/ / Non-volatile septic tanks without pumping: principle of operation

Energy-independent septic tanks without pumping: operating principle

Today, consumers are becomingnon-volatile septic tanks are popular. Alternatively, such a device can be considered "Tank", which is characterized by high performance and adapted to dacha conditions. The capacity of the model "Tank-1" is 1.2 m3. Like other designs from thismanufacturer, "Tank-1" can be classified as non-volatile installations for the treatment of domestic wastewater. The model has high efficiency and low cost. If you still have not decided whether to purchase such equipment, it is necessary to become more familiar with the principles of its operation.

Principle of functioning

non-volatile septic tanks

Non-volatile septic tanks, as a rule, possesssame construction. It has the appearance of a plastic container, the average dimensions of which are 1200 x 1000 x 1700 mm. Inside the tank is divided into 3 sections. The first is used for the accumulation of sewage and sedimentation of insoluble sediments. Heavier elements settle to the bottom, and the clarified liquid flows into the next chamber, where it settles and disposes of suspended inclusions.

In the next step, the wastewater flows intofloating load container. It has a cylindrical shape, and it is here that the processes of biological treatment take place. Loading plays an important role in this - it cleans the liquid from coarse impurities. Depending on the composition of sewage and loading, water can be obtained at the outlet, the percentage of purification of which can vary from 50 to 70%.

Ground filtration

overflow septic tank

Non-volatile septic tanks providethe need for soil filtration. At the next stage, the liquid undergoes exactly this process. When installing a septic tank, aeration fields are equipped, which have a number of drainage pipes. Through them, the liquid enters the sand and gravel layer, and then - into the soil.

However, the consumer can do and typicalsolutions that are designed for a country house. Such designs do not provide for the presence of a filtering field, but they are completed with infiltrators. Such additions are plastic containers, devoid of bottom. In appearance, they resemble a cube, the volume of which is 400 liters. It performs a limited role: the fluid accumulates on the site where the device is located, and gradually passes through the filtering layer of sand, gravel and soil.

The principle of operation of the overflow concrete septic tank

concrete septic tank

Overflow septic tank can be performed by youon their own. The principle of its work is almost no different from what was described above. If we consider its device, then it consists of two wells, in one of which the liquid will settle against solid fractions and undergo a process of decay. This compartment has a concrete bottom, through which the liquid can not penetrate into the soil. The second compartment has a bottom made of rubble. This layer is filtering and absorbable.

Will be subject to resorption in advance.purified from large and solid elements of the liquid. Overflow septic tank provides for periodic cleaning of the first well, from there to eliminate excess sludge. This cannot be done manually - it will be necessary to use an ashenizator machine. In order to less often resort to the services of a nightman, in the first well it is necessary to add biological products that allow you to break down solid elements.

Features of the overflow concrete septic tank

principle of operation of non-volatile septic tank

Выше был описан бетонный септик, однако данная the design can be made of different materials. Overflow structures are often made of concrete rings, but do not forget about the background riser, which is located on the roof. It is necessary for intensive ventilation. Such systems move away from drinking wells and wells by at least 15 m.

For reference

non-volatile septic tank without pumping

If you decide to use concrete rings, thenknow: they are suitable for not too large houses, where about 1500 liters of water are consumed per day. The crushed stone substrate should be equipped in such a way that the volume of the material used is 3 m.3 or more. It is important to consider the need for waterproofing the joints between the rings.

Recommendations of a specialist

The concrete septic tank has its advantages anddisadvantages, among the latter, you can highlight the need for high-quality waterproofing. Sometimes it can add extra weight, however, the strength will be increased and the system’s immunity to corrosion will be ensured.

The principle of operation of the non-volatile system for cleaning the effluent brand "Topas"

If you want to buy non-volatileseptic tank without pumping, then you should pay attention to another solution - "Topas". This device purifies household wastewater with the help of special microorganisms called anaerobic bacteria. Under their influence, organic compounds are disinfected, disintegrate, and in the next stage are processed into sludge.

Waste water enters the first installation chamber,where is the first stage of purification. At the same time, large fractions are eliminated; with the help of airlift, water enters the aeration tank, which is the second sector. It is the main part of the plant where active bacteria are contained. It is here that the pollution that has passed the first stage is destroyed.

The principle of operation of the non-volatile septic tank "Topas"lies in the fact that the sludge formed during the processing of sewage, plays the role of a binder for particles that are contained in water. Then the liquid enters the third sector, which is called the pyramid. It is there that the sludge settles to the bottom, and the finally purified water flows further. As in the case described above, filter sludge should be removed from time to time.


The process of sludge disposal is quite simple, it does notprovides for consumer knowledge What else are good such non-volatile septic tanks? Judging by the reviews, the sludge processed in the course of their functioning can even be used as a fertilizer.