/ / Toilet with direct release: how to mount?

Direct-flush toilet: how to mount?

Comfort on the territory of a residential house or apartmentit will not be possible without a bathroom, where a quality toilet is installed. When choosing it, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the principle of operation, device and design features. Among other things, it is important to determine what equipment will fit the plumbing system. Today, the most common toilets with direct release, while the drain is carried out in the floor.

Types of toilet bowls depending on the type of release

direct flush toilet

Today you can find a toilet with a slant ordirect release, and also release, which is also called horizontal. When choosing equipment, it is important to consider the sewage system in the apartment. Toilets with vertical release are fixed to the floor with fasteners. Most often such products are used in the countries of the northern hemisphere. If we are talking about a toilet with a horizontal drain, it will be placed parallel to the floor, and the oblique outlet is at an angle of 45 ° with respect to the floor surface. If you still do not know whether to choose a direct or oblique toilet bowl, then it should be noted that the first of these takes up less space in the room, which is important for small-sized toilets. In the bowl of such a toilet bowl there is a high level of water that ensures the hygiene of the device. The walls at the washout are washed qualitatively, and the design provides for the presence of a siphon, due to which the pulling force increases.

Features of the direct release toilet bowl

what release of a toilet bowl is better direct or slanting

Increasingly recently, property ownersthey are wondering which issue of the toilet bowl is better - direct or oblique. The first design of the device is typical for buildings that were built in the 60s. last century. Such devices have a pipe and siphon, which are located in the lower part of the body. Good toilet toilets with the direct release of the fact that they do not provide for the need for a special place to install.

A direct-flush toilet can be installed even incenter of the room at any angle. This device will allow to realize even the most extraordinary design decisions. In this case, the sewer line will be located directly below the ceiling, where all engineering communications are located. At the same time it will be possible to remove the socket in any convenient place. A compact toilet with direct release occupies even less space, but to purchase it you have to go around a lot of shops, because such a device design is not very common today. This toilet is more hygienic due to the fact that the water level in the bowl is quite high. The built-in siphon is characterized by a high pulling force, which allows for efficient flushing. While using the device, the anti-splash function is activated, and the tank is designed in such a way that it is reliable and of high quality.

Mounting Features

toilet flush floor

If you decide to install a toilet with a straightrelease, then at the first stage it is necessary to make a marking on a surface according to which fastening will be carried out. In the next stage, a screw flange is installed in the floor; it must be supplemented with a retainer and a hole, the last of which is made for interface with the sewerage system. The flanges are one size, and the direct outlet toilet has a standard part for connecting with a screw element.

The plumbing fixture must be installed so thatso that the counter element coincides with the screw flange. If the structure is rotated slightly, the two elements are clamped, high tightness is ensured due to the sealing ring which is located between them. The direct-flush toilet has another advantage, which is expressed in ease of disassembly.

For reference

direct or oblique toilet bowl

If you need to replace or install a newthe device, you should be careful, as there may be a mistake. Direct production is typical for products of many foreign and Russian manufacturers, this could include Cersanit, Duravit, etc. Often, companies offer products for sale that can last for 30 years.

What you need to know about installation work

oblique or direct flush toilet

Which issue of the toilet bowl is better - straight or oblique -You can decide for yourself if you know if your bathroom is limited in free space. Despite the fact that new buildings are increasingly installed toilets with a horizontal drain, do not lose their relevance appliances with vertical release. To connect the toilet to the sewer system should be prepared:

  • fun pipes;
  • corrugated pipes;
  • cuffs;
  • eccentrics.

При использовании фановой трубы вы сможете to achieve unity of the device with the connecting material, because both are made of porcelain, earthenware and ceramics. The only difficulty with installation in this case may be the need to coincide with the installation site. Fit the trimming method with the elements will not work.

Eccentric cuffs are made on the basis ofpolymers and is a construction of a pair of branches, which have shifted the axis. Cuffs may have different lengths, so they are easy to pick up to connect the device to the sewage system with other parameters of the socket and outlet. Installing a toilet with a direct outlet may require the use of a corrugated pipe, it is plastic and can be bent as well as stretch. If to use this element, then the master will receive freedom in movements and will facilitate installation works. But in this case we can not forget about the slope of the sewer pipe. It is necessary to take care in this case of the rigidity of the material, so that the walls are reliable and durable during further operation.

Cast iron sewer pipe can be connected tosanitary device using a rubber cuff. It is located at one end of the pipe. The toilet should be put on release, the cuff is turned out so that it was possible to achieve complete sealing. You can increase the density of the compound by applying a sealant.

Required Tools

toilet bowls compacts direct release

Для того чтобы установить унитаз с прямым By release, it is important to prepare a set of tools, among them: wrenches, a set of screwdrivers, tape measure, metal saw, sandpaper, hammer, knife, puncher, sealant and tow. As for wrenches, you will need a set, and an adjustable wrench may be used as an alternative solution. You will need it to install the drain tank and connect the device to the system. If the bathroom has an old toilet, then you will need a saw for metal. For fasteners need punch with pozhitovym drills, as well as dowels.

More information about installing a toilet bowl using a corrugated pipe

direct release toilet installation

The direct release toilet can be installedusing a corrugated pipe. This element is used when it is not possible to use other materials. To do this, the pipe is installed in the sewer hole, and the joints should be treated with silicone. The device is connected to the other end of the pipe, and it is important to ensure that the connection is as secure as possible. To do this, take water in the tank and drain it. If there are no leaks, then you did everything right.

It is important to determine where to drill for installation.fasteners in the form of dowels. To do this, the toilet is installed in the intended place, so that it is possible to mark the holes with a pencil. When the toilet is installed, a direct outlet to the floor of which is necessary in the next step to remove the device from the attachment point in order to drill holes. They are installed dowels, and the toilet is mounted to the sewer system.

Inside the pipe is coated with sealant, and beforeFurther actions should ensure the reliability of the connection. If the water flows smoothly, then all fasteners can be mounted. It is important to check the stability of the device, if it swings, then a cement-sand mortar coupler is performed under the toilet. Toilets-compacts, direct release from which, should be sealed in those places where the docking device with tiles. In this case, you can use silicone or sealant. On this we can assume that the installation using the corrugations is completed.

Nuances of works

Если предстоит осуществлять работы в санузле the old house, where cast iron pipes are installed, the device should be connected in the following way. The release is inserted into the sewer opening. The remaining gap should be filled with cement mortar, it must be done in such a way that the composition does not get into the riser. You can apply the cuff, which is put on the issue, immersed in the hole of the sewer pipe. Pre-surface must be cleaned of cement, dirt and foreign objects. Irregularities can be eliminated with a sealant.


Today, direct release is less and less used.toilet bowl. The installation of such a device is described in detail in the article and can be carried out by you independently. It should be remembered that the use of a corrugated pipe relative to the socket at an angle can cause stagnation of water. However, this solution may be the only true when the toilet is high enough, and its release does not reach the sewer hole.