/ / How to lay tiles in the bathroom with their own hands - features, instructions and recommendations

How to lay tiles in the bathroom with their own hands - features, instructions and recommendations

"Where to begin?"- perhaps the most frequent question that arises among all those who think about how to lay tiles in the bathroom with their own hands. It is best to start with the creation of a detailed plan (project) in which it is necessary to take into account all the nuances of the upcoming work. You can sketch your thoughts on a piece of paper or use the services of a designer. Recently, more and more stores provide this service for free when selecting and buying material. The main thing is that you like the project version. Pay attention to such things:

  • First of all, it is an arrangement.If the bathroom is small, it is difficult to plan the placement of the bath, sink, toilet. Therefore, it is important to think about everything well. Is it planned to install any equipment (for example, a washing machine)? Very often, a washing machine is installed in the bathroom, which requires individual water supply and drainage, as well as electricity.
  • Will the bathroom warm floors. If so, which ones?
  • Where will be installed electrical appliances, lamps, sockets.
  • What material will be used to finish the walls, ceiling and floor.

Selection and purchase of material

В выборе материала руководствуйтесь не только preferences, but also practicality, as well as quality. Do not be afraid to experiment, for example, in combination with tile (or instead of it), you can use wallpaper and paint. Thus, the question "how to lay the tiles in the bathroom" is facilitated or disappears altogether. You can also install various types of panels on the ceiling or paint them. But the best option - suspended ceilings. If the walls need to be leveled, then the plaster mix should be cement based. Before going to the hardware store you need to measure the room as accurately as possible to avoid a shortage or, conversely, an overabundance of material.

Work order

Conventionally, the work in the question "how to lay tiles in the bathroom" can be divided into two stages: preparatory and finishing. At the preparatory stage, the most labor-intensive and “dirty” types of work are carried out:

  • Dismantling. Unnecessary partitions and various structures are torn down. There is a cleaning of surfaces from the old material. Notches are made on the walls, if, for example, the walls were previously painted.
  • Work is underway on the installation of electrical wires, sewage pipes and water supply.
  • Installation of floor heating (if provided).
  • Align the walls and floor (if necessary).
  • New constructions (boxes, niches) or partitions are being built. The material is different, but mostly it is moisture resistant drywall or blocks.
    Installation of a shower cabin from GKLV

Finishing stage is already directly finishing according to the selected materials:

  • Wall and floor tiling and grouting.
  • Painting or pasting wallpaper (if provided).
  • Installation of necessary devices and objects.

Installation of electricians and plumbing

These works are carried out at the preparatorystage and require special attention. They include wall chipping and cable laying to the places of future outlets, switches, sensors and fixtures. Installed podozetniki. The depth of the groove depends on the cable thickness.

If the installation of sewer pipes and water socketshidden, it is also necessary to hollow out the walls in the thickness of the pipe. Instead, you can mount a box of plasterboard. This is especially true for monolithic walls, because it is almost impossible to hollow out a shter for sewer pipes.

plumbing installation

Installation may be open, it all depends onpreferences and features of the bathroom. The main thing is to immediately check all the nodes and connections for operability. Grooves are sealed with plaster mix or tile glue.

Installation of heated floor

An excellent solution for those who are faced with the question "how to put tile in the bathroom." For bathrooms there are two types:

  • Electric floor heating mounted in frontlaying tile It is a heating element (usually a cable or heating mat). It happens with the sensor and without it. Management takes place with the help of a thermostat.
    Water heated floor
  • Water floor heating is suitable for those who haveindividual heating or water heater. Differs in more difficult installation, but also bigger economy in comparison with an electric heat-insulated floor. Installation takes place at a rough stage. To do this, remove the layer of the old screed in the selected location and lay a pipe (usually metal-plastic) and connect it to the collector of the gas boiler. The depth should be at least 3-5 centimeters from the surface of the pipe. Poured cement-sand mixture. After pouring the screed, heating can be turned on no earlier than in three weeks.

Leveling walls and floor

How to lay tiles in the bathroom on the walls?Here, much depends on the walls, or rather, on how smooth their surface is. Therefore, a quite reasonable question arises: to plaster walls or not? There are no general recommendations, much depends on the specific room, but, for example, if the walls are uneven, then the consumption of tile adhesive will increase up to two times. Therefore, if the deviation from the level is more than 1-2 centimeters in length and height, then it is recommended to plaster it. In addition, if the corner of the room is unfolded (more than 90 degrees), then the costs of glue will also increase.

Before plastering it is important to process the walls.primer or concrete contact (for monolithic walls). If enamel was originally applied to the walls, you should make notches. For best results, use a cement-based plaster mix.

All of the above applies to the floor.

Floor screed

Uneven (not level) floor will not onlyIt is not aesthetically pleasing, but can also cause improper installation of equipment and furniture. It is best to level it over the lighthouses with a cement-sand mixture. If necessary, make waterproofing with a rise on the wall 15-20 centimeters.

Tile installation methods

Однозначного ответа на вопрос о том, как to lay tiles in the bathroom, no. Some prefer to start from the walls, and some start from the floor. There are no fundamental differences in technology, there are only small nuances:

  • If it was decided to start with the walls, thenyou should first mark the perimeter of the room at the beginning of the second row. We measure the height of the future row, taking into account the thickness of the floor tile and glue, put a mark. With the help of a laser level, we place labels along the entire perimeter of the room. You can draw a line by the usual rule or using a marking cord. It now remains to attach the guides to the wall and get to work.
  • The second way is to start laying tiles from the floor.Perhaps the easiest option, especially for those who first face the question of how to lay tiles in the bathroom. Usually start from the wall opposite the entrance. After the glue dries, you can proceed to the walls.
  • There is also a third way, although it occursquite rarely, this is when tiles begin to be laid from the level of the bath already installed. That is, on the walls of the bathroom tile is not put. In this way, perhaps, more minuses than pluses. For example, in most cases, the first row of tiles along the entire perimeter will have to be filed. The question is quite natural: “how to lay tile under the bath in this case?”. And in any way, pieces of tile are winding up under the bath so that they are subsequently closed by a decorative screen.

There are also ways on the layout type:

  • Direct layout when the tile is perpendicular to the walls. The easiest way, because it does not require additional measurements and tile cuts.
  • Диагональная, когда ряды плит идут вдоль opposite corners, that is, diagonally. Suitable for small rooms, as it visually expands the space. Increases the required number of tiles by 10-15%.
  • Layout in the run. It is rarely used, mainly in large rooms using long tiles.

Laying tiles on the floor

И вот, наконец, все подготовительные работы finished, and you can proceed directly to the installation of tiles. How to lay tiles in the bathroom on the floor? Where to apply glue - on the tile or on the floor? These and other questions will arise in front of you if you are new or decide to make repairs yourself. But do not be afraid, it's not so scary:

Laying tiles on the floor
  • Floor tiles should be laid out along the floor.walls from the angle of the alleged beginning. This will allow you to see how flat the walls are and the angle. If at the preparatory stage the walls and the angle were aligned, then this step can be skipped.
  • It is necessary to lay tiles in such a way thatthe most open spaces in the bathroom were lined with whole slabs (the layout is determined at the planning stage). If the layout is diagonal, then you must first make a markup. Usually start from the wall parallel to the entrance.
  • The glue should still be applied to the floor withnotched trowel or spatula with a tooth size of 8-10 millimeters. Of course, many advise to apply on both surfaces (and on the floor, and on the tile), but this will significantly affect the speed, and besides this action is not so important. If the screed was made on the level, then the glue is applied under the comb (on the floor), preventing the increase in the thickness of the glue and the voids between the tile and the floor.
  • The plane of the laid plates is checked using the rule and the construction level. The joints between the tiles are fixed with the help of crosses, the distance from the wall - with the help of tile wedges.
  • It is better to remove excess glue immediately, especially along the seams of the plates. As it dries, it will be much more difficult to do and you can damage the tile.
  • You can walk or start further work at least after 12 hours, it all depends on the thickness of the tile adhesive. It is recommended to immediately clean all seams from glue residue.

Installation of tiles on the walls

Независимо от того, какой способ укладки был selected, it will not affect how to properly tile in the bathroom. Any of the methods will be correct. The most important part in laying on the walls is the first row. From the correct installation of the first row of tiles will depend on all further work. Therefore, in the question of how to lay tile in the bathroom, the following recommendations will help you:

Installation of tiles on the wall
  • The first row fits strictly level(vertical and horizontal). You can correct the horizontal with wedges, placing them under the tile. Vertical level is adjusted by clicking on the tile. The thickness of the seam is fixed by crosses, usually 1.5 millimeters.
  • They usually start from the wall opposite the entrance.This is done so that the tile laid on the adjacent walls covers the edges of the tile laid on the front wall. So the joint (inner corner) will be less noticeable. But if you plan to use decorative tile corners, then you can start with any of the walls.
  • Glue is better to put on the tile, so it will be lessmud. But if the walls are slightly uneven, then it is better to apply glue to both surfaces. The thickness of the glue at the same time will increase, but it will be possible to adjust the tile if the wall "falls" (bends, sticks) into the room.
  • It is recommended to first lay out the first row around the perimeter and only then proceed to the subsequent rows. It will be easier to do using a laser level.
  • It is possible to cut a tile an electric or manual plitkorez, and also the Bulgarian with the diamond wheel installed on it. We make holes with ceramic drills or special crowns.


After the tile is fully laid, and gluedried up, you can proceed to grouting. But before that, it is necessary to clean all the seams of crosses, wedges and remnants of tile glue. Usually the seams are cleaned the next day after laying.

Grout tile joints

Divorced grout rubbed into rubber seamsspatula, then wash off with a damp cloth or sponge in a circular motion. It is important not to press too hard on the sponge so as not to erode the still not dried seams. Also, do not overwrite too much of the volume, usually overwriting 1-1.5 square meters, it all depends on experience, and sometimes the type of grout.

Grout can be tinted in any color with an ordinary color for paint.

Do not align the seams with your finger, as many advise.this will cut your fingers. It is better to use special tubes (they come with a grout) or the back side of a rubber trowel.

After the grout has dried (preferably the next day), plaque from the tile can be easily removed by wiping it with a dry and then a damp cloth.

Installation of equipment and furniture

So we figured out the question of how toto lay the tiles in the bathroom, it remains only to install equipment and furniture. First of all, a bath or shower is installed, and this equipment needs to be assembled in the room itself. Next, everything else is installed: a toilet bowl, a sink, all kinds of equipment and other items and accessories, as well as sockets, switches and lamps.

Mixer installation

The repair is completed, and now you know how to laytiles in the bathroom. If everything was done correctly, then you will enjoy the repairs made for a long time. Problem spots can be closed using various decorative elements. Thus, you can give the bathroom coziness and beauty and emphasize its individuality.