/ How to make an air conditioner from a fan and other improvised means?

How to make air conditioning from a fan and other improvised means?

Already with the onset of the first hot summer daysmany people are thinking about buying an air conditioner. Prices for these units in the season usually increase, and in the spring and in the winter cheap air conditioners do not differ. In addition, by buying for 10-20 thousand rubles cherished device, prepare to lay out another 2-5 thousand for its installation. The situation, so to say, is complicated - most citizens only sigh and suffer from the heat. Others take credit, paying huge interest. But there are enterprising people who have come up with how to make air conditioning from a fan and other improvised means. We collected their ideas in this article.

Method one

How to make an air conditioner yourself, having only a garden hose and a fan? Very simple!

how to make a fan air conditioner
1.Take the fan a little bit more and attach it to its iron protective grate, around the circle wind the hose or thin copper tube. The more circles you make on the grid, the stronger the effect, but do not forget to leave a small distance between the circles.

2. Insert one free end of the hose into the tap with cold water, the other - put it in a basin or a bath.

3. Turn on the water (the head should be good) and the fan.

4. Enjoy the cooling effect.

So you found out how to make an air conditioner out of a fan. Yes, maybe it will not cool down very much, but if the room is small, a refreshing effect will be guaranteed!

how to make a fan from a fan

How to make the conditioner? Method of the second

If the room is small, and the bathroom with the tap is very far, this simple method will do. So, how to make an air conditioner from a fan and ordinary plastic bottles?

1. Fill plastic bottles with water and leave overnight in the freezer.

2. Place the fan so that a flat surface (for example, a table) is located near its blades.

3. Before the fan is on, place the bottles in a row with small gaps.

4. Change bottles if the water in them has melted already by half. To melt slowly, you can add a little salt to the water before freezing.

How to make an air conditioner out of a fan in an automotive radiator

This method is the most difficult, but also the most effective.

1. Take the radiator from the car, equipped with an electric fan.

2. Connect a pair of rubber hoses of appropriate diameter to it. Through one water will flow, and through another - to go out.

3. Place the appliance on a flat surface.

4. Connect the heat sink to the socket through the AC adapter (12 V).

5. Run the cold water through the hose (pressure should be small).

6. Enjoy the desired coolness.

We told how to make a conditioner from a fan. And if there is no home appliance at home? Even then, you can create a coolness.

how to make an air conditioner

Let's describe the last method of how to make an air conditioner yourself, without even having a conventional fan.

1. Count the number of windows and doorways in the apartment - so many pieces of calico or gauze you will need.

2. Arrange a draft in the room - only then will the effect. Ideally, if the weather is windy and there is air movement in the room.

3. Wet pieces of cloth or gauze in cold water, squeeze out slightly so that water does not flow.

4. Hang them on doorways and windows.

5. Wet off as it dries.

This is the so-called rustic conditioner, especially good at night - the fabric dries out more slowly.