/ / Shisha F1 Hybrid Cucumber: description, features, photo

Hybrid cucumber Shosha F1: description, features, photo

Such an original name gave a crispy fragrant cucumber to people who know a lot about this vegetable. A fine hybrid was liked by every trucker. Our article will tell you about it in detail.

Description of self-pollinating variety

cucumber shosha f1

Cucumber Shosha F1 has a powerful root system andshort side shoots. The variety refers to the female type of flowering, has a stalk length of more than 1.5 meters. In one node, 2 or 3 zelenians are formed. Gherkin cucumbers are harvested at the stage of maturation. Mature, bumpy, short fruit weighing more than 55 grams is very tender, moderately sweet and without bitterness. In the section, they do not have many seeds and voids. Fruit the cucumber Shosha F1 for a long time. The maturation period is about 40-45 days after the appearance of peduncles. Hybrid is very resistant to powdery mildew, target spot and other diseases, viruses.

Conditions for the successful collection and storage of cucumber

The variety can perfectly grow both in the greenhouse and in theopen ground. The best place for growth and good fruiting of the hybrid is the middle lane of Russia. But in any other area the Shosh F1 cucumber yields more than 16 kg per season. Zelentsy perfectly kept fresh and strong in a cool place for more than 10 days. When harvesting, you should tear off the cucumber, leaving a very short short stem. This will protect the fruits from diseases and increase the yield of the bush. And in order to keep them long in good condition, you must also tear them with a small tail and be sure to remove the remains of the flower from the fetus. So it is necessary to do with any variety.

cucumber shosha F1 description

Seed producers in the description of Shosha cucumber F1always indicate its important property: it is suitable for salting and for pickling. Indeed, recipes cooked according to the recipe remain crispy, elastic, pleasant to the taste.

Grow a delicious cucumber by the rules

In order to obtain an excellent harvest of the hybrid, you need to follow simple rules for planting and caring for the plant:

Shosha cucumber F1

  1. Plant the cucumber in the soil with seeds or seedlings no later than April 15.
  2. Seedlings must be with four leaves.
  3. At the bottom of the hole lay the drainage in the form of sand and when planting the plant, do not bend the roots upwards.
  4. Plant seeds at a constant temperature of about 18 degrees in the sun-warmed earth. In this case, you must strictly observe the distance and depth of planting between future stems.
  5. Prepare a support for further garters, since the stem of the Shosh F1 cucumber is tall.
  6. When the bush reaches a height of about 49 cm, it is necessary to remove the side flowers and shoots. They will interfere with the successful growth and fruit bearing of the plant.

Conditions of care

Cucumber likes moisturized, but not excessively wateredsoil. It is better to water more often and less than rarely and abundantly. Planted seedlings immediately watered is not necessary. This needs to be done in a few days and only in warm weather. If the seedlings are watered less often, she will endure stress, lose the ovaries, and the fruits will turn yellow and become bitter in taste. In case of excessive watering, the root system may die, rot. The plant can not stand a shadow, it loves a lot of sun and light.

Ogorodniki share ecstasy and impressions

Reviews about the Shosh F1 cucumber are almost unanimous. According to many, this cucumber is not easy to grow. You need to have a certain amount of knowledge and skills. But what a wonderful taste!

cucumbers Shosha F1 reviews

Some people say that they grow cucumbers,so that they can be eaten already in early June. Planted in a greenhouse, it develops there and fructifies for the joy of the gardener. Gherkins can be collected early for salad, and medium or universal for salting. Shosh is universal - in the greenhouse it grows for salad, and in the ground for salting and marinating.

Most gardeners note the wonderful taste of Shosh F1 cucumbers.

The harvest will not keep you waiting

To grow delicious and crunchy greens,you need to choose a place where you put them: in a greenhouse, a greenhouse, an open ground or on a window sill. The handsome Shosha has fruits of the same size as soldiers. With good and proper care, he will always please you with an abundant harvest. Great pleasure - to eat a crispy beautiful and tasty cucumber, carefully grown by own hands!