/ / Dieffenbachia: care, planting, cultivation, description, signs

Dieffenbachia: care, planting, cultivation, description, signs

Probably, many of us have first-hand knowledge ofthis beautiful plant. His content at home is often associated with a variety of false judgments and assumptions about the benefits or harms to humans. What does the diffenbachia look like? Is it safe to keep it at home? Let's talk about this further.

flower of diffenbachia


Цветок диффенбахия - вечнозеленое многолетнее plant of the family. Homeland - South American continent. In nature there are more than 30 species of this plant. Dieffenbachia is quite fast. There are species that grow up to 2 m in the course of five to six years, or even more, but in the home conditions of this height the bush reaches quite rarely.

diffenbachia species

What does the diffenbachia look like?

The common sign of all diffenbahia is juicy thickStalk, on which are located oval, large "patchy" leaves. Thanks to the efforts of breeders today there are many varieties and hybrids of this plant. The growth point is located on the top of the shoot, although there are some species whose dormant points are located at the base of the shoots, so that they can grow with a bush. The inflorescence of the diffenbachia is in the form of an ear, but at home the flower blooms very rarely. But for the flower growers the plant is not interested in flowering. They are attracted by beautiful, large variegated leaves, which in different varieties have a different color.

Looks dienenbachia (flower care wewe will consider further) very effectively, therefore it is often used for gardening of rooms, living rooms, glazed balconies, verandas. As the shrub quickly releases new leaves and dumps the lower ones, its trunk is bare, and the external decorative appearance considerably worsens. To prevent this from happening, the plant needs to be renewed by trimming the tip, which can then be rooted. If this is not done, the flower of the diffenbachia will tilt, take a horizontal position. Since the trunk is fragile enough, it can easily break off under its own weight.

diffenbahia why can not be kept at home

When growing this flower, you need to remember thatdamaged stems and leaves emit a poisonous juice that can burn the mucous membranes if accidentally ingested into the nose, eyes, or mouth. Therefore, the plant is not put in children's rooms.

Behind the diffenbachia, care is not difficult. Grow a beautiful flower even a beginner can. This houseplant is very unpretentious.

why yellow dienenbachia

Basic views

The most common types of diffenbachia are:

  • spotted;
  • variegated (colored).

These plants have a large juicy stem andelongated, oval bright green and large leaves with white stripes and spots. The variegated diffenbahia grows to a height of 2 m, and the spotted - no more than a meter, but its leaves are slightly larger, and on the top they are more pointed. It was the spotted diffenbachia that became the basis for most of the derived varieties and hybrids. Its most popular varieties are:

  • Vesuvio is a medium-tall, elegant plant with narrow, delicate, white leaves and a green patch on white petioles;
  • Camilla is considered one of the most hardybushy varieties, thanks to which, and gained great popularity among the florists. Creamy-white lanceolate leaves along the edge are surrounded by a light-green rim;
  • Compacta is a dense, neat bush that has green leaves with light speckles located along the central vein.

Существует множество других видов диффенбахии.The most common: Leopold, Charming (or Pleasant), Seguin, Oersted, Magnificent, Large-leaved, Bauman, Bauze. Each species has a variety of varieties and hybrids.

what does dieffenbachia look like

Dieffenbachia: home care

This plant prefers scattered brightlight without direct sunlight. Moreover, varieties with motley leaves need more light than with monochromatic green ones, since otherwise their original color begins to turn pale. The most suitable place for this plant is the distance from the brightly lit window - 1-2 m. You can keep the diffenbachia away from the window, but in this case it is necessary to turn on artificial lighting, otherwise the plant will stretch and quickly turn into a brittle and thin tree with a bundle of leaves from above . The air temperature should be at least 15-17 ° C. It is very important in this case that there are no drafts, since the plant will begin to lose its leaves.


In the warmer months, the dieffenbachia needs to be watered abundantly, but at the same time it is impossible to pour in much. In winter, watering is reduced, but the land should not dry out.

Air humidity

Since the humidity of this plant is at homehigh, it is necessary to regularly spray and wash the leaves, as due to the dryness of the air, the edges of the leaves begin to dry. It is desirable to do this procedure as often as possible. Both for wiping, and for watering, and for spraying, you should use only boiled or distilled water.


Диффенбахия комнатная нуждается в сезонных feedings. Fertilize the plant in the spring-summer period once a decade, introducing liquid organic or mineral fertilizers. But it must be remembered that varieties of dieffenbachia having white leaves from nitrogen, which is part of complex fertilizers, lose this varietal property and become greenish, therefore they are fertilized not with organic matter, but with mineral supplements (once every three weeks).

Dieffenbachia room

Dieffenbachia Transplant

Ее производят по мере заполнения пространства pot rooted. The best time for this procedure is spring. The pot is picked up a little more in diameter than the old one, poured a drainage layer into it and rolled over to Dieffenbachia along with an earthy clod. Then add the required amount of substrate:

  • leaf earth (two parts);
  • peat (one part);
  • crushed sphagnum (one part);
  • river sand (part).

Diseases and pests

Dieffenbachia most often affect such harmfulinsects such as spider mites, aphids, thrips, scutes, and mealybugs. They are controlled mechanically by removing them with a sponge moistened in a soapy solution with further washing of the plant with a large amount of water. If the infection is very strong, the bushes are treated with a solution of karbofos or actellica.

Sometimes dieffenbachia begins to hurt bacteriosis. It is expressed by the appearance of watery areas on the leaves. Unfortunately, this disease is bacterial, and therefore incurable.

Root can also ruin an adult plantrot. First, it affects the underground, and then the ground part of the plant. If you see areas with a light gray bloom, you need to take urgent measures: reduce watering, replace the substrate, and treat with a fungicide.

dieffenbachia disease

Dieffenbachia begins to turn yellow

Amateur flower growers often ask whyis yellow dieffenbachia? This is primarily due to improper care of the plant. One of the reasons was a violation of the temperature regime: the room was too cold or the flower was in a draft. Also, the reason may be a lack of nutrients in the soil or watering with too hard water. Yellow leaves at Dieffenbachia and due to the defeat of the root system rot.

Why does dieffenbachia dry?

If the lower leaves turn yellow, dry and fall, thenThis is a natural process that, unfortunately, cannot be prevented. If the trunk is very exposed, then it's time for Diefenbachia to be rejuvenated by cutting. But if young leaves have started to dry, the reason is most likely due to insufficient watering, cold air or draft.

Why dieffenbachia fades?

If the leaves and dry soil are lowered, thenthe plant is rarely watered, but if the substrate is wet and leaves are lowered, the root system should be checked for rot. When it is detected, the roots should be cleared from the ground, the rotten areas removed with a sharp instrument, the wounds should be treated with ground cinnamon or crushed coal, and the flower should be transplanted into a new soil.

Plant hazard

There is a perception among people that this plant is notas innocent as it seems at first glance. Why can not keep Dieffenbachia at home? What can it do harm? One of the main disadvantages of this flower is the juice of the stem and leaves. When it gets on the skin, itching, redness, swelling appear, and allergic reactions appear only after some time, and sometimes after a whole day. Therefore, it is necessary to prevent the ingress of toxic liquid on the mucous membrane and skin. It is not recommended to keep the flower in an accessible place for children, to reproduce and to change without gloves. If you follow all precautions, the plant will not cause serious harm to health.

There are many folk signs, relying onwhich can be answered to the question of why you can not keep dieffenbachia at home. The most common among them is the "flower of celibacy." There is a superstition that the plant prevents the meeting with the second half, the creation of marriage and condemns solitude. In addition, it is believed that the flower has a negative energy, which can destroy marriage, bring misfortune and misfortune.

Beneficial features

One of the advantages of this indoor plantis the purification of air in the apartments. It is not only capable of intensively emit oxygen, but also absorb formaldehyde fumes, which are released, for example, from finishing materials, stretch ceilings, furniture. Also, dieffenbachia (flower care, we discussed in the article) produces a special enzyme that cleans the air from various pathogenic viruses and microbes.