/ / Superphosphate Fertilizer: composition, characteristics, application instructions for the garden

Superphosphate fertilizer: composition, characteristics, instructions for use in the garden

In the instructions for growing any culture, beThis vegetable, fruit or flower, necessarily present feedings. Many gardeners, mistakenly believing that only organic fertilizers benefit plants, diligently harvest tons of compost and manure. But plants also need minerals.

Practice shows that excellent resultsare obtained, if in time to carry out fertilization with superphosphate of all vegetable crops, fruit trees, berries, ornamental shrubs and flowers. No need to think that in this drug one "chemistry", harmful to health. Superphosphate is a complex compound, which contains many substances necessary for plants to grow green mass and fruiting.

Basic information

Superphosphate is classified as simplemineral phosphate fertilizers. This drug is a gray powder that, when stored, compresses very little and has an average dispersibility. His formula is: Ca (H2BY4)2* X2O and CaSO4.

In this substance is perfectly digestible by plants P2ABOUT5 contains up to 19.5%.

From the name it is clear that the main chemical elementin superphosphate - phosphorus. It is present in two forms - phosphoric acid and monocalcium phosphate salt. These two components can be from 20% to 50%, which is indicated on the original packaging. Also included in the superphosphate fertilizer:

  • Gypsum.
  • Silica.
  • Iron phosphate.
  • Fluorine compounds.
  • Aluminum phosphate.

Consider the role of each ingredient for plant life.

use of superphosphate


The raw materials for obtaining this element arephosphorites, which are sedimentary rocks. Phosphorus is necessary for plants. They signal that it is not enough, changing the color of their foliage from green to bronze, purple, violet. Phosphorus and its compounds help plants become more frost-resistant, it is easier to tolerate drought, accumulate starch, fats and sugar.

The introduction of superphosphate promotes earlierthe ripening of fruits is precisely due to the phosphorus contained in it. This element is a component of complex proteins that are involved in cell division. As a result, fertilizer superphosphate contributes to the formation of new branches, buds, ovaries, leaves. Plants receiving such dressing grow stronger, have a lush crown (trees), form more fruits.


Вы ошибаетесь, если полагаете, что гипс used only in medicine for limb fractures. This element in its raw form is a very valuable fertilizer, as it is a rich source of calcium and sulfur. Its formula is CaSO4.

Calcium is needed by plants to increase yields, regulate nitrogen consumption, and most importantly - to increase immunity to various diseases.

If the soil of this element is missing, the fruitstied small. Even before harvesting (being green) they crack. Flowers with a lack of calcium buds die off and fall off. In fruit crops dry apical shoots dry.

granular superphosphate

Fertilizer superphosphate, which contains gypsum,helps to avoid all these phenomena, increase yields, make more flowering ornamental crops, increase the shelf life of the harvested fruit.

Silica and Fluoride

Silica is a silicon oxide (SiO2).This element is necessary in the soil, because it improves the digestibility of phosphorus, as well as potassium, magnesium and other beneficial substances, affects the metabolic processes occurring in plants, stimulates the development of the root system, thereby expanding the nutrition zone. Silicon makes plants more resistant to frost, drought, toxic poisoning, damage to pests. Scientists have found that the presence of silicon in the required volumes increases the yield of cereals, cucumbers, potatoes. In tomatoes, with a lack of silicon, the fruits are either not tied or remain small.

Удобрение суперфосфатом, содержащим кремнезем, significantly increases the yield of tomatoes and potatoes. Beneficial effect and making it to the cultivation of many other agricultural and ornamental crops.

Regarding the fluorine compounds present insuperphosphate mainly in the form of sodium fluoride, there is no consensus. Some experts argue that fluorine compounds in combination with phosphorus contribute to an increase in the yield of root crops. Others believe that this substance in small doses does not have a noticeable effect on plants, and in large quantities it tends to accumulate in the leaves and reduces the yield.

Useful properties of superphosphate

From all the above, we can conclude that the use of superphosphate as a fertilizer is advisable. This drug has the following effects on plants:

  • Increases productivity.
  • Makes them less susceptible to cold and drought.
  • Helps resist diseases and pests.
  • Stimulates the growth of the aerial parts.
  • Increases the shelf life of fruits.
  • Develops the root system.
  • Improves the taste of the fruit.
  • Slows down plant aging.

Whether or not fertilization is required can be determined by the color of the leaf plate of the crop.

You can use superphosphate in parallel with potash and nitrogen supplements. Do not use superphosphate fertilizer in parallel with chalk, urea, ammonium nitrate.

superphosphate powder

Double superphosphate

The formula for this substance is Ca (H2BY4)2· H2O. In it P2ABOUT5perfectly digestible by plants, much more than in simple superphosphate, namely from 45% to 48%.

The composition of the double superphosphate is also availablegypsum, however its percentage is lower. However, this fertilizer contains additives of manganese (up to 2.5%), boron (up to 0.3%), ammonia (up to 1.6%), molybdenum (up to 0.1%). Each of these elements contributes to the properties of the drug.

Manganese is an integral part of many importantproteins. It is necessary for plants for many redox reactions, in particular, to convert nitrates to ammonia. Most of all, the berries, plum, apple, and cherry suffer from a lack of this element.

Molybdenum is also necessary for all plants, althoughthe need for it is somewhat lower than in other chemical elements. This is taken into account when producing double superphosphate. The characteristic of mineral fertilizer reflects the percentage of each component and shows that molybdenum in the preparation is less than the total (0.1%). But even in such quantities, this element has a beneficial effect on plants. It enhances photosynthesis, participates in the formation of chlorophyll, plays an important role in biochemical processes, in carbohydrate and phosphorus metabolism, helps to convert nitrates into ammonia.

Boron is another very important chemical.element. It increases the yield, promotes the accumulation of starch in potatoes, and in sugar beet sugar, improves the quality of seeds, activates flowering and fertilization.

Ammonia is valuable because it contains a lot of nitrogen.a lot (up to 82%). As you know, nitrogen is required by plants, as people need bread. Therefore, they all very actively absorb nitrates, which tend to accumulate in fruits and leaves. Ammonia plants absorb in themselves without “appetite”, but it performs the same role as nitrates, not accumulating at all in the leaves, nor in the roots, nor in the ovaries, nor in the fruits.

As can be seen from the above brief description, double superphosphate plays a very important role for plants during their growing season.

carrot fertilizer

Granular superphosphate

In addition to superphosphate, powder industryreleases this fertilizer in the form of granules. Some gardeners are surprised at the different prices for such a chemical with an equal amount of it in the package. It depends on the granulation method. Wet preparation (performed using water and steam, but the fertilizer itself feels dry to the touch) is always more expensive than pressed.

Granulated superphosphate itself -fertilizer that works much better in soil than powder, despite the fact that their chemical composition may be identical. This is another explanation of why drugs are always more expensive in granules.


  • The smaller expense when using on the area, equal with powder superphosphate.
  • It has a prolonged action (it dissolves gradually, without losing its properties, the plants take it as needed).
  • It is possible to fertilize the soil on large areas mechanically (it does not spread the wind across the field).
  • It is not washed away by water.

Soils and methods of application

Practically on all types of soil it is advisable.the use of superphosphate. Fertilizer should be applied with care only in soils with a pH below 6. If soil acidity is high, before adding phosphorus preparations to plants, it is necessary to add fluff, slaked lime, ground egg shell, that is, make the soil pH and neutralize it.

fertilizer in spring and autumn

There are several ways to apply superphosphate to help reduce chemical absorption by the soil:

  • The use of granular superphosphate.
  • Local application.
  • Placing fertilizer in the grooves made in the ground.
  • Dot application.
  • Fertilizer plants water extract of the drug.

In the latter case, the drug penetrates fasterroot system and starts its work. Make a water extract is not difficult. It is only necessary to pour boiling water over the granules and actively mix them until they are completely dissolved. Recommended proportions for the working solution: 20 tablespoons of superphosphate and 3 liters of water. For fertilizer plants need to take 150 ml of this solution in a bucket of water.

You can make an aqueous solution of superphosphateanother way. This requires composting fertilizer with preparations containing live bacteria, for example, with humates. When the mixture is ready, it is diluted in water and kept for 24 hours for final maturation. After that, it can still be diluted with water and applied to fertilize any crops.

Terms of dressings

For use in the garden spring fertilizerSuperphosphate is the perfect choice. It is used as root dressing, which ensures active growth of plants, increase in green mass, good development. In general, all this helps them to resist diseases and pests, to accumulate useful substances in their parts, to please them with lush flowering and fruit set.

В среднем вносят простого суперфосфата на 1 метр square from 40 to 50 grams, and double and granulated from 20 to 30 grams. Note that in a standard tablespoon of powdered drug 18 grams (without high slides), and granulated - about 16 grams. For trees, the rates are different. If their age is over 3 years old, up to 600 grams should be added for each. The most convenient way to do metal or wooden peg holes around the trunk depth of about 50 cm, put fertilizer in them, and after the hole to fill with earth. The roots will take the feeding themselves as much as they need.

In the summer, some crops are given foliar dressings with an extract from superphosphate.

If plants overfeed with this fertilizer, you canto burn their roots, thereby causing not active growth, but disease and developmental delays. A symptom of an overdose can be brown spots on the edges of the leaves, brittle stems.

Many gardeners practice fertilizersuperphosphate in the fall, when digging a vegetable garden or field. With this introduction, the drug has time to "disperse" on the soil, which will help the plants in the spring to immediately begin to use it.

Instructions for use for some plants

When planting potatoes, it is better to use granular fertilizer, placing it 3-4 grams in each well.

fertilizer with tomato superphosphate

Инструкция по применению удобрения суперфосфат for tomatoes, it says that you need to make about 20 grams of each plant when planting seedlings per bush. It is better to pour fertilizer not into the hole, but into the grooves made next to it in the ground. So you can protect the roots from burns. Another way is to add superphosphate evenly to the garden in the fall, where it is planned to plant tomatoes in the spring.

For tomatoes, it is useful to do feedingsuperphosphate and flowering period. Dosage in this case: a teaspoon of granules per 10 liters of water. This drug is for root feeding. If you make a solution for spraying the leaves, then you need to dilute 10 ml of superphosphate extract in 10 liters of water.

For cucumbers is useful to use this drug.repeatedly. In the autumn it is introduced into the soil when digging the beds. Standards: from 20 to 30 grams per square meter. With mass flowering, root dressings are made, adding 20 grams per square meter. In the process of fruit ripening, if the soils are poor, cucumbers are fed again, sprinkling them with a superphosphate extract diluted in water. Rates: 10 ml per bucket.

The instructions for the use of superphosphate for garlic say that this culture is fed twice with phosphorus preparations.

garlic superphosphate fertilizer

The first time is in the autumn, when the garden is about10-15 days before planting make humus, superphosphate and wood ash. The second feeding (spring) is carried out with the use of urea. Therefore, superphosphate does not contribute. It is used for the third feeding, when garlic begins to form and grow heads. Norms: on a bucket of water 2 tablespoons granulated fertilizer. About 5 liters of this solution should be consumed per square meter.

It is recommended to feed with superphosphate in the fallberries and trees so that they can more easily withstand the winter cold. It is best to add fertilizer for each bush. Norm: 2 tbsp. spoons, which need to be evenly distributed in the circle of the trunk, deep into the ground by 10 cm.

If we are talking about currants and raspberries, then it is desirable to add humus and potassium salt to the superphosphate.

For apples and pears is very useful in the fall to makedouble superphosphate at 30 grams per square meter of area around the tree. If plums and cherries are fertilized in this way annually, then once every five years it is necessary to check the soil for acidity, and in the case of very low pH values, lime the soil in pristvolny circles.