/ / Elevator equipment installation technology

Elevator equipment installation technology

Работы по установке лифтового оборудования represent a complex technological process, which involves the implementation of a whole complex of diverse operations. At the same time, the techniques of performing these works differ depending on the parameters lift systems and conditions her operation. Requirements for the installation of elevator equipment are approved in a special section of GOST under the symbol 22845-77.

installation of elevator equipment

General requirements for installation work

Installation of elevators can be done only by qualified teams of workers who have the appropriate license or admission. SRO. Also and the equipment used must comply with technical standards and be selected with considering operating conditions at a particular facility. In progress the implementation of working actions at the place of installation is organized by temporary lighting, the parameters of which are approved by GOST. Installation of elevator equipment is carried out at illumination not less than 50 lx lamps, which are supplied with energy from sources with a voltage of not more than 42 B. Instruments lighting should be located above the scaffolding so that their enclosures and communication networks do not interfere with the performance of work. Everything openings doors at the time of installation are provided with fences with a height of at least 110 cm.

Preparatory activities

delivery and installation of elevator equipment

At the first stage, the walls of the mine are made,which then makes cutting of technical seams without the allowance of hollows for the entire width. After this, the surfaces can be treated with plaster and paintwork. Prior to the start of installation work, the equipment is prepared by the manufacturer. As part of these activities, the technical condition of the structure, assemblies and functional mechanisms is checked. Depending on the arrangements with the customer, delivery and installation of elevatorequipment can be made by the same manufacturer according to its own instructions. But before that, the customer must also transfer to the performers the necessary documentation with requirements for the possibilities of operating the elevator. On based on common source documentation the project of installation works is developed.

Installation of the structural part

installation of elevator equipment in a monolithic mine

New buildings are equipped with elevator units withusing cargo cranes. To this end, the engine room was originally designed to further consolidate the structure. In this way, installation of elevator equipment is carried out in a monolithic shaft, which is specifically calculated for the characteristics of a specific unit. The main operations are connected with the installation of bearing elements by welding. Then reinforcement work is carried out in the course of which set the working platform on the shaft of the mine, as well as the installation of metal rods - horizontal and vertical.

Formwork measures involvebase markings, installation of braces and processing of the panels with special lubricant. Next, workers move to assembly operations on the external and internal contours. If the installation of elevator equipment is made on a concrete base with the creation of a screed, then further operations should be carried out after the mortar is completely set. Depending on the same operating conditions, additional insulation may be arranged in the main part of the installation work. Usually, the equipment is initially selected taking into account the optimal characteristics of insulation and sound absorption, but if necessary, these properties can be achieved through the exterior of the panels, for example foam or mineral wool.

Electric installation work

GOST installation of elevator equipment

At this stage, electricians do the power wiring, install grounding and zoned шины, а также подсоединяют кабельные линии к electrical equipment. Using a megohm meter, the insulation resistance on the wires as well as the voltage level is checked. Electrical equipment is usually mated with local or own stabilizing equipment to provide additional protection against voltage drops. It is desirable for this to use stand-alone equipment with backup power supply. In accordance with the regulations, the installation of elevator equipment includes the installation of fire-fighting systems. This also applies to temporary devices for the period of working events, and permanent fire extinguishing equipment, which is connected to the main power supply system of the elevator.

Commissioning activities

Verification of the lift construction is performed by tests on to all range of operating parameters under load. Also optimum modes and settings of work of the equipment with considering the nature of the intended use. At the very beginning of the test, manufacturers recommend performing a test run at full height. And the cabin is started up manually for score efforts winch. This the operation will allow to estimate the size of the gaps, the quality of operation of the locking mechanisms and safety devices. In addition, the requirements for the installation of lift equipment relate to the initial calculation load balancing with counterweights. In the event of violations in the design (from point of view accuracy of direction when the mass is shifted at a particular site), workers re-adjust the position of the platform. Adjustment for accuracy is carried out in two modes - with a load and without it.

requirements for the installation of elevator equipment


The quality of the installation of elevator systems does not dependnot only on the qualifications of the artists, but also on the design task. It should take into account the parameters of the optimal design of the equipment, and the characteristics of the building in which the operation of the unit is planned. In addition, the installation of elevator equipment may suggest deviations from a given sequence of work, if there are unplanned factors of influence. Usually, such corrections are made at the mine construction stages, when, for example, one should expect polymerization of the same screed. Depending on the external conditions, this time may take several days, therefore, industrial heating equipment is often used to speed up the process of freezing the platform.