Every year more and more peopleturns into summer residents. The main reason for this choice is the interest, the independent production of useful products and a long stay in the fresh air. In villages, in fields, in forests - everywhere they strive to create a cozy atmosphere, even in such conditions it is several times harder to do this than in cottages and apartments. Preserve the cleanliness and pleasant smell in the street toilets will help "Bref Suburban". Reviews confirm that this miracle remedy can cope with absolutely any problem.
Which product is better to choose?
Below you can see the properties and pricing.commodity policy "country breeze". Reviews and photos of this product will tell the buyer that this tool is really effective. However, you can see that it is found in several variants. So which one should you choose?
- Toilet cleaner, presented in the form of solid and liquid blocks.
- Balls with a filler.
- Spray.
- Powder.
They all aim at the same action,therefore, choosing the most suitable product is difficult. In order not to be mistaken, it is recommended to get acquainted in detail with the instructions for use of the cleaning tool “Suburban Bref”. Reviews about him say that if the toilet is equipped with a drain function, it is best to choose a product in the form of a liquid block. For country toilets without flushing it is recommended to purchase the product in the form of powder. However, it is strongly recommended that you try each tool first to find out which one is the best.
A few words about the manufacturer
Когда речь идет о продуктах, предназначенных для cleaning, for example, about the tool "Bref suburban", then the reviews about the manufacturer in this matter are of no small importance. Henkel is in demand among female representatives, and she is the only Bref product developer. The main focus of the company - to produce funds that will keep the bathroom in perfect cleanliness.
How to use it correctly?
It is recommended to work with this tool inrubber gloves: the chemicals in its composition can cause allergies, flaking and skin irritation. Instructions for use of any product from this line consists of several points:
- In the cottage toilet powder should be poured into the pit after each visit. If we are talking about the toilet, then periodically it is recommended to flush it with a liquid block.
- After washing it is necessary to wash it off. It is recommended to wipe residues from the toilet bowl, as well as from the country toilet, using a sponge.
After applying for five hours willpresent freshness and pleasant aroma. For cleaning the bathroom it is recommended to use the “Country breeze”. Product reviews indicate that it is easy to use.
Price policy
As already mentioned, the tool is available inseveral forms, they all differ in price. On average, it is approximately from 60 to 100 rubles. In some cities, the price may vary slightly. However, it is very profitable to buy the "Country Club". Customer reviews confirm this. The main advantage lies not only in its effectiveness, but also in ease of use. It can be used in small quantities. Just enough pinches of powder in order for the toilet to become clean and it has a pleasant smell.
Positive reviews
Before you buy any tool, you shouldread what other customers are saying about him. This is the most reliable and verified information about its quality. If you take for example the product "Bref" for country toilets, the reviews about it are mostly positive. They look like this:
- Практически каждый покупатель отдает предпочтение it is this product, as they saw on the Internet or on TV an advertisement for the new product “Bref Suburban”. They feel even more pleasure when they see a price equal to 60 - 80 rubles.
- Every second woman claims that it is universal - ideal for cleaning toilet bowls, as well as for outdoor toilets.
- They also note a pleasant smell that spreads throughout the space.
- I like the cost-effectiveness of use, one can of Bref funds lasts for more than a month.
Basically, a new product designed for cleaning toilets receives positive feedback. Those who have used it at least once, must buy it again.
Negative feedback
Any product has pros and cons. Not an exception was the means "Bref Suburban". Reviews about him are also extremely negative. Most buyers note the following:
- Cleaning agent is usuallyinterested in viewing ads. However, it happened not so long ago and does not go to all cities. Accordingly, people encounter such a problem as the lack of necessary goods on the counter. It’s not profitable to order on the Internet, as you have to pay more for the delivery.
- Some housewives lack efficiencyfacilities for toilets. They concluded that in order to always maintain a pleasant smell, it is necessary several times a day to pour it into the pit. In their opinion, the product will be enough for a short time.
Means "Bref country" is a godsend for women!It helps to eliminate odors, creating and maintaining cleanliness! Despite the fact that this line is released relatively recently, it already confidently occupies a leading position among other cleaning products.