/ / Floors of plywood on the lag their own hands in the country, in a private wooden house on the 2nd floor

Floors of plywood on the lag with their own hands in the country, in a private wooden house, on the 2 nd floor

Repair in the apartment or in a country housenecessarily accompany the lives of most people. And one of the most frequent problems that have to be solved in this connection are cold or not even flat floors. There are several ways out of this situation, one of them is to make plywood floors in logs. This will be done with their own hands or with the help of specialists, each property owner decides at his own discretion.

What are lags?

plywood floors

Лаги – это специальные деревянные либо полимерные bars or sections of metal profile, laid on a concrete base, on top of which a base for the floor is laid. It is much easier to work with metal, moreover, it is more durable than wood. But there is one major drawback - the metal, unlike wood, is critical to changes in the ambient temperature, which can cause the floor to warp. In addition, wooden bars will cost less.

It should be noted that conifers, especially larch, are the most suitable for making logs. Details must be of the correct geometric shape, smooth and without bends along the entire length.

The choice of material for the base

leveling the floor with plywood

In order to carry out floor levelingplywood on lags with your own hands, you need to choose the right material, because not every kind of it is suitable for this. There are such types of the leveling sheets for a floor:

  1. Plywood is a multilayer material, the number of layers starts from three.
  2. Cement particle board (DSP) isperfect material for leveling wooden floors for subsequent tile laying. It is made of chips and portland cement with the addition of chemical ingredients.
  3. Oriented strand board (OSB) is a multilayer material in which chips are glued with resins with the addition of synthetic wax. It is eco-friendly, but it bends more easily than plywood, and a bit more expensive.
  4. The wood-shaving plate (DSP) has the lowest indicators on durability and environmental friendliness.
  5. Fiberboard (HDF) - a material made by hot pressing wood fiber, very flexible, fragile.

Based on the listed properties of the materials, it can be concluded that the floor of plywood on lags with their own hands in a private house is best done from OSB, DSP or plywood.

About the material

plywood floor by lags do it yourself in a wooden house

Plywood is the most acceptable option.It is a specially glued sheets of veneer: each new fiber layer is perpendicular to the previous fibers, which significantly increases the rigidity. Plywood differs in the characteristics of moisture resistance, durability and environmental friendliness, which depend on the binder material used in the production of:

  • Mark FK is made using carbamide glue, poorly resistant to moisture, swells quickly. But safe for humans, can be used in rooms with low humidity.
  • Brand FSF contains phenol-formaldehyde glue, moisture resistant, but not environmentally friendly due to phenolic emissions.
  • Mark FB - bakelised plywood, resistant to moisture and aggressive media.
  • FOF - laminated (laminated extruded) material called laminate. Used as a decorative floor finish.

To make the floor of plywood on the logs with their own hands in the country or in the apartment, the best way suitable plywood brands FC and PSF from birch in thickness from ten to fifteen millimeters.

The advantages of plywood floor on logs

plywood floor by lag do it yourself in a private house

The device of such floor has a number of indisputable advantages:

  • strengthening sound insulation characteristics;
  • increased thermal insulation qualities;
  • high-quality fast heat insulation of the floor by laying between the lags of insulating material;
  • ensuring uniform pressure distribution on the base;
  • the presence of empty space between the lags allows for the location of various communications in it;
  • quick leveling of floor surfaces;
  • good strength characteristics of the coating;
  • the possibility of easy replacement of damaged parts;
  • even a beginner with no special skills will cope with the work;
  • paving a plywood floor does not require specialized heavy equipment or tools.

Preparation for laying

Mandatory activities before laying the floors should be:

  • inspection of the base;
  • thorough stripping of large irregularities;
  • smearing cracks and cracks;
  • waterproofing floor.

Каким бы коэффициентом влагостойкости ни обладала plywood or any identical material, it has a certain hygroscopicity, which leads to the absorption of a certain amount of moisture. Therefore, the main stage of preparation is waterproofing. It is usually made with thick plastic wrap (in the simplest case) or with a special coating. The concrete floor is covered with the material completely, with a slight overlap on the walls. And so that after laying plywood film stood for it. Parts of waterproofing at the joints are fixed with construction tape.

To make installation of floors on logs of plywood, galvanized hardware is used for fastening, which is three times longer than the thickness of the fixed sheets.

Which is better: two thin layers or one thick?

Фанера является композитным материалом.The layers in it are arranged in cross-fibers in order to achieve sufficient rigidity and strength. On this basis, it becomes clear that in order to improve these characteristics it is completely unimportant how many layers will be laid - two ten-millimeter instead of one twenty-millimeter or more. And there will be no big win in the price.

plywood floor on lags do it yourself on the 2nd floor

But when aligning very crooked floors, the amountlayers plays a significant role here. When laying one layer of unevenness, of course, they smooth out, but drops will remain at the joints of the plywood sheets. This is where the correctly laid second layer helps - the joints of the plates of each of them will coincide with the center of the plates of the other layer.

Вывод:to insulate a smooth base, you can mount the plywood floors through the lags with your own hands in a single layer with sheets of twenty millimeters thick. When aligning the curved base, two ten-millimeter layers with stacked plywood slabs are better suited.

Floors of plywood on the logs with their own hands: logs and crate

The sequence of steps of this stage is as follows:

  1. To perform the installation used dried flat bars section of 10 x 5 cm and a length of at least two meters. In addition, they should rest in a room for two weeks.
  2. Waterproofing is laid on the prepared base, and the bars are treated with an antiseptic.
  3. When installing the lag is indented from each of the walls by 25 mm.
  4. Чтобы нейтрализовать неровности, используют MDF or fiberboard supports with a side of a square of 20 cm, and linoleum pieces for noise suppression. In places where there are substrates, logs are attached to the cement base with anchor bolts. When laying between lags leave a distance of 40 cm.
  5. When all the logs are mounted, go todevice crates. Its strips are also installed on substrates with fastening to the floor and logs with self-tapping screws at a distance of no more than half a meter. It is important that the size of the batten matches the parameters of plywood sheets.
  6. Formed cavities in the crate are filled with insulation and noise insulator.

Fit sizes, mount

In order to properly arrange the floors of plywoodon lags with your own hands (the action photo is presented in the article), it is necessary to cut the plywood into sheets of the right size, optimally 1250 x 2500 mm. For convenience, they can be numbered.

plywood floors DIY

In order to eliminate the possibility of squeaking during further operation, bands of glassine are attached to the lags before laying the plywood with a stapler.

Sheets are laid across the log, fastening the screws at a distance of 15 cm. At the joints, the screws are staggered at a distance of 10 mm from the sheet edge.

When mounted between the sheets, a gap of about a third of a millimeter is left, which is then filled with a sealant or elastic mastic and glued with a moisture-resistant glue.

Laying starts from the window, the hardware caps are completely embedded in the plywood in the drilled holes. If communications are planned, cuts are made for them.

Floors made of plywood on lags do it yourself: installation of layers

This stage is performed in the following sequence:

  1. Laying the first layer starts from the window withindent from the wall about half a centimeter. You can use plywood of the third or fourth grade, since the presence of knots and appearance do not play a noticeable role due to further finishing, and at the cost of such material is much cheaper.
  2. Дополнением для фанеры могут стать промежуточные lags. This is necessary to reduce the size of the cells with a view to a good tie sheet and frame. For this, logs are connected with cross-pieces of cross-pieces, fastening them with steel corners. The size of the cells must be multiple sheets of plywood so that their edges always lie on the lag.
  3. The second layer of sheets is mounted offset from the first. Between the layers are fastened with screws and glued together with PVA or special glue for plywood.
  4. The seams between the sheets close up.
  5. After the last slab is laid, the surface is sanded with an emery paper manually or with a grinding machine.

By the same principle, the floor is made of plywood in lags with their own hands on the 2nd floor of a private house.

Helpful Tips

plywood floor on lags do it yourself at the cottage

To successfully complete the work, you need to pay attention to the following:

  1. It is not recommended to lay tiles on plywood: it can fall off due to the expansion of the wood layer.
  2. Irregularities on the screed can be covered with sand, and the gaps and holes in the corners can be filled up.
  3. To check the humidity in the room, you need to cover the base with plastic wrap for a day. If under her sweat, waterproofing is necessary.
  4. Важно соблюдать все правила укладки, когда Mounted plywood floor on lags with their own hands. In a wooden house on the ground floor above the ground, this is especially true - if the technology is not followed, error correction will have to be removed.
  5. To ensure good sound insulation, lags are not fixed rigidly, but are installed on felt or rubber gaskets to suppress noise.
  6. Before you begin the installation of the lag, find the zero level and then equalize the remaining bars.
  7. Insulation should be cut strictly to the size of the cells so that its edges do not bend when laying.
  8. After laying the insulation to the logs with a stapler, you can attach a vapor barrier membrane.
  9. For mounting, it is better to use not ordinary hardened black self-tapping screws, but yellow ones on a tree, having a powerful mounting hole.
  10. Sheets must be laid in such a way that T-shaped butt joints are formed, not cruciform.


With proper installation of the plywood floor, he is able to serve for more than twenty years. Only it should be remembered that this material is suitable for laying in dry and warm rooms.

It is also worth noting that plywood is not suitableonly for arranging wall cladding and rough floors. Craftsmen make from it unique decorative compositions in the interior. Using old craftsmanship - artistic sawing, from the parts of the plywood they spread pictures and form parquet.