/ / Saratov nursery plants "Anemon": product range and delivery methods

Saratov Nursery Plant "Anemone": product range and delivery methods

Nursery is important not only for summer residents andgardeners involved in the development of their plots, but also for the city, because it is from them that the material for landscaping of the territory is taken. Saratov cattery "Anemon" is no exception.

What the kennel does

Saratov nursery of plants "Anemone" not onlygrows, but also multiplies, cultivates both ornamental and fruit-berry crops. Experience in this business is more than 15 years. The peculiarity is that all the plants acquired here are adapted to the local climate: from the very early age they are left to winter in the open ground.

seedlings by mail

Saratov plant nursery "Anemon" acceptsclaims from the buyer in the event of disputes, as well as specialists are always ready to advise their clients. Buying plants here is much safer than in the market for private traders or in uncertain places where you can easily be deceived.

Assortment of plants

The kennel "Anemon" (Saratov) is always ready to offer to your attention:

  • herbaceous plants;
  • shrubs;
  • trees;
  • lianas;
  • coniferous plants;
  • fruit and berry plants;
  • bulbous and some others.

It should be noted that closer to the summerperiod assortment can be significantly reduced, because the products are very well bought up. If you want to buy something here, then the order should be issued in advance, perhaps even in winter.

saratovsky pietosnik plants anemone

In addition to the saplings themselves, the Saratov nurseryplants "Anemon" also provides related products and additional services that help to grow products in your garden. In addition to the sale of fertilizers and pest control products, the nursery provides such services to its specialists as:

  • call a consultant at home;
  • pruning grapes before hibernation;
  • pruning roses before hibernation;
  • winter shelter for grapes;
  • preparation of clematis for wintering;
  • winter shelter of roses.

The cost of these services should be clarified by the consultants.

Ways of order delivery

You can choose theyou plants in the nursery, and order seedlings by mail. On the day when your order is completely ready, the operator must contact you and specify the details. Until then, no action should be taken. When making an order, remember that it will not necessarily be delivered at a time that you have designated as convenient. After all, in order to prepare the seedlings for shipment, it is also necessary to spend a certain amount of time. Of course, specialists try very hard to please every client, but in the planting season it is often impossible to do this. This once again says that it is better to form an order in advance in order to avoid unnecessary turmoil and not to remain without the liked plants.

anemone saratov

The Saratov plant nursery "Anemon" is always gladeach customer. Here the range of products is constantly expanding, constant work is carried out to improve the quality, increase resistance to pests and diseases. The collective conducts continuous, painstaking work so that you enjoy only the best plants on your site.