/ / Apricot Manchu: description and care

Apricot Manchu: description and care

Apricot Manchu - incredibly beautifulA plant that can become a pride and central place of a garden plot. Exceptionally beautiful in the flowering period, the tree is covered with large pink flowers.

apricot manchu
No less elegant it is in the autumn decoration brightfoliage, and also at the time of fruiting. Characterized by its longevity (lifespan over 100 years), Manchu apricot is planted in garden areas, used to decorate parks and squares in both single and group plantings. Due to the deep root system, such a tree is used to anchor river banks, slopes, and watering systems. In natural conditions, it grows in the Far East, Eastern Siberia, and the northeastern part of China.

Decorative varieties are bredapricot of Manchu. In particular, the East Siberian apricot - a derivative of apricot common and Manchurian, is characterized by fragrant tasty fruits.

Apricot Manchu: description

The height of the plant is 10-15 meters with a half meterdiameter of the barrel. Crown spreading, delicate. The bark is dark gray, deeply cracked. Leaves measuring 5-12 cm, oval in shape; in autumn they acquire a red color and remain in the tree till the frosts.

Pink flowers of the apricot, which is the earliestMedonosom, exude an incredible honey aroma. Small in size (about 2.5 cm), they are located on short pedicels in several pieces or singly. The Manchu apricot blooms annually and abundantly. Such a spectacular spectacle is observed in April-early May and lasts only 12 days.

apricot manchurian photo
The first harvest of apricot manchu, reviews aboutthe beauty of which is induced to acquire such a plant on its site, gives for the 5-7th year of planting. For effective pollination, it is recommended to have several such trees on the site.

Fruits are oblate-oval, medium,pubescent, orange-yellow, weighing from 15 to 20 grams, ripen in the middle of summer and give way to sweet southern sweetness. To taste bitterish-acidic. But despite this, it would seem, a small defect, from them are obtained excellent jams, jellies, jams and compotes.

Apricot Manchu: landing

Bones of such a plant retain their germination infor several years and during autumn planting give from 50 to 90% of young plants. Pre-bones are recommended to be lowered into water: pop-up specimens must be removed, since they are not suitable for planting. It is useful to produce stratification. When planting the depth of the embankment is 1 cm. Emerging shoots need careful care: watering, loosening, removing weeds, mulching the soil. After 2 years, young plants can be transplanted to a permanent growth site.

Features of care

In the care of such a tree is not capricious:it is important to ensure regular watering, especially after transplant and during growth. In the second half of the summer, the feed should only be produced during a drought. Excessive irrigation can cause a prolonged growth of shoots, which by winter will not have time to mature and froze.

Apricot Manchu (photo in the article) - frost-resistant plant, able to survive temperatures below 30aboutFROM.

apricot manchurian description
It grows on all types of soils and givesabundant shoots, love the abundance of light. With a close location of groundwater, the plant should be provided with good drainage. It can be a 20-centimeter layer of rubble.
apricot manchu

Pre-winter preparation includes sheltering young plants with lapnics near the root collar. If frost injures annual shoots, the latter must be cut off.

Twice a year it is required to make a whitewash of the tree trunk. In the presence of damage, such places need to be cleaned up to the living area and put on them a garden var.

Pruning plants

It is recommended to remove dry wood in a timely mannerand sick branches. It is also worth bearing in mind that Manchurian apricot does not have the ability to control its own crop: almost all normally formed ovaries will turn into fruits firmly attached to the branches. The plant can be overloaded with a crop that will weaken the growth of new shoots. Therefore, annual rejuvenating pruning is an essential factor in the care of the plant.

apricot manchu reviews

Of pests, apricot Manchu can be affected by a spider mite, a cherry elephant, aphids; from illnesses - a holey spot and a verticility.