/ / How to lay gazobloki: stages of work and features

How to put gas blocks: work stages and features

If you study technology that talks abouthow to put a gas block, you can build a garage, bath or house without the help of specialists, which will save on expensive services. It is important to learn about the method of work, as well as what solution for the installation of products should be used.

Preparation of tools

how to lay a gas block

Before laying aerated concrete it will be necessary to prepare a set of certain tools, among them:

  • building level;
  • rubber mallet;
  • plane;
  • fittings;
  • marking cord;
  • hacksaw with large teeth for aerated concrete;
  • electric or manual wall chaser;
  • narrow brush to remove dust from the roadway.

Once the above tools are ready, you can begin laying the material.

Cement preparation

how to put gazobloki

Many novice masters think aboutthe question of whether to put the gas block on the solution. The specialists, answering, emphasize that the cement-sand mortar is used only for the first row of blocks, the strength, reliability and durability of the future structure will depend on how even the products will be located in it.

For the preparation of cement mortar will need:

  • sand;
  • water;
  • shovel;
  • cement;
  • soap solution.

One spade of cement is poured into the tank,to which should be added three shovels of sand. The ingredients are mixed dry and then a bucket of water is added to them. When mixing the solution, you should use one drop of dishwashing detergent, which will help eliminate the effect of settling the mixture on the bottom. Among other things, mixing will be much easier. The amount of water may vary depending on the initial density of the solution. It should be mixed until a homogeneous mass, the only way you will ensure its normal distribution.

Stacking blocks in the front row

how to put gazobloki on glue

Before you put the aerocrete with your own hands, youshould know that the quality of further work will depend on the correct location of the products in the first row. Bricks should ideally fit each other, otherwise the wall will have the wrong geometry. Due to the fact that aerated concrete is prone to excessive absorption of moisture, water should not be drained from the foundation. To this end, a waterproofing material on a bitumen base is lined on the base of the house, masonry works can be started on its surface.

The very first stacked blocks in the cornersfoundation, the first one is installed in the highest place of all the others. This point can be determined using the construction level. The first row is placed on the solution, the thickness of the seam at the same time should be equal to two centimeters. The correct location of the blocks should be checked using the building level, measurements should be carried out in all planes. Before putting the gas block, in the gap between the four products exposed at the corners, it is necessary to tighten the marking cord, and it will determine the location of other products. If the length of the wall was more than 10 m, then in the central part one more block should be located, which will act as an additional beacon and will not allow the rope to sag.

Methods of work

how to put a gazobloki do it yourself

In order to fit the bricks to each other,A rubber mallet should be used, and the surface of the products should be tapped gently. Once the lighthouses have been perfectly aligned, you can begin filling the row. It also happens that along the length of the wall it is not possible to locate only solid products, for this reason additional bricks have to be used. The blocks are cut to the required size using a hacksaw with large teeth. Internal bearing walls are made of blocks of the same thickness as external ones. Work on their formation should be carried out simultaneously. In the outer brick, you need to cut a quarter and insert the inner block into it, having missed the space with an adhesive solution.

In the process of laying should be ligatedon exterior and interior walls. The offset between two adjacent rows should be 8 cm or more. In those places where it is planned to build partitions, flexible links should be laid in the bearing walls. They are fixed in the products with the help of nails, as an alternative solution, bricking in the seam is used.

Advice from a specialist

how to put the first row of gazoblok

If you have a question about how to putgas block, then after the completion of the first row you will have to wait 2 hours, which will leave for the mortar to set. Subsequent rows are stacked on the adhesive mixture. The laid row must be rubbed with a plane so that the subsequent rows lie down as smoothly as possible. This also applies to the side surfaces, which makes it easier to plaster the walls. After grinding, the resulting dust is removed from the base; it is useful for filling technological holes, for example, for carrying grooves. If necessary, fill the resulting dust is mixed with masonry mortar.

For reference

is it possible to put a gas block on the solution

Before laying the gas block, preparespecial carriage, with which it will be convenient to apply glue to the surface. The glue is spread on the side bases with a trowel, bucket or notched trowel.

Glue or mortar

how to put gazobloki on glue

If you have a question about how toput the aerocrete, then you should think about the choice between the solution and the adhesive mixture. The advantage of the latter is that it can be used to form two times thinner seams. This helps to save material and justifies the use of the composition. In order to ensure the normal quality of the masonry, there will be enough a seam whose thickness varies from 2 to 5 mm.

Reinforcement features

Как правильно класть первый ряд газоблока, было described in detail above, now it's the turn to get acquainted with the technology of reinforcement of the main masonry. To do this, every three to four rows should be made in the products grooves, which should be located on the upper face of the block. They are filled with glue, and then supplemented with bars of reinforcement. In this case, the metal elements must be fully immersed in the mixture. If the bearing wall is being laid, the reinforcement is made in two rows. When you are faced with the task of how to put gas blocks on glue correctly, you should become familiar with how window openings are reinforced. Two rows of grooves are made for them, which project 50 cm beyond the window.

Reinforcement of partitions

For the redevelopment of the building should be usedpartitions, which can also be created from aerated concrete blocks. When snapping the partition to the wall, it is necessary to use grooves into which the protrusions of the blocks are directed. In order to connect several partitions with each other, you should use the method of cutting a quarter of a block. The partition must also imply the need for reinforcement. However, its laying is carried out in one row, and the elements are removed from each other by three to four rows. The installation of partitions must be accompanied by a device of a reliable foundation, among other things, it is important to take care of the presence of waterproofing.

Nuances of reinforcement

If you think about how to lay gazobloki onglue, you should be more familiar with the method of reinforcement. If we neglect this stage, then light cracks will disperse along the walls of the house. In addition to horizontal, there is also a vertical reinforcement, which is not considered mandatory. When arranging the two shtrobov should retreat from the edge of the masonry 60 mm. As reinforcement steel corrugated rods should be used, the diameter of which is 8 mm. In order to tie the two rods, they are overlapped with a width of 300 mm. At the corners of the grooves should have a rounded look. As soon as the element is inside the grooves, remove excess glue.


Many novice masters think howto put walls from the gas block. There are many nuances of work, one of which is the possibility of using a manual wall chaser. Using it, it is quite difficult to arrange the shafts, but in order to make them even, you should lay a straight board on a number of blocks and strengthen it with nails. According to it, the strobe will be made.

Features of vertical reinforcement

Another way to strengthen the walls of a house fromaerated - vertical reinforcement. It runs in the corners and some walls of the building. This technology allows you to connect the base of the building with the upper monolithic belt. The advantages can be identified additional stability of the building against the wind, but there are also disadvantages, one of which is expressed in the creation of cold bridges.


Although aerated concrete is considered sufficientlightweight material, and the construction with its use can be conducted independently, transportation can not be carried out without the involvement of special equipment. The weight of one unit can reach 26 kg, while the mass of products in a pallet is equal to a ton.