/ / Hydrangea Bobo: landing and care. Hydrangea Paniculata Bobo

Hortensia Bobo: planting and care. Hydrangea paniculate Bobo

Almost all gardeners and gardeners lovehydrangeas. Today there are a great many. But of all the variety of these beautiful plants, flower lovers prefer hydrangea paniculata. This choice is not accidental - the plant is unpretentious, grows quickly, does not require complex care. Panicle hydrangea is divided into several types. Among them is a wonderful novelty, which we will talk about today - Bobo hydrangea.

general characteristics

This plant belongs to the dwarf varieties.Therefore, the bushes in height are not above seventy centimeters, and in diameter - more than fifty centimeters. The leaves are painted in deep dark green. Flowers most often white. Sometimes there is a shade - from light lemon to pale pink. Bobo's hydrangea blooms at the end of June, but it blooms most actively from July to September.

bobo hydrangea

A curious fact - anyone can a littlechange the shade of these colors. To do this, when transplanting (or reproducing) bushes, add aluminum sulphate or iron to the earthen mixture. Proportion - 20 grams per 1 kilogram of land.


The recently appeared variety of hydrangea Bobo has already becomevery much in demand. This gentle flowers began to be planted on the terraces, they make out the paths, planting along the curb. They are appreciated by the owners of small personal plots and gardens. In addition, these cute flowers began to increasingly appear in small containers on the balconies of our compatriots.

 hydrangea paniculata bobo


Сразу же хотим успокоить начинающих и неопытных flower growers - Bobo hydrangea is right for you. Caring for her is not difficult, and you can easily cope with this work. It will only require compliance with some simple rules and recommendations.

bobo hydrangea planting and care

All hydrangeas love moisture, but that doesn't meanthat bushes should always be in the water. Everything should be in moderation - regular watering, but not excessive. Some flower growers with experience claim that the hydrangea Bobo likes to be watered in the summer with rainwater and thawed in the winter. Perhaps, but most gardeners use a proven method and water the plant with distilled water. It is important to ensure that there is no lime in the water - it is detrimental to all hydrangeas.

Hydrangea Bobo: landing and care

The most favorable period for planting is spring. Bobo hydrangea planting can be carried out from the moment of thawing of the soil and before bud break.

It is necessary to dig a landing hole with a depth40-50 cm and a diameter of 40 cm. This size may vary depending on the fertility of the soil in your area. If the soil is not very fertile, the pit should be deeper. Fill it with a fertile mixture - humus and peat. To it add 50 grams of mineral fertilizer.

planting hydrangea bobo

Broken twigs and roots of a seedling before plantingpruned shears. In the center of the fossa poured a small mound on which the roots of the seedling are laid out neatly, guiding them in different directions. When planting, a slight penetration of the root collar (2-3 cm) is permissible, otherwise the plant will develop slowly. The ground around the bush should be well compacted so that the roots do not have voids that can provoke their drying out. After planting, the bush must be watered, while the water stream is directed into the well under the plant, so that the soil is saturated with moisture to a depth of about 50 cm. As you can see, the planting of Bobo hydrangea is not too complicated. However, this work requires accuracy.


Absolutely unpretentious plant hydrangea bobo. Planting and caring for her are no different from other types of hydrangeas.

hydrangea bobo care

Now we want to say about such a simpleprocedure like mulching. You can use wood chips, bark or peat to cover the tree circle. This will protect the roots of the plant from overheating, significantly reduce the growth of weeds. Organic mulch is spread in a layer of 7-10 cm around the shrub. Decomposing, this composition becomes part of the soil and acidifies it a little, which is very important for hydrangea. This is best done in late spring, when the soil is quite wet, but it is already well warmed up. In the fall, this procedure is done after steady negative temperatures occur.

Additional fertilizing

For good development, fast growth, everythingplants need mineral and organic fertilizers. Hydrangea paniculata Bobo is no exception. Now in any flower shop you will be offered special fertilizers that are suitable for these flowers. They are rich in iron and magnesium. They are necessary not only when bobo hydrangea is planted, but also during its intensive growth.

planting hydrangea paniculata bobo

The first feeding is carried out at the very end of May orthe beginning of June. For this purpose, a liquid solution of bird droppings diluted with water (1:10) is used, and also a complex mineral fertilizer is used - 10 g of potassium nitrate, 10 g of urea, 20 g of superphosphate. This procedure is repeated every two weeks. To shoots hydrangeas lignified by winter, it is necessary in late July to stop feeding.


Несмотря на свои небольшие размеры, гортензия Bobo needs trimming. This must be done in the period from February to April. Usually leave some of the most powerful stems, and the rest cut. The number of stems that should not be completely cut depends on the strength of the bush.

Young shoots that you see near the rootneck, also cut, but leave the strongest. They will be a substitute for faded stems. The rest of the shoots are usually left on the cuttings for later reproduction.

Therefore, if you do not carry out pruning, your bushes will become neglected and neglected, in addition, the flowering quality may significantly deteriorate.

If spring pruning is done correctly, then soonhydrangea Bobo will delight you with new shoots, where inflorescences will appear by the end of summer. The main thing is to follow a strict rule: implement it in early spring so that there is enough time for the development of new processes.

There is a way to rejuvenate aging bushes. This will require pruning "stump". In this case, the shoots will delight you with flowering next year.


Hortense Bobo successfully propagated by dividing the bush. In autumn or spring, they dig up a bush, divide it into 2-3 parts so that at least three buds remain on each plant.

You can multiply the hydrangea and seeds.But this occupation is more troublesome. Due to the fact that its seeds are very small, sowing should be carried out in boxes. The soil should be light. It is made from leafy soil, peat, humus and coarse sand. Seeds are sown superficially, you can sprinkle them a little sand. They should be watered regularly with a sprinkler. Seeds that will be sown in spring, will grow in a month. For the normal development of seedlings need liquid feeding. By the beginning of autumn they will grow to 40 cm.

hydrangea bobo reviews

Diseases and pests

Hydrangea Paniculata Bobo is resistant to diseases andpests. Sometimes spider mite appears on the leaves. When growing hydrangeas in greenhouses, sometimes aphids infect the leaves. In very wet years, powdery mildew occurs on young shoots and leaves. Virtually all hydrangeas are extremely sensitive to the content of lime in the soil, and when it happens in excess, the leaves may lighten, which is a sign of chlorosis. The same disease can occur when the excess content of humus in the soil.

Hortense Bobo - reviews gardeners

It is a compact plant with magnificent tenderFlowers very quickly gained popularity. Summer residents like the fact that the hydrangea looks great in a flowerbed and when decorating garden paths. People engaged in indoor floriculture are delighted with how this plant has transformed their balcony or loggia. Planting hydrangea paniculata bobo is simple. All lovers of flowers are united by a common opinion - with minimal labor costs, this plant looks very fresh and spectacular.