/ How to get rid of cockroaches in the house

How to get rid of cockroaches in the house

You ask how to get rid of cockroaches?Probably everyone now knows this problem. Before you start a war with cockroaches, you should properly wash all the cabinets and all cupboards in your kitchen with a detergent, and then thoroughly dry them and ventilate them. Remember that it is necessary to poison these uninvited guests with the mind, so that not wasted so much effort and time. And the following tips will help you in this.

So, all dry and loose products shiftin cellophane bags. This is done so that the insects could not hear the smells. It's necessary to do this with napkins and paper in your kitchen. After breakfast or dinner is over, remove any dirt and debris from the table and other surfaces. Wipe dry the sink and try to ensure that you always washed dishes. Are you interested in the question of how to get rid of cockroaches forever? To ensure that these insects never visit you again, you must block access to the premises through ventilation ducts, from which they could pass before. Always make sure that your bin is clean and that garbage does not fall out of it. And then you can easily cope with these unwanted guests.

Types of means against cockroaches

At the moment there are a lot of different means from these insects. All of them can be divided into several types:

  • traps;
  • gels;
  • aerosols;
  • crayons;
  • various home remedies.

Gels are usually sold in large syringes, whichimmediately possible to use. You drop it every ten centimeters on the plinth throughout the room. The cockroaches will leave in seven days. If this tool did not help, and you still ask about how to get rid of cockroaches, then try to use traps. These are small plastic containers of rectangular shape with several through holes. Inside these traps lies the taste bait, which cockroaches carry to their numerous "relatives". Such devices are very easy to attach to any surface in your home. Typically, cockroaches crawl into such traps as flies on honey, and for human health such baits are absolutely safe and do not bring any problems.

But if the trap-houses did not help you, and youagain puzzled and find out how to get rid of cockroaches, then try using aerosols. This is a special tool that you spray all hard-to-reach places from which cockroaches used to creep out. But remember that it is not advisable to poison cockroaches with such aerosols very often, as they can cause addiction and bothersome insects will not go anywhere.

There are still special crayons against cockroaches.With their help you can process skirting boards, slots. You need to do this once a week. Usually after one month the cockroaches disappear without a trace. If the crayons did not help much, then you can buy a boric acid powder in the pharmacy. In this substance, cook the potatoes, then add the egg there, get the slurry rolled into the ball, add a little oil and put the rounded ones around the house. In three days the cockroaches will blow off like a wind! Remember that they can live without food for a long time, and you must do your best to fight them.

Sometimes domestic cats catch and eat cockroaches, butthis you should not particularly hope for. Alternatively, you can call a special service that deals with the destruction of these insects. This procedure will take approximately one hour of your time. After special treatment, the problem is usually forgotten for one year, during which the question of how to get rid of cockroaches will lose relevance.