/ / Convenient and practical cabinet under the sink in the bathroom

Comfortable and practical curbstone under the sink in the bathroom

If you are already sick of itbubbles and bottles that literally occupy the bathroom, then it's time to seriously take up the rational organization of space. Or, to put it simply, there is a need to think of a place where you could hide all those necessary (and not so) trifles. Your salvation will be the usual cabinet under the bathroom sink. Shampoos, creams, washcloths, brushes, shaving accessories and cleaning products will feel great inside it, without cluttering up the already not the most spacious room.

curbstone under the sink in the bathroom
In addition to the storage function of various thingsfor personal use, this piece of furniture copes well with the task of masking pipes and piping, that is, all those communications that are not decoration of the room. Curbstone under the sink in the bathroom can serve and serves as a kind of cosmetic table for the hostess. In fact, do not put jars of cream on the floor every time! If the dimensions of the structure allow, then inside even a basket with dirty laundry can be placed. Let it not interfere under your feet.

bathroom sink cabinet
Do not be afraid that the interior of your bathroomrooms will be disfigured. Manufacturers are on the market a variety of models. They differ not only in price. Product design meets the most picky tastes. A cabinet under the sink, with your own hands lovingly assembled, certainly will not cause you to be rejected. Afraid not to cope with not the easiest puzzles? Then order furniture from professionals, presenting them your sketch and a detailed description of your dreams.

How not to miscalculate and not pay for the goods,which does not meet your expectations? Curbstone under the sink in the bathroom, first of all, should not be made of substandard and frankly cheap materials that are not able to successfully tolerate constant contact with water. It is clear that moisture will eventually reach the most resistant and high-quality products. But it will happen much later.

cupboard under the sink with their own hands
The second significant point - the cabinet under the sink inthe bathroom should not touch the floor. Even if you are against mounted models, then look at the options that have legs. You will be easier to maintain cleanliness in the room. Water, dirt will not get a single chance to linger in remote corners. Therefore, you will never get to know the mold. Unfortunately this can not be said about the lockers with a base. Moisture often stagnates under a decorative panel, dust accumulates - an ideal environment for unfriendly microorganisms.

Perhaps we should also say a few words about strengthexternal coating products. In addition to the constant stay in a moist (almost tropical) environment, the cabinet under the sink in the bathroom is regularly subjected to careful treatment with various cleaning agents. Shower gel can spill on it, toothpaste can fall. But you never know what else will happen, life is unpredictable. Therefore, in order not to flinch every time, fearing irreparable consequences, choose the most durable and reliable products that are not afraid of chemical attacks and mechanical damage.