/ / Crane for radiators: types, purpose, installation

Crane for radiators: types, purpose, installation

A modern radiator is enoughfunctional device. To the battery, pipes of central or autonomous heating systems are connected by means of threads or fittings. At first glance it may seem that the heat exchanger is self-sufficient and there is no need to equip it with any other technical elements. But in case of unforeseen circumstances, a crane for heating radiators, as well as various valves, can help. Let's look at the types of cranes for batteries that are used today, explore their capabilities, functionality. Also find out how they are installed.

Purpose of the shut-off valve

Modern heating systems can completelyit is normal to operate without the need for additional attachments. The premises will be heated in any case. But there are a lot of situations where the absence of stopcocks and other similar equipment greatly affects the usability.

fittings for heating
For example, one of the situations - a primitive accident,when the radiator flows. To eliminate such an annoying problem, it is necessary to disconnect the entire riser, the entrance of a multi-storey building, and in particularly serious situations - even the whole residential block. Also, the shut-off valves for heating allow you to adjust the performance of the heating batteries. In the best case, when installing heat exchangers, they are equipped with simple ball valves. Most often there are three. One is designed for installation on the supply of a coolant, the second is for a tap, and the third is mounted on a bypass. In addition to the supply put an adjustment valve. It can regulate the coolant head. The heating battery itself is equipped with a Mayevsky crane to facilitate air bleeding. Such a scheme is not a redundant option, although four devices are used here. In the kit they can solve a lot of useful tasks.


The crane for radiators of heating will be extremelyIt is useful in the case when it is necessary to dismantle the battery for cleaning it from blockages without draining the coolant. Also, radiators are removed to eliminate leaks. Cranes of the type of Mayevsky allow you to get rid of air congestion that formed in the system. Often, air is formed in the upper parts of the heat exchangers.

crane of the Maya price
There is a fundamentally different stop valves- These are valves for radiators with a thermostat. They are equipped with thermostatic heads, by means of which the heating of heating batteries is regulated. Such a complex allows to reliably protect the heat exchanger and the heating system from any failures, allows to control the efficiency of supply of premises with heat. The devices of the stop valves are much cheaper than any repairs due to radiator leaks.

Differences from ordinary

A customary crane can perform a variety offunctions, depending on which design the product is and what its operating principle is. Also, the functionality depends on the materials from which this or that device is made. Naturally, any cranes, or rather, the devices of shut-off valves for heating appliances, are slightly different from the traditional mixers that are available in each bathroom or kitchen. The devices of the stop valves must meet certain basic operational requirements. So, the maximum temperature of the coolant can not be more than 200 degrees. Pressure - from 16 to 40 atm. Cranes and other similar elements must be resistant to corrosion and mechanical wear.

For work in heating systems,Special models of valves and shut-off valves. For those who want to save money and want to install ordinary devices designed for working with cold water, it must be said that such an approach is fundamentally wrong. Devices designed for less aggressive conditions can simply not withstand the loads and quickly fail.

Types of devices of shut-off valves for heating systems

Normal and efficient operation of any systemsHeating in many respects depends on whether the locking elements are correctly selected. There are several types of cranes that are suitable for different tasks.


For the production of stop valves most oftenuse brass, steel, cast iron and plastic. For domestic heating systems, the most preferable is the brass faucet. The cost of such an element is higher than that of a steel product. But its characteristics can not be compared in efficiency with any other materials. The temperature range and operating pressure that the material withstands can not be compared with plastic. Unlike steel and cast-iron products, the brass tap is not corroded. This is a big plus.

Connection type

All locking devices for heating systems, outsidedepending on the type and type, are equipped with an American connection. This method of connection allows you to install and dismantle the batteries without changing the design of the entire system. Often, when installing individual heating systems, a faucet is used for heating radiators of ½ inch. Less commonly, you can find devices with a connection type of ¾ inch.

Ball valve

This element is called because of its device.The locking mechanism, which is located inside the device, has the form of a ball with an aperture. The principle of operation of such a device is simple. It consists in the fact that with one turn of the handle it is possible to stop the supply of coolant through the pipes of the system.

cranes for radiators with a thermostat
This can be very useful if accidents occur(for example, a breakthrough in the water supply system). The ball element allows quick and easy shut off the hot water supply. If a screw valve for heating radiators were used for the same purpose, then it would take considerably longer to shut off the water supply. In addition to spherical mechanisms, there are also analogues on sale. Here, the locking part may have a conical or cylindrical shape. However, according to performance characteristics, ball products are the most effective. Cone instruments are inferior at least in that they are subject to higher wear.

If you cut the device, then inside you canSee the metal ball and the gasket, which ensures tightness when the valve is closed. Polymer ball valves have recently appeared on the market. They can be installed on any type of radiator. Metal products are also on sale. Often, brass or brass alloys are used.

Ball valves for radiatorshave only two working positions - hence their name. This is a stop valve. In the market you can find cranes with three possible positions. They are also suitable for work with radiators. The peculiarity of them is that there are three positions. The flow of the coolant itself can be directed in two directions. The cost of ball valves is small. Elements have a simple design, their installation also does not require special skills and equipment.

About the choice of ball valves

Regarding the selection of this lockdevice, it is necessary to take into account the overall dimensions of the device, the type of metal or alloy. The material is very important, as when connecting the element to the radiator, galvanic pairs should not be formed.

When choosing, it is necessary to pay attention todimensions of the hole in the locking part. There are full-bore cranes, standard and incomplete. In full bore, the size of the inner hole fully corresponds to the internal size of the pipe. Due to this, after installing the device in the open state, it will not reduce the volume of the coolant that enters the radiator.

Diameter of aperture of a lock part in standardcranes are 20% smaller than the internal dimensions of the pipe. When operating such models, the heat transfer of the radiator is reduced by 10-15%. Incomplete passages have a very small opening in the shut-off ball - the coolant flow rate is reduced by half.

Stop valve

This category of equipment is suitable forconnection of heating batteries in a system with two pipes. Due to the design, these valves allow the flow of the heat-transfer agent to be quickly cut off into the radiator, without completely shutting down the heating system. Shut-off valves are also very convenient for draining water from the heat exchanger.

stopcocks for radiators
With regard to the desirability of acquiring andinstallation of this particular solution, then from the technical side there is no particular difference between such a valve and a ball valve. If the simplest thermoregulator is installed on the pipe that supplies the coolant, then both options will work completely the same. However, the check valves are different in design. The ball valve can only be opened or closed.
adjusting valves for radiators
A valve allows you to regulate the flow of hot water in the system. Also on the device there is no valve for turning. The cost of the shut-off valve is slightly higher than the ball valve.

Cranes of the Mayevsky

Heating systems are closedThe circuit in which the coolant is constantly circulating. If an air stopper appears in it, then the heat transfer of the system is significantly reduced. And this is the best thing that can happen. In such situations, there are risks of freezing the system. To eliminate such plugs in heating systems, the Mayevsky crane is applied. The price of the device starts from 100 rubles. This is an inexpensive, but necessary and very effective device.

brass faucet
If you turn the valve on the valve all the way, you canTo hear the air coming out, if there is one. After the whole cork comes out, the mechanism can be closed. Air is released from the hole with a diameter of 2 mm. This hole is in a plastic gasket or in a brass body. On sale is a simple or automatic crane Maevsky.

crane for radiators
The price for automatic solutions is higher and starts at 350 rubles. But such instruments are much more convenient.

Adjusting cranes

These products belong to the group of shut-off and regulatingdevices. However, they completely overlap the heat carrier flow, they are extremely rare. Therefore, if a crane is installed in the system, the ball valve is still necessary.

Adjusting valves for radiators -These are the devices by which the amount of heat transfer fluid that passes through the heat exchanger changes. So you can change the modes of heating the air in the premises.

The principle of operation of the device is quite simple.The flow of hot water is regulated by a cone. The latter is raised or lowered by rotation of the handle. There are valves of such a plan with a direct or lateral type of connection. As for the materials, this is bronze and brass. On sale, you can find nickel-plated reinforcement from these materials. There are also devices made of stainless steel. But this is a great rarity due to the high price.

What do you need to know about the control valve?

By installing such a valve on the battery, it is possible to significantly reduce the amount of heat transfer medium passing through the heat exchanger.

regulating fittings for heating
Even when the control valves for heatingcompletely open, the bandwidth will be hardly more than half. Install this equipment if the room is too hot. As one of the possible options - you can find a device with a greater throughput. Minus such cranes - because of the small transmission diameter, such instruments are often clogged.

Mounting Features

Ball valves on heating batteries most oftenare installed on the reverse system. The valves are mounted on one or more batteries if the sum of the heat transfer values ​​is more than 50% of the total value. The remaining instruments are equipped with a valve on the supply pipe and ball valves.

"American" is always equipped with one or twounion nuts. This method of installation is much simpler than a coupling. For polypropylene pipes ball valves made of metal are mounted using special couplings. The threads must be compacted. The Mayevsky cranes are often equipped with a sealant. Therefore, they do not need additional sealing.

So, we have found out the types and differences of the valves.