Отделка внутренних стен в помещении – это всегда a very sensitive issue that almost everyone faces during repairs. The choice of materials for such work is great. And anyone has its advantages and, unfortunately, disadvantages. One of the mentioned building materials is GVL moisture resistant, which finds its application not only in interior decoration, but even in the exterior.
What it is?
Under such a concept as "GVL moisture resistant",implied finishing sheet material. It is made by pressing building gypsum and loose cellulose fibers. The front and back sides of each sheet are treated with a water repellent, polished and coated with a special impregnation that prevents chalking. The last layer protects the coating from destruction caused by the loss of compound fillers and pigments with a binder component.
Листы ГВЛ выпускаются прямоугольной формы.Their longitudinal edges can be straight or folded. The standard size of a single sheet is 2500 mm by 1200 mm. However, there are other sizes, it all depends on the manufacturer. Most often it is 1500 mm by 600 mm. Sheet thickness can be 10, 12.5, 15, 18 and 20 mm.
Material Features
On GVL moisture resistant price is higher than on GKL(drywall). This is due to a number of performance characteristics that distinguish it favorably from similar finishing materials. Consider the main advantages:
1. Влагостойкость.Processing of sheets with a water repellent allows you to achieve that the sheet finishing material is well tolerated by high humidity. Thanks to this property, GVL moisture resistant is used in the decoration of bathrooms and similar rooms.
2. Fire resistance.The sheet material in question is made of gypsum, which itself is a non-combustible substance. After production, all sheets undergo compulsory certification, according to the results of which they are assigned a fire safety class. This is usually T1, D1, B1, G1, which corresponds to practically non-combustible materials that do not support independent combustion and release of toxic substances. Due to these properties, they are used in the arrangement of the premises, where there are high requirements for fire safety.
3. Frost resistance. This material tolerates freezing / thawing. He is able to withstand 15 such cycles without loss of quality.
4. High strength. Sheet density is 1250 kg / m3. Their tensile strength at bending is 5.5 MPa, which is almost two times more than that of the GCR.
5. The homogeneity of the composition.
6. High sound insulation. According to this parameter GVL moisture resistant has an indicator equal to 35 dB, while GCR - only 25 dB.
How much is?