/ / Exterior finish of the house: types and materials

Exterior finish of the house: types and materials

The exterior decoration of the house plays an important role, thereforeto work on the facade of the building should be approached seriously and responsibly. Currently, there is a fairly large number of diverse materials and tools that are not only beautiful, but also practical, and also durable in operation.

So, you can often meet at home, which are finishedfacing brick. Outwardly, they are not much different from a monolithic building made of this material. However, the advantage here is that the structure itself can be constructed from something else (concrete blocks, frame panels, etc.). The advantage of the brick is durability and good thermal insulation, as well as a sufficiently wide choice of colors, from yellowish to dark brown.

Natural stone is used most often forfacing the cap. In this case, it can be taken for the whole building. In this case, the exterior decoration of the house will be quite expensive, but outwardly such dwellings look very impressive. Currently, for facing use artificial stone, which is much cheaper, and the effect when using it is similar to the effect when using natural materials. In addition, it is easier to process.

The exterior decoration of the house can be made fromtree. Since this material is very amiable, it is necessary to check the quality of the initial processing, as well as further maintenance, because it depends on these criteria and depends on its service life. The appearance of houses finished with wood is effective, and if special grades of block house and lining are chosen, then we can speak about the durability of the facade.

In recent years, the popularity ofsiding. Its advantages are simple installation, low price and relatively long service life. In addition, there is a sufficiently large selection of colors of the material, why it is often used for cosmetic repairs or for decorating the facade. Siding is resistant to harmful influences (rain, dirt, etc.), and also very easy to operate. They can be made and exterior decoration of a wooden house or a building built of any other material.

For exterior cladding of buildings in cold regionsit is very convenient to use thermal panels. This material is two layers of polymer, between which is a heater. Thermal panels are easy to install and convenient to use. Their surface is decorated for various materials that are traditionally used.

It is recommended to consider the facade of the building beforethe beginning of construction. Materials for exterior decoration of the house should be chosen depending on the interior of the building. Great importance here is played by the climate of the area, as the weather can be shortened for a long time. In addition, for many, the price and quality of the materials used is important. In order not to be disappointed in the latter, it is recommended to choose reliable and reliable producers working in the construction market for at least several years.

The simplest and cheapest exterior decoration of the housedone with plaster. For this, you can take moisture-resistant materials, a primer, a paint. The advantage of this method is a relatively simple principle of operation, which even non-professionals can fulfill. In addition, there is a fairly rich color palette that can be used for cladding.

It should be noted that the exterior decoration of the house will helpennoble and decorate any dwelling, regardless of what material it is built of. The best option is to entrust this work to professionals. However, most modern materials assume a fairly simple installation, so that the finish can be done on their own.