If you turn to history and look at the developmentconstruction of baths, it can be seen that, despite all the internal differences, most often the construction was erected from a wooden beam. From it, the structures are good and warm.
Advantages of frame structures
Сегодня же строительство каркасных бань – не всем an affordable pleasure because of the price of wood. There is another nuance in the operation of such wooden structures: the beam warms up with respect to other materials for a long time, which is why in a severe frost it may be necessary to heat the bath for up to 6 hours in a row.
Modern technologies make it possible to producebuilding materials that will be an excellent alternative to more expensive counterparts. And most often from such materials choose the one that represents the most budgetary solution.
One of the popular alternatives for a log-houseis a frame sauna that is easy to build with your own hands. Other common options, for example from the cinder block, are inferior to the operating data of a structure such as a frame sauna. Reviews, as a rule, only positive about it.
Variety of projects
Today, a hugenumber of projects. A special place is occupied by the projects of frame saunas, which amaze not only the quality, but also the variety. The design of a skeleton bath can be selected for any area, layout and configuration, which makes it easy to adapt the building to the available land. You can even choose the design of a 2-storey bath. A sauna with a mansard skeleton will decorate any yard or garden area.
Nuances of design
Before building a skeleton sauna,do many preliminary cases. It is worth making sure that all the details of the future construction are provided, the material for construction is bought enough, etc. For this, a project carefully developed by professionals in construction is needed.
Correctness of calculations
Wrong calculations in the planning of the bath canlead to the fact that the bath will not be a pleasure and a guarantee of health, but a total torment, when the most important elements begin to prematurely fail, for example, the floor of a floor will rot and it will become cold.
This can be not only unpleasant, but alsodangerous to health, because the same drafts can lead to catarrhal diseases. If the frame sauna reviews are negative, then due to a violation of construction technology.
When a decision is made to eliminate these shortcomings, the price of work can easily exceed the cost of the project, which was previously rejected.
Stages of design
The development of the bath design is divided into clearly marked stages, corresponding to one or another of its functional parts. The most important points are as follows:
- the creation of a scheme for the distribution of heat flows within the bath, ventilation, the location of the washing compartment and the steam room;
- preparation of the bathhouse for operation at any time of the year (here the special attention is due to the warming of the skeleton bath).
In addition to the above, the project separately addresses the issue of pouring the foundation.
It is important to accurately calculate its depth, width and other parameters to make the bath durable and comfortable.
Distribution of elements
The first thing done - it draws a sketch of the future bath, on the basis of which an experienced architect will be able to depict the layout of all elements and, as a result, draw up project documentation.
Looking at the piles of building materials, do itis impossible. After all, to make measurements, if the sauna with a skeleton skeleton, after the sawing or pouring may be too late, it may be necessary to change something in the future bath, to buy building materials, to engage in permanent alterations and adjustments.
Any project has certain weak and strongside, and for wireframe baths there are characteristics, which must be paid attention in the first place. Even the famous log cabins have disadvantages, so this question is extremely important.
Steam insulation
The warmth of the frame house impliesUse of such materials that it does not have condensation at any time of the year, even in winter. Condensation damages the entire structure as a whole. All wood materials rot and begin to emit unpleasant odors, become slippery.
If a construction of such an object is planned asframe sauna, reviews need to read necessarily. Of these, you can find out that for the vapor barrier of such baths are often used pergamine, roofing paper, as well as special films. These materials are laid between the inner skin and the layer of insulation.
Thermal insulation
Skeleton baths must be very well insulated. Then, heat losses will be minimized, high tightness will be ensured, normal air exchange with the street will not be disturbed.
Compared to a brick wall, wireframes have a much lower thermal conductivity and retain much more heat, and they do this for a longer time.
Wall material
Лучше всего использовать хорошо просушенную wood. Of the varieties have the best characteristics of linden, aspen, larch, they perfectly retain heat and for a long time allow you to preserve the original form of construction.
For covering the walls of a skeleton bath, boards are usedthickness of 20-30 mm. Outside it is better to use boards from larch and pine, they are more resistant to precipitation. Inside the building, you can use any available wood. The lining for interior lining also requires attention to its quality.
Before you start stuffing the inner skinwe must take care of creating a high-quality vapor barrier. It is better to use parchment, aluminum foil or a special vapor barrier film. Habitual materials, such as roofing felt, can only emit a specific odor when heated. Because of this, recently they have been used less and less.
It is important to take into account that the lining must be placed vertically in the plating, tightening each individual plank to each other.
Material for flooring
A very important operational parameter.A poor-quality floor in a skeleton bath will be a real headache, especially when using a bath in the winter. The most common problem is the large temperature difference inside the steam room, when it is hot at the level of the head or chest, and the feet can even freeze.
This feature is characteristic of low-budgetoption with the organization of flowing wooden floors (without insulated concrete frame). The fact is that running water impregnates the ground under the floor and freezes. During the heating of the sauna all heat is accumulated from above. To warm the floor to the ground, it takes a huge amount of fuel and time.
General principles of construction
To build a skeleton bath yourselfjust order a quality project and do all the instructions. In the process of erection, it is possible to single out a number of the most significant stages, which one by one will have to pass through to each developer who has started such construction.
Details of the work:
- Lay the foundation of.Most often this tape monolithic. It from all available sides (on top and sides) should be coated with waterproofing material, for example, polymer-bitumen grease "Hydroisol". Above this layer are laid logs (uneven bars) of the rough floor and the strapping is made of a bar for the subsequent installation of wall panels.
- There is a skeleton of a bath: all beams and uneven bars are securely fastened. Now the design begins to resemble the original sketch, on which the subsequent design was created.
- Sandwich panels are attached to the strapping elementsfrom OSB with 100 mm slabs of expanded polystyrene. Panels are attached using self-tapping screws with a hexagonal head of diameters of 6-8 mm (they are also called "wood grouse"). The joints between the plates are filled with foam. It is thanks to this simplicity of design that the frame sauna receives the most flattering comments.
- On the resulting design it is necessary to fixsystem rafters. On top of the finished sheathing it is necessary to put the same slabs of insulation from which the walls were made, and on top of them lay any roofing material, for example, ondulin.
- While the bath is not closed by a roof, at the stage of installationrafter, it is better to immediately mount the frames of all internal partitions. Everything, the frame of the bath is ready. Now you can proceed to the final stages of warming and interior finishing.
- Первое, что делаем – это утеплённый пол.For what on the rough concrete surface it will be necessary to lay a layer of foam plastic or mineral wool. The only exception is the steam room, there it will be necessary to leave a free flow of water directly into the ground. And already on top of the heater is poured another layer of concrete - a clean, which then you will have to install the crate of the wooden floor. Sometimes the logs under the finishing floor are mounted inside a new layer, i.e., lags are first fixed, a layer of insulation is poured in between them, leaving only a small gap between the concrete cover and the future wooden flooring.
- External walls of the steam compartment must be isolateddouble layer of glassine or mineral wool, covering them with aluminum foil on top with mandatory gluing of all joints, since the steam room is a particularly wet room of the bath.
- Prefabricated enough to insulate the plates with polystyrene foam, without vapor barrier.
- On top of all the insulation on the inner walls of the bath trimmed with lining. Internal walls are also lined with the same material on both sides without a heater.
- Next to the wall, where the stove will be located,it is necessary to lay the screen out of the brick so that there will be no fire from the heat of the furnace. Furnaces for a bath, like the buildings themselves, can differ in design, efficiency, price.
- Outside, the frame bath should be insulated with a roll of waterproofing material from basalt mineral wool.
When installing the oven, all elements of woodenstructures are carefully insulated with non-combustible materials. To strengthen the fire control, the entire frame and walls are impregnated with a special mixture that helps prevent fire from heating.
The best bath can be done only by professionals
Technology of rapid construction of a bathconstruction is relatively simple, and you can build a skeleton sauna with your own hands, but it can be difficult for a person without experience to calculate everything without the help of a professional. For example, for inexperienced builders, concepts such as "dew point" may be incomprehensible. Although its displacement inside the room will lead to an increase in the rate of destruction of the frame due to accumulated moisture inside.
But a professional builder who hasa great experience in making baths, it is easy to make so that the building will long please the owner with its qualities. Particularly useful, his services will be when the bathhouse with a skeleton is conceived. Such structures are more difficult to construct. In general, the skeleton baths prices are much lower than those of other materials.