/ / Cannes storage in winter: tips for experienced gardeners

Cannes storage in winter: tips for experienced gardeners

storage cannes in winter

Literally several decades ago, storagecanna in winter was a big mystery for most gardeners in Russia. This is due to the fact that it was considered a rather exotic plant, which could be seen except in rare botanical gardens. However, today domestic florists have learned to take care of this flower successfully, and it began to appear in private flower gardens and in private plots.

Cannes storage for the winter: ways and instructions

The first way to keep this thermophilicthe plant is a specific intervention in its life. For this purpose, all peduncles are cut out. It should be remembered that the leaves should be left completely untouched. Plants must be carefully extracted from the soil together with an earthen lump and placed in capacious pots filled with a special garden mixture that can be bought at any agricultural store. After that, we need to transfer them to a permanent place, where the storage of cannes will be made in winter. Watering the flower at this time is necessary every ten to twelve days. In spring, to stimulate the emergence of new peduncles, it is necessary to make additional fertilization with a special mixture. It should consist of equal parts of the hall and humus. Feeding must be done every few weeks until the plant is planted in the ground. In early May, canna is taken to the street to allow the plant to get used to environmental conditions and to temper it. However, it should be remembered that the flower must always be sheltered at night, otherwise it will just freeze.

flowers flowers in winter
The second way by whichThe storage of canna in winter is the creation of an artificial state of rest. To do this, it is excavated in autumn and cut off all the flower stalks and leaves. Then, together with a clod of earth, the plant is placed in a large pot and brought into a cool room. The surface of the soil should be moistened several times a month, and at the beginning of winter, move the flower closer to the light source. Cannes (flowers, storing in winter which is based on the knowledge of the internal processes of the plant) experienced gardeners can grow in almost any conditions. Care in the spring for them should be carried out according to the method described in the first method.

cannes storage for the winter
The third method is used to excavateplants and pruning of all its leaves. Rhizome should be carefully, but gently washed and dried in a dark dry place. After this, the plants must be placed in clean dry boxes and sprinkled with sawdust. Then they should be placed in a dark cool place and periodically moisten the roots of the plant. This is how the canna is stored in winter. In the tenth of February you need to get the rhizomes and carefully examine them, removing all the rotten or damaged parts with a clean sharp knife. If there is such a need, they can be divided into smaller parts. All sections are strongly recommended to be sprinkled with charcoal or ash and dried. When the plants are planted in pots, the following soil must be prepared: take one part of the sand and humus in two parts of the fertile soil. This soil should be sprinkled with rhizomes about two centimeters and watered with warm water. After about seven days, the kidneys will wake up, and the canna will begin to develop.