/ / Ceiling finishing is a wonderful way of original decoration of premises

Ceiling decoration is a great way to decorate rooms in an original way.

It is unlikely that any of us have ever encounteredtime in life with the problem of repair, when there is a desire to make your home more comfortable, beautiful and comfortable. Modern technology, as well as numerous and diverse design options provide just a huge space for creativity and imagination.

The most important component of the repair is the finishing of the ceilings, which can become a unique decorationany home. The ceiling is one of the main elements of the interior of the room, so a competently selected material, texture, color and its geometric outlines will make it possible to create not only a successful design, but also an excellent psycho-emotional situation in the room. If earlier the choice of types of decoration of ceilings was small (whitewash, coloring), nowadays it is extremely diverse: it is a ceiling finish with panels, stretch ceilings, rack, curly, etc.

The optimal solution for a budget repair optionare plastic panels. This is a relatively cheap method of decoration, in contrast to popular in our time, suspended and stretched ceilings. Today, plastic panels can have almost any texture, color and shades. They are fireproof, durable and easily dismantled if necessary. What is important, the decoration of ceilings with such panels is not particularly difficult - it can be done independently, with their own hands.

Panels are made from polyvinyl chlorides.In the course of perfection, the plastic has become environmentally friendly, fire-resistant, plastic and resistant to temperature fluctuations. Its use for the ceiling is suitable for any type of premises: residential, retail space, warehouses, plumbing, medical facilities, etc. In private houses and apartments, plastics are usually trimmed with ceilings in the kitchen, bathroom and toilet rooms. Such ceilings do not require special care, they are immune to different types of spots, on their perfectly smooth and level surface, dust and dirt are almost not collected. In any case, it is enough to make a wet cleaning with rags and ordinary (non-aggressive) detergents.

Отделка потолков панелями может придать a magnificent view of even the most unprepared surface. Mount them on the crate of wooden racks. When installing panels in rooms with high humidity, the wooden crate is recommended to be treated with a special compound that will protect it from rotting. Behind the panels you can hide electrical wiring and other engineering and technical communications. To their advantages can be attributed a significant reduction in repair time, because they are installed simply and very quickly. If necessary, when you need to install an additional outlet or some kind of lighting device, you can easily remove and install one or two panels back.

Plastic ceiling decoration, which is mostly representedpolycarbonate or high impact polystyrene, is becoming increasingly popular. Polycarbonate plastic is popular for interior lighting of suspended ceilings, and high-impact polystyrene is suitable for mirrored ceilings of various shades. Mirror plastic ceilings are resistant to impact and do not break, which makes them an excellent alternative to the traditional traditional mirror ceilings. Of particular popularity deserved holographic decorative panels, used most often in the decoration of clubs, bars, discos and restaurants.

The ceiling is the most unused and unprotected fromlooks surface in the interior. The main principle that should be followed when repairing it is that the style of the ceiling should correspond to a single plan and should correspond to the purpose of a particular room.

Ceiling decoration is not an easy task.On how it is made, depends in no small degree on the perception of the entire interior, so special attention should be paid to the stylistic unity of the design of ceilings and walls.