/ / The rootstock is the foundation of the fruit tree

The root is the basis of the fruit tree

The rootstock - what kind of interesting word is this,perhaps, only lovers of gardening? And then people who grow apples and pears on their plots can agree with the Russian biologist and breeder I.V. Michurin, who said that the stock is the basis of the fruit tree, which determines its varietal characteristics: shape, size and taste. Let's understand how it turns out.

A rootstock for apple trees: the secret of growing the best varieties

Fruit trees can be grown from seeds.But new plants will differ in terms of productivity, frost resistance, fruiting time, etc. Even if they were grown from the seeds of an apple. Therefore, preference is given to vegetative reproduction, i.e. Inoculation of the cuttings or buds of the plant of the desired variety on the selected seedlings.

stock it

A rootstock is just that seedling, onwhich are rooted in the layers and processes (graft). It is he who determines the life activity of the future tree, its durability and the quality of the fruit. Therefore, the stock should be adapted to local climate conditions, resistant to pests and diseases. But for this it is still necessary that the graft is good to him.

Cultivation of seedlings takes 4 years:

  • 1 year - seedlings are grown from seeds;
  • 2 year - they add to them a graft;
  • 3 year - grows a one-year-old seedling;
  • 4 year - two-year-old seedling is transplanted to a permanent place.

Seeds for seedlings are carefully selected, and in order to be planted in the spring, they must undergo stratification. What is it?

How to prepare seeds for the best rootstocks

To obtain hardy seedlings,seeds of well-developed, strong and ripening fruits. They usually choose such cultural varieties as Grushovka Moscow, Antonovka, Borovinka. Before the autumn sowing, they are carefully selected, dried and then planted. The first shoots appear next spring.

If the seeds are to be sown in the spring, they must undergo a preliminary stratification - ripening at a certain temperature, otherwise there will be no sprouting.

rootstock for apple trees

To do this, they are placed in a box with peat andsand, moisturize and put at a temperature of 5-7 ° C in a dark place. On average, the process of aging seeds takes 80-90 days. It depends on their kind. Periodically, they need to be watered so that they do not wither. If they began to germinate ahead of time, the box should be rearranged to a place where the zero temperature is stable.

Dwarfish rootstock for apple trees

Seedlings for fruit trees are vigorous, medium-sized, semi-dwarfish. Each has its own production features and requirements for content.

dwarfish for apple
But the dwarf people became very popular. Why is that?

The advantage of a dwarfishfor apple and pear, is the high quality of the fruits obtained (large, tasty, bright), they begin to ripen for 2 or 3 years. In addition, seedlings restrain the growth of trees, reaching only two meters in height. Therefore, it is easier to take care of them and treat them with pesticides, and the harvested crop from one unit of area is 3 times more than from a section of the same size where high-growth seedlings were planted.

But the shortcomings also have a dwarfish rootstock. This is a surface root system prone to freezing and requiring the installation of a support to support the tree, as well as frequent watering in the hot season.

Some types of dwarf seedlings for apple trees

Парадизка IX – это карликовый подвой для obtaining apple shrubs. Well vaccinated, has high economic and biological indicators. The shoots of the bushes grow thick, brown in color with a yellow hue, covered with dense oval leaves. From one bush receive up to 10 layers. Because of the superficial root system, when placed in the garden, they need a reliable support. Seedlings are whimsical to the soil, it is better to grow in palmettnyh and shpalerno-dwarf gardens.

dwarfish for apple and pear tree

Another popular dwarfish for apple tree- Paradise red-leaved. Has a high resistance to frost, so you can grow in the north-eastern regions. Shoots and leaves with a characteristic red pigment. The soil for them should be loose and moist. Fruit-bearing begin early, the harvest is large. One significant drawback is fragile wood, due to which the apple trees are leaning towards the ground.

How to plant seedlings

A dwarfish rootstock for apple trees is placed on afertile and nutrient-rich loose soil. The site should be well lit and protected from the wind. Planting holes of 100 by 70 cm size can be added with mineral fertilizers. To do this, they put in the supports, fall asleep with a mound of humus or potassium chloride, they are covered from above with a layer of earth without mineral additives (5-6 cm).

Подвой высаживают так, чтобы его корни доставали layer of soil with fertilizer and were closed by the top. If clay or ground waters are close to planting, make bulk hills up to 50 cm high. It is necessary to ensure that the grafted process does not end up in the ground. The graft should be 5 cm above the ground, otherwise it will go to the roots and the dwarfism will be lost.

Dwarf rootstock for obtaining apple shrubs

And finally ...

A rootstock is a seedling, to which another is plantedplant. A new tree will grow with the necessary biological and economic qualities, but only if a healthy and productive seedling is grown from a full seed seed. But this is not enough. To the future apple tree was pleased with its harvest, it is necessary to carefully monitor and care for the seedlings at all stages of its growth, timely forming and correcting its crown, feeding with mineral fertilizers and protecting from weather and pests.