/ / Steam insulation for bath: types and installation

Steam insulation for baths: types and installation

Insulation coatings in the bath have a specialthe value due to the specifics of the operation of its premises. Of course, the tasks of heat conservation and moisture protection come to the fore, but the issue of water vapor retention is equally important. Its selection during the operation of the furnace structure has a detrimental effect on the state of the surfaces of the walls and ceiling, not to mention the dampness of the building frame in the long term. Therefore, a proper vapor barrier for the bath, which can be implemented in different ways, is required.

Film steam insulators

The most common delivery formatinsulators that protect against moisture and steam. Usually, rolled materials of blue, green and yellow color are offered for protection against water vapor. There are also special modifications reinforced with fiberglass or plastic, but for the bath there is no particular need for such a reinforcement. It should be borne in mind that in terms of strength and mechanical protection in general, the simplest insulators made of polyethylene essentially lose to their competitive analogues.

Vapor barrier bath room

Дело в том, что правильная пароизоляция потолка baths as the most exposed surface, involves the circumvention of several functional devices. This applies to lighting devices, chimney, ventilation ducts, etc. However, film coatings are recommended to be used on even and flat surfaces without joints. This allows you to provide the most effective protection without using additional clamps and sealers.

Foil materials

Also a kind of film insulators, butderived in a separate group of protective coatings. Today practically there are no vapor-insulators of this type without the function of hydroprotection, therefore we can count on the complex protection of the internal surfaces of the bath from the destruction of the structure. Also, a layer of aluminum foil contributes to the warming function. The outer surface of the material reflects the heat generated by the furnace, thereby preventing it from passing through the cold bridges in the walls.

As for the strength properties, thereliable foil vapor barrier for the bath is made on the basis of Kraft paper with the processing of metallized Dacron. The structure of this material, on the one hand, does not allow steam, and on the other, reflects the thermal energy in the room. The very same foil base successfully withstands elevated temperatures - as noted by the manufacturers, the insulation withstands up to +140 ° C.

Steam insulation for the bath

Coating vapor barrier

Variety of sealant that is easy to apply.on problem areas in order to improve the protective properties of the surface. The composition of such insulators usually include bitumen-polymer combinations. After applying the tool hardens and forms a film coating. But, unlike polyethylene, the layer on the basis of polymers completely adjusts to the relief of the target surface. And the smallest, and large defects do not affect the tightness of processing.

But there are difficulties in the use of such funds.First, the vapor barrier for the bath is easily subjected to mechanical damage, so it may require additional moisture resistant primer. Secondly, the bitumen base in some compositions assumes the initial heating of the structure to the formation of a fusible consistency. For this operation, you need a gas burner and additional consumables in the form of a primer.

Vapor barrier in the structure of the finishing coating

Before considering the implementation technologyinstallation work, it is worth getting acquainted with the principal device of steam insulation in the structure of the target surface. The skin “pie” will have to have a substrate that follows the wall frame (made of brick, wood, block, etc.). Next, start the first layers of waterproofing and insulation. Since the heat insulator is usually carried out in the form of mats and slabs, then it will require a sheathing, in the sections of which warm sheets will be placed. This is followed by hydroprotection and a reinforcing layer (if necessary).

Steam insulation bath foil

Одним из последних пластов будет пароизоляция.For a bath, this configuration is fundamental, since it will allow the material to reflect and save thermal energy with minimal losses. Decorative cladding is not always used, but, as already mentioned, in the case of bitumen-polymer coating it is still necessary to do without an external layer of primer.

Preparing for installation

By the time of installation must be preparedcrate or at least its wooden base. You should also calculate the consumption of insulators for the target surface, taking into account the area and thickness of the barrier. It is important not to forget that thin vapor barrier films can be fully stacked in several layers.

And here it is necessary to dispel the commonthe fallacy that steam insulators should provide maximum sealing. This is not true. Full prevention of air and moisture from the side of the waterproofing eliminates the same need for other layers. Moreover, the correct vapor barrier of the bath requires the preservation of the permeability channel in the average volume of 0.5 g / m2 per day. It turns out a kind of ventilation, which prevents the formation of condensate in the intermediate layers and at the same time prevents abundant passage of water vapor.

From tools and consumables shouldPrepare mounting tape, stapler, hammer, screwdriver, gas burner, fasteners (nails, screws, brackets), bars and strips for closing the batten with a steam insulator. Of course, it is not in each case that such a set is required - the specific list will depend on the method of installation, the chosen material and the working conditions.

General principles of installation of vapor barrier

Foil insulator for bath

To begin with, surfaces are calculated thatmust be protected from water vapor. As a rule, we are talking directly about the steam room. The ceiling and walls of this room are necessarily provided with vapor barrier. In the dressing room and other adjacent rooms, you can implement multi-layer combined steam and water insulation with the usual lining in the form of lining. How to make a vapor barrier in the bath so that it does not deform over time and lose the basic operational properties?

This requires high-quality fixation andtechnical support material. As for fastening, depending on the type of insulator, hardware, glue method or spike can be used as in the case of bitumen roll coatings. Outside support in some cases can completely replace the main fixation - this task can be accomplished by clamping the placement of wooden slats throughout the entire area of ​​the insulator with fastening to the batten.

Vapor barrier walls

For large surface areas it is desirablestop picking on roll film insulation. In calculating the volume, it is necessary to take into account that the overlap will take about 10-15 cm. The rules for performing vapor barrier of the walls of the bath look like this:

  • The trim starts at the bottom corner when seedingoverlaps on the floor with a length of 10 cm. Next, the roll is unwound over the entire area and fixed with an adhesive method or hardware (brackets, self-tapping screws, studs, etc.).
  • Reaching the next corner, you do not need to do trimming. Even if the remaining roll is not enough to fully cover another wall, you should spend the segment as much as possible, leaving no joining places in the corner.
  • All types of metallized and foiled films are attached only with clips and directly to the crate. The pitch between the fixation points must be at least 20 cm.
  • It is better to fix thick or multilayer insulators without an adhesive surface with clamping strips. Only the ends of the bars are nailed to the crate with 15-20 cm indents.

Ceiling vapor barrier

Vapor barrier ceiling baths

Через эту поверхность уходит наибольший объем thermal energy, so the question is particularly acute, what kind of vapor barrier to choose for the ceiling of the bath? Experts recommend to stop the choice on membrane and foil materials as having the lowest throughput. Instructions for the workflow in this case are as follows:

  • The first step is to warm the ceiling. To do this, apply mineral wool, and the layer should be thicker than on the walls.
  • The paroizolyator should be laid so that it captures the entire ceiling area, its corners and provides a slight overlap on the walls.
  • Fastening necessarily performed mechanically. The optimal solution is to drive the staples to the crate with a stapler.
  • The gaps on the formed coating are minimized, so all joints and technological mounting holes must be closed with construction tape.

Features of steam insulation brick baths

Such baths and saunas are considered elite, famoushigh heat resistance and durability. But, a brick wall in some aspects of exploitation is more vulnerable than wood. In particular, a special approach is required to protect against water vapor, which adversely affects brick. What vapor barrier to choose for a bath of this type? In this case, coatings from a bitumen-polymer base will be appropriate. Moreover, it is necessary to process not the upper layers on the batten panels, but directly brick walls. This is followed by the standard "cake" with insulation, waterproofing and decorative casing.

Features of vapor barrier foam baths

In general, gas and foam block materials are the leastAn attractive solution for building a bath because of deep and wide pores with capillaries. Moisture with steam quickly spreads through it, which negatively affects the block structure. In this case, preliminary cleaning of surfaces with removal of fine cement dust will be required. Next is preparing the basis for the mechanical installation of the slats. With their help, foil coverings should be pressed tightly and in several layers against the wall, fastened with brackets. As for the vapor barrier of the ceiling in the foam block bath, it is implemented according to the general scheme. You can use a conventional reinforced film with a waterproofing effect and fix it on the crate with clips at the marked mounting points.

Features of vapor barrier frame structures

Preparation of the bath for vapor barrier

Сборно-каркасные бани отличаются практичностью и versatility in terms of the possibility of endowing them with various technical and operational qualities. The user can independently design the walls, integrating into them the insulating layer. As a rule, prefabricated walls have a finished crate with large cells for inserting heat insulators, steam and water insulators. It will only be necessary to select suitable panels with the presence of external foil protection, cut them according to the size of the crates cells and fasten with hardware. It would seem that everything is quite simple, but the vapor barrier of frame baths has one significant flaw. After filling the entire wall structure with insulating panels, large and frequent joints will remain. That is, not continuous, but segment protection is realized. Eliminate the negative effects of the remaining joints can be using sealants, waterproof primers and polymer grout.

Vapor barrier manufacturers

As a budget solution for a bath with a goodHydro protection can be recommended conventional polyethylene insulators company Tyvek. This is a common material that is famous for its versatility, environmental safety and relatively high strength. For complex works, the products “Izospan” are more suitable. The film of this brand is characterized by high technical and physical properties and durability. If you need high-quality vapor barrier ceiling in a bath of timber, it is desirable to give preference to the series "Izospan B", and "Izospan FB" is suitable for walls and exterior plating. An effective hydro-barrier can also be organized using Ondutis R Termo rolls and Resource foil film.


Vapor barrier walls

The installation of isolation barriers is required incases where the room does not cope with the natural regulation of microclimatic parameters. Increased humidity or excessive vapor release is not at all a sign that there are violations of building codes, technological calculations, etc. This means that a proper vapor barrier is required for the bath, which will correct the moisture balance. At the same time, the water insulator will perform its sealing tasks. Also, to increase vapor protection, it would be useful to consider a ventilation system. At a minimum, the circulation of air flows minimizes the risk of condensation.