/ / Wonderful phloxes: planting and care, diseases

Wonderful phloxes: planting and care, diseases

If there is a desire to grow phlox, planting andcare, perennial diseases - the three main nuances that must be taken into account by the novice florist. Usually it is enough to choose the right place and competently feed this unpretentious plant during the growing season. For recommendations, let us turn to professional gardeners.

phlox landing and nursing disease

How to plant phlox on the site

A good place for this flower will be open,sunny areas, otherwise the plant will wither and not give the necessary luxuriant flowering. If there is a shortage of planted area, you can choose a shady piece of land, but in this case you should not expect bright colors. The shoots will be weak, thin and pale, and the flowers will not last in their sepals and half the usual time. Suitable varieties of phlox with a photo are best to look for in official gardening stores. This is the only way to get a guarantee that exactly what is drawn in the picture will grow.

The soil for these perennials is not specificallycook, but they still give preference to light loam. You need to fertilize, water and loosen the soil in time, then on a weakly acidic soil will grow healthy phlox. Planting and nursing, the diseases of this plant completely depend on the climate of the region where it is planned to grow a flower. In the holes make a quality rotted manure, compost, mineral fertilizers, wood ash and humus. Such a top dressing will prolong the flowering and significantly increase it.

varieties of phlox with a photo

The root system reaches a depth of 25-30 cm,Therefore, the cultivation of the soil should be carried out at the same height of the well. This procedure is carried out in a few weeks before phloxes are planted. Planting and nursing, whose diseases are always associated with the introduction or restriction of the number of additional dressings. After the ground has settled, it is possible to plant a perennial phlox.

When to plant - correctly

The ideal time for the spring planting of these brightflowers are considered the first two weeks of May. At the same time, it should be taken into account that the flowering time will be extended by an average of 10-11 days. The distance between the holes should be at least 40 cm, depending on the plant variety chosen. However, you can plant flowers and closer to the autumn. The time of rooting will be the end of August and the whole of September, the main thing is that the young phloxes do not freeze. Planting and nursing, illnesses that are usually pursued by perennials - all these nuances are easy to learn from this article, but nothing will replace a living experience. If there is a suspicion of a cold winter, placing phlox on the site should be postponed.

how to plant phlox

Interesting is the fact that well-fertilized flowersgenerally are not afraid of infection and almost do not suffer from harmful insects, such as aphids. Plus, you can transplant even flowering specimens - it takes a few days to water the plant abundantly, then gently dig it out with a clod of earth and move it to a new location. Roots in such cases can be slightly pruned to improve the aging phlox. The top of the rhizome should always be 3-5 cm below the ground, then young buds will not die in bad weather and the plant will develop well.