Cultivation of garlic

Garlic is one of the oldest cultures thatlearned how to grow people. Leek and onion belong to the same family as garlic. It is used in medicine and in cooking. For medicinal purposes, garlic is used to treat flu, colds, cough, bronchitis. Moreover, it can lower cholesterol and prevent heart disease. As it turned out, garlic - an effective tool in the fight against cancer. He is able to reduce their negative impact.

Cultivation of garlic

Growing garlic can be called prettycomplex process. After all, it requires exposure to sunlight, a sufficient amount of time and drennirovanny soil. The secret to growing garlic is planting seeds on the day that is closest to the day of the autumnal equinox. Garlic "loves" to form roots before falling into a state of rest with the arrival of winter.

Thanks to his landing at this time, there will be lateral buds, which, after the arrival of spring, will become dense teeth.

Growing garlic can occur both onbeds, and in ordinary garden containers. You will need well-drained soil, because otherwise, garlic will simply rot. For planting everything to be good, you need to use the correct ground, previously mixed with compost or rotten leaves. Before planting garlic, determine which of its varieties is best suited to the climate in which you live.

Autumn planting of garlic

Take one garlic clove and peel it offpeel to get separate teeth. Place them vertically so that the roots are on the bottom. Sit at a depth of about 2 centimeters. Then carefully pour the container and place it in the sunniest place, which at the same time will be protected from the winds.

When spring comes

With the onset of spring, your garlic will start growing.Therefore, it will simply be necessary to feed it with specially intended fertilizers. This should be done every two weeks. In addition, it is necessary to constantly water the garlic, but do not overdo it with this case. The appearance of all kinds of weeds can prevent the normal growth of garlic. Therefore, it is very important to weed it from time to time.

Garlic cultivation technology

Growing culture is very similar in formspiral, the formation of which occurs in the center. Before the heads appear, garlic is overgrown with thick foliage. As soon as the heads begin to form, the use of any fertilizer should be stopped. If you notice that the plant is swollen, you know, the process of the ovary has begun. And this most often speaks of the spread of seeds. But not in the case of garlic. He means that teeth began to form. It will last until the summer, until all the leaves destroy the heat. The first leaves die, located at the bottom or protruding outward, then all the rest.

Collect garlic

If you pull too long, garlic canopen right in the ground. There will be a rotting of the husk, which means you cannot get its head out of the soil. But it should be noted that the longer the garlic is in the ground, the stronger it becomes. Most often it is advised to harvest when the lowest leaves have died, while the upper ones are still the same green ones. When the plant begins to throw off the foliage, you need to stop watering it and allow the soil to dry. This will make harvesting much easier. It is very important to pull each head out of the soil, trying not to damage it. This can be done by digging in the scoop right under the head.

Now you know how cultivation happens.garlic, and what is required for a good harvest. As you can see, not everything is so scary. Think about the cultivation of garlic - a business that can bring considerable income.