combustion of the previous ones is complete.

However, the overall effectiveness of coal appliances still attracts buyers so much that few people stop these shortcomings.

Types of heating devices

Modern manufacturers offer basically two types of such devices. Heating boilers on coal are as follows:

  • Solid fuel with the principle of burning "from top to bottom";
  • automatic, with a burner and a coal feeder.

Each variety is purchased by the buyer independing on the availability of funds and the prospective intensity of use of the device. Both types of boilers are quite versatile, they can use wood and coal briquettes for burning.

long burning boiler
The choice is also made on the basis of operational features, after analyzing the merits and demerits of each type, especially the possibilities of supplying the appropriate fuel.

Fuel Difference

The essential lack of wood is the rate of its combustion and the constant need to control the heating process, when often it is necessary to add raw materials to the furnace.

solid fuel boilers
In turn, coal for boilers is substantiallymore economical and more convenient. It burns or smolts much longer, for him long-combustion chambers have been designed, which allows to keep heat in the system stably and long.

Что загружать в котлы:coal, firewood or other raw materials - every home owner decides for himself. It should be borne in mind that the lack of firewood - in their low density and mass. Coal produces more thermal energy with a similar volume, burns much longer.

coal heating boilers
Но уголь также различается по маркам – разные The types of this fuel burn faster or slower. In this case, even ordinary coal grades allow increasing breaks between loads for several hours (depending on the volume of the loading chamber, the interval can be up to 4-5 hours).

Boilers for solid fuels

Solid fuel boilers on coal - popularcylindrical devices that have a large combustion chamber. As the fuel burns down, the mass of coal decreases, the remains fall on the grate of the ash chamber. Controls the combustion of a special fan. Coal is crushed by a load, and scatterers of the air mass operate from below.

The intensity of work is dictated by the built-inthermostat with a chain drive. The air is supplied naturally. In some device brands, the temperature is controlled by sensors that report measurements to the control unit, and it controls the flap of the telescopic tube.


An automatic boiler on coal usually hasstructure in the form of pellets. They allow you to use a burner and a spare fuel bunker. The heat exchange sector is similar to the analog of a traditional boiler - a fire-tube principle or a multi-path unit is used.

The burner has a retort design:bowl, feeding auger, reducer, electric motor, fan blows air. Coal moves from the hopper along the auger and gets into the bowl, and through it through the side slits air enters through the blowing by the fan.

All processes in this device are automated - from ignition to final combustion.

automatic coal boiler
The fuel reserve is not limited, it can also be poured. Such a boiler requires stopping and cleaning, additional maintenance about once per week.

Additional Details

The boiler has a long burning on coalthe possibility of making changes in the design in order to modernize it and increase efficiency. For example, for more uniform heating of the whole house and continuous work, you can purchase additional components:

  • UPS device - uninterruptible power supply,which will protect the house from jumps in the power supply network. After a power outage, the procedure for forcing air into the fuel chamber will still continue. The duration of the boiler operation in this case depends on the total power and energy intensity of the UPS.
  • Circulation pump that will haveadditional support for the natural circulation of the heat carrier. Natural processes, for all their simplicity and efficiency, are not always a profitable option or are unsafe in operation, contrary to safety regulations. With the pump, it is possible to create a forced flow of heated fluid and thus significantly improve the performance of a unit such as a coal-fired boiler.
  • Indirect heating boiler - relevant for single circuit devices. The boiler will provide the entire house with hot water heated from the appliance.

Cost and brands

Similar boiler whose price is on averageis 300-700 dollars depending on the model, for most buyers is not an affordable option, even given its high efficiency. Usually, the need for autonomous heating with the use of coal arises from the inhabitants of rural areas, in cottage settlements, and farms. Of course, this price justifies itself, given the efficiency and convenience of the device.

boiler price
However, it is possible to reach the level of payback only after 5-6 years of continuous use of such a coal-fired heating boiler with regular supply of raw materials.

Today such brands are common on the market.boilers like Depro, Heiztechnik, Mart, Stropuva, ​​Liepsnele and others, including domestic ones. Most of the producing companies are interested in distributing their products and are going to meet customers - they announce stocks, make discounts or produce simplified models in the economic segment. Some solutions and technologies can significantly reduce the price of devices with the principle of upper combustion.

coal for boilers
Therefore, we can naturally expect lower prices for this type of heating systems.

Owner feedback

Opinions of users of this device do not greatly differ in overall assessment.

boilers coal firewood
The coal boiler is recognized by most buyers.very profitable and easy to use device. Lithuanian products by Stropuva have a good reputation, which, unfortunately, is not affordable for everyone. The German coal boiler Heiztechnik also enjoys well-deserved popularity.

Many stop the fact that sometimesindividual areas there are difficulties with the supply of fuel. It is easier and cheaper to order wood, despite its high consumption. The boiler, the price of which for most is overwhelming, becomes a cherished dream of many farmers and residents of suburbs or villages. After all, in their opinion, with such a heating device, it is not necessary to think about the conditions of livestock maintenance, it is easy to warm the house and the outhouse.

In general, the coal unit is a profitable and worthy purchase for the farm, which will solve a lot of pressing issues.

So, we found out what the heating boilers are on coal.