/ / How to decide which paint is better for the ceiling?

How to decide which paint is better for the ceiling?

Repair always delivers a lot of trouble.Take, for example, the stage of selection of the necessary materials. The modern market offers such a number of all kinds of products, that just the eyes run! How among all this diversity not to get lost? How to choose what really meets all your requirements? Do not panic! Answers to all questions can be found. And today we will tell which paint is better for the ceiling.

what paint is better for the ceiling

First, we will deal with the necessary parameters.Paints can be glossy, semi-gloss, and also opaque. As the name implies, the latter help create a surface without gloss. This option is suitable for painting the ceiling more than anything. But what paint to paint the ceiling is not recommended, so it is glossy. Otherwise, it will be visible from afar the slightest irregularities, which immediately give out all the flaws of previous decorating. The average variant - semi-gloss paints - also, as you understand, will produce some defects.

Which paint is better for the ceiling - washable ornot? This is up to you. We can only say that the first option is preferable for the kitchen, since in this room all surfaces are contaminated much faster than in others. Well, you will not repaint the ceiling every month! At the same time, for a bedroom, for example, you can choose a paint that does not tolerate moisture - here frequent cleaning is unlikely to be required.


what paint to paint the ceiling

Water emulsion

This type of paint and varnish products is distinguished by itssafety for the health of the inhabitants of the premises in which it is used, and the absence of caustic odor. In addition, this paint is completely non-toxic. There are usually no problems with its application. But one of its features can be attributed to both pluses and minuses - it is easily washed off with plain water and soap. So, if you think about what paint is better to paint the ceiling in the bathroom, then this option does not suit you.


Before using such paint will be requiredpreliminary work on the application of primer on the surface. But the antiseptic is not needed. The fact is that silicate paint prevents the development of microorganisms. Another feature: this type of coating can only be used for finishing mineral surfaces. Yes, and silicate paint cracks leave on view. Not the best option. However, if you decide to use it, then you will not have to think about which paint is better for the ceiling - you will hardly be able to repaint the surface with a paint and varnish product of another type.

what paint is better to paint the ceiling

This option is most popular.Without sharp smell, it is moisture-resistant, perfectly retains its color, perfectly hides small cracks - which paint is better for the ceiling? The range of such products is prohibitive. What to look for? If you decide that your ceiling will not be traditionally white, then keep in mind that acrylic paint will become slightly darker after it has completely dried.


From all emulsion paints at the pricethis one stands out. According to the main characteristics, it is significantly superior to the previous version, but its light resistance is slightly lower. When using this paint, it should be noted that the surface under it breathes, however, with an increase in the thickness of the coating, this ability deteriorates markedly.


A great option in all respects, except for one thing - the price of such products is simply huge. That is why they use this paint quite rarely.


Which paint is better for the ceiling? Our choice is acrylic. But you may well have your opinion on this.