/ / Acoustics for TV: review and tips. How to choose the acoustics for the TV?

Acoustics for TV: review and tips. What kind of acoustics for a TV?

Производители телевизоров стремятся предлагать consumer increasingly thin screens, providing high-quality image with a wide range of adjustments. At the same time, the sound quality in modern models stands still just because of the compactness of the case, which does not allow the use of devices for three-dimensional polyphonic acoustics. It will help solve this problem only external equipment, presented on the market in a huge range. Deciding on which acoustics to choose for a TV, you should take into account the basic characteristics of the sound, and not to forget about the possibilities that the latest technologies offer.

AC stand or soundbar?

acoustics for tv

It is believed that the soundbar is the mostsimple and convenient way to implement a modern audio system. In terms of equipping the TV, there is a more decent option - an acoustic stand under the TV. In this case, the technique is installed directly on the column, the dimensions of which correspond to the standard TV stands. Today, such models are produced by LG, Maxell, Panasonic, Denon, etc. This acoustics for the TV reveals the sound quite well, and the viewer has a feeling that the signal comes from the center, and not from the bottom. True, there are drawbacks to such a form factor. Still, the soundbar in the form of a stand is not able to cover a wide range of the sound stage - for example, there may be a decrease in bass. Full-fledged soundbar models benefit in sound quality, but their design is not designed to complement TV sets. Therefore, here we have to choose between acoustic characteristics and a rational configuration of the installation of the equipment.

Power selection

wireless speakers for tv

For a small room it is worth consideringpower 50 watts. This will be enough, for example, for a TV, which is located in a room of 20 m2. If planning a living room arrangement of 30 m2, then acoustics are suitable for TV, the power potential of which is about 100 watts. Next you should already focus on 150 watts and above. In addition to the size of the room itself, much depends on the characteristics of the TV, which will broadcast the sound through a stand or a separate set of soundbars. So, for home theater with a large diagonal sometimes use audio systems, the total output power of which is at 500 watts.

Means of connection - what to consider?

TV models that have entered the market in recent5 years, most of them have an HDMI connector. Today, with its help, the best image transfer is provided. Not so often this input is supplied to the speakers for the TV, but its presence, of course, is a plus. And the advantages of such a connection are not only in high-quality sound. In the most advanced versions of HDMI is complemented by a return ARC-audio channel. This means that the user can control the volume through the TV remote. In particular, this technology is used in some models of LG TVs.

choice of acoustics for the TV

Кроме этого, присутствие функции ARC расширяет the possibility of broadcasting a sound signal from other sources connected to the TV. It can be a satellite tuner, game console or BD player - using the HDMI connector, the speakers for the TV can automatically play and the sound from these devices. But there is a minus at such an entrance. The fact is that a multichannel audio signal is converted to two-channel when processed via HDMI and transferred to the soundbar. True, there are exceptions - for example, in some models of Sony TVs, the tech port does not limit the possibilities of sound.

Wireless equipment

If you plan to use the soundbar in removalfrom the TV, that is, it makes sense to pay attention to equipping the equipment with a Bluetooth receiver. You should not think that the quality of such a connection will be significantly different from the wired one. Through the use of the aptX audio codec, the manufacturer provides sound that is close to the characteristics of a CD-Audio. At the same time, the wireless speakers for the TV are also endowed with all the disadvantages of other systems of this type. First of all, the stability of the signal will be dependent on external factors. Also, the synchronization of sound from the TV without the use of a wired connection method still does not allow to fully disclose the advantages of configurations 5.1 and 7.2. Perhaps in the future, these heights will be subject to the same Bluetooth module.

Overview of manufacturers and models

what acoustics to choose for the TV

If maximum use is plannedacoustic potential, then attention should be paid to the Philips HTL9100 system. This is a complex that includes a soundbar and a subwoofer, which provide both excellent sound and decorate the interior with its look. A feature of the model is sharpened for a quiet, but clear signal processing, which allows you to comfortably watch movies at night. In the segment of the coasters, there is also a decent choice of acoustics for the TV, and from the same Philips developers. For example, the model HTL5120, which is focused on providing natural and comfortable sound, deserves attention. Thanks to the addition in the form of a small subwoofer, the system also works with low frequencies. Especially for those who do not want to go far from the purposeful listening to music, it is worth recommending Roth Oli and Ruark MR1 audio systems with a classic layout.


acoustics for tv

With the development of television equipmentcapabilities are being improved to ensure proper acoustics. We can say that the function of the audio system manufacturers of TVs shifted on the shoulders of the creators of the soundbars. In part, this is a logical process, since the flat screen is almost not combined with the technology, which should process and transmit surround sound. Against this background, acoustics for TV, which has its own design features, became popular. However, the principal choice of the consumer is only one - to buy a compact stand for the screen, which practically does not take up too much space, or give preference to the traditional soundbar with surround and multi-channel sound. Also it is necessary to take into account the orientation of the systems to interact with television equipment. The same HDMI port provides many advantages, which are expressed in clean sound and ease of use of the system.