/ / How to make a Christmas tree with your own hands with your child

How to make a Christmas tree with your own hands with your child

New Year is a wonderful family holiday.This is the time when everything around is transformed. Everywhere brightly adorn the garland. Shopping centers, theaters, movie centers are decorated. The same happens in apartments and houses. Everything is preparing for the New Year. Right now you can not just decorate your house with a baby, but also make a lot of New Year's crafts. These gifts your kid will give to family and friends or decorate his room.

To introduce the New Year without a Christmas tree is impossible, so the point in this article will be how to make a New Year tree with your own hands with the child.

For a basis we take a Christmas tree made in the form of a cone.

We will need:Whatman, glue, scotch, scissors, New Year's tinsel, Christmas decorations, rain, colorful garlands, threads of different colors and thickness, a needle, cones and everything that you think is necessary for decorating a Christmas tree.

1 option

First, a cone is made from the sheet of Whatman. This will be the basis for our Christmas tree. You can color the cone in green, and you can leave it as it is.

Now fix the tape at the base of the Christmas treea garland of green color and begin to spiral our cone. Each new row is fixed with adhesive tape. The child can do this himself, the main thing is to control how securely the garland is attached to the cone.

The end of the garland is fixed at the very top of the cone with an adhesive tape.

Now you can decorate our Christmas tree with various ornaments, ribbons and cones. If the first option of how to make a tree with your own hands is clear, then the other two are variations on the same topic.

Option 2

Very often not all electrogars are used to decorate a house. Here is one such garland you can take to make a Christmas tree with your own hands.

At the very beginning, the electrogarlands are curled together with a Christmas tree garland of green color.

Now the cone is also made from Whatman, andThe resulting construction wraps around the cone. At the same time, it should be taken into account that the end of the garland with the plug should be located at the very bottom, otherwise the wires may not be enough to turn on the garland.

In this case, after the Christmas tree itself is made, decorating it with toys should not be. The design is already heavier due to the electrogarlands, and can not withstand the additional weight of jewelry.

This herringbone can be used in the forma wonderful New Year fairy lamp. In this version, the child can also help wrap around the cone a harness from the garlands, but the luminaire must only be connected to an adult.

Do not forget to tell your child first how to make a Christmas tree with your own hands, so that he immediately imagines what is his job.

3 option

This method is more laborious, requires more assiduity. Pre-schoolers and junior schoolchildren need help in how to make a Christmas tree. With his hands, without the control of adults, it will be difficult to cope with this.

As in the first two cases, the cone is first made. Then wrapped in polyethylene.

Now you need to prepare glue for furtherwork. To do this, glue PVA and water in a ratio of 1/1. Now we take different threads, abundantly grease them with glue and start wrapping around the cone in any directions along and across. The child can help apply glue and wrap the cone. The main thing is, after finishing the work, immediately wash your hands thoroughly. Frozen PVA glue is very poorly washed.

As a result, we should have a grid withcells of different size and shape. The smaller the cells and the more spent threads, the stronger will be the further design. We leave for a day, so that the glue on the threads is dried.

Now we cut out from the paper different New Year figures, we make ribbons from ribbons. Lubricate with plenty of glue and glue our decorations to the net. Once again, leave herringbone for a day to dry.

Then carefully remove the cone.We have a light and airy Christmas tree. Work on this Christmas souvenir took several days. This is one of the most beautiful options for making a Christmas tree with your own hands. Many friends and family will be delighted and will not believe that the Christmas tree is made with the participation of your child.