/ / Pelargonium home - unpretentious beauty

Pelargonium home - unpretentious beauty

Пеларгония, или герань, - достаточно A common flower in indoor culture. The native land of this plant is South Africa. Herbaceous or shrubby pelargonium is absolutely unpretentious in cultivation. Considering the fact that it blooms very long - from spring to winter, it is called "geranium blossoming" in another way. All the existing pelargonium species that are grown in the house have one name - room geranium. Her close relatives are ordinary geranium (weed), growing in the kitchen gardens and roadsides, and meadow geraniums, which grow in meadows, glades in the forest and on the slopes of the mountains.

Pelargonium home has several types.One common is pelargonium zonal. This name is not accidental. On its leaves there are dark circles of transitional colors, dividing the leaf into zones. Her flowers are in the form of a globular umbrella, terry and simple. The color range is diverse - white, pink, crimson, red. The stems are strong, the leaves are pubescent and very fragrant. In general, this plant reaches a height of 30 - 60 cm, and there are up to 1 meter.

Another very beautiful species is Pelargoniumhome. This kind of pelargonium is called royal. This large flowered plant with jagged rough leaves. Its flowers have wavy edges and a brighter coloring with a diameter of 4 to 6 cm.

The shortage of the royal pelargonium is a short bloom. Since it blossoms only from the onset of spring to the middle of summer. And its height in height reaches 30-60 cm.

Гибридной формой пеларгонии является пеларгония thyroid. She has thin hanging shoots, reaching one meter in length, and this gives her the opportunity to grow her as an ampel plant. The leaves of this plant are juicy, ivy, bright green, sometimes on the edges with a white border. Flowers and ordinary, and terry from white, tender pink, salmon tones, to bright lilac.

To date, because of its abundant andlong flowering, ordinary care and bright, beautiful pelargonium leaves the thyroid is very popular. Also there is the opportunity to grow it as a stamping tree.

Pelargonium fragrant is a herbaceous plant,having a large number of branches and leaves. Strong smelling sheets of small sizes emit the aroma of lemon, and some have the smell of orange, apple, nutmeg, mint, rose. The same small flowers of pink or lilac color, which are collected in an umbrella, are perfectly combined with leaves of geranium fragrant. But still this species is grown because of the leaves, as they are used as seasonings and in various fragrant pads.

As you know, one of the most uncomfortableplants - this is pelargonium. Care at home for this flower does not require much time and effort. Simply, growing geranium, it should be remembered - she loves moderate watering (in winter the land should be almost dry), does not require spraying, well tolerates sunlight, but on especially hot days needs shelter from the sun.

Young shoots should be plucked afterappearance of 4-5 pairs of leaves, in order to improve flowering and increase the number of shoots. Crop the plants in autumn, while leaving a few sheets at the bottom (not less than two). Branches that have undergone pruning can be rooted. And if during the winter period pelargoniya domestic too stretched, then it must be cut in the spring.

Only large-scale pelargoniums areexception. They bloom mainly in the next year after planting and bloom much more abundantly when uncircumcised. Flowers that have already faded, as well as leaves that have turned yellow, should be removed, but it is better not to break off, but cut off so that the stalk does not rot.

In winter, pelargonium is home in a period of rest,so watering should be minimal, and the temperature should not exceed 10-15 degrees. Do not forget that these plants do not like transplants. Pelargonium flower is transplanted only when the pot is too small. To feed geranium it is required potassium fertilizers. If the fertilizer is already ready, you need to make sure that it contains a small amount of nitrogen. Otherwise, the plant will have many leaves and few flowers.

Pelargonium home is quite resistant topests, but there are unpleasant cases when it is affected by aphids, mites, whitefly and weevil. But it's not scary - weevils, ticks and gray rot can be destroyed with the help of fungicides, and aphids and whitefly - permethrin-containing drugs.

Also, the tick is afraid of leaf washing with infusion of chamomilepharmacy with green soap or tobacco. After such washing, it is necessary to rewash the leaves with water 2-3 hours later. And in the fight against the whitefly this procedure is required to be done once in three days and always outside the room.