/ / Do you know what ant medicine in the garden helps best? Not? Rather, read our article!

Do you know what ant-anesthetics help the best in the garden? No? Read our article!

Hello, friends!I have repeatedly written about how to deal with ants at home, so we are already well known for many folk remedies against ants in the house. But some people have their own garden area besides the house. There these insects many times more than in the apartment. Today I will offer you several options for dealing with garden ants. Forward!

Друзья, предупреждаю, что мои методы борьбы с garden ants may seem inhumane to you, but all of them are effective. After all, we all understand that we cannot simply ask ants to move in with their neighbors. So you just have to poison or drive them out!

ant medicine in the garden

Ant products in the garden number 1: a protective barrier

Let's start with elementary ways.Create a protective barrier for trees. Take an old car tire, cut it across. We girdle it with a tree trunk. Seal the incision with a sealant or Moment glue. You can pre-sew it in cross section with several turns of ordinary wire. Pour water into the tire. We will have a kind of "pool". It is at the same time a barrier for ants and a drinking bowl for birds and wasps useful for your garden!

Ant remedy in the garden number 2: the destruction of the anthill

Mechanical ways of dealing with ants alsobring their results. Carefully dig and transfer the anthill beyond the borders of our site. This is a humane method. If you are interested in the execution of an ant dwelling, then we do this: we take a shovel, unfold the ant hill "wide open", and then pour it with boiling water, sprinkle with lime or spray it with special toxic chemicals.

remedy against ants in the garden

The remedy for ants in the garden number 3: garlic

Woody ants are a thunderstorm of bushes andgarden trees! It is known that these insects hate sharp odors (for example, garlic), so we take garlic and cut its arrows. Then we tie the trunks of trees and bushes very tightly and thickly with green arrows. The ants will bulge their eyes and go away!

Ant remedy in the garden number 4: Alt glue

Приобретите в хозяйственном магазине специальный glue called "viola". This tool will not allow home ants of intelligence. Catch? In the anthill there will be no one to convey news about the next tree, which means that the working ants will not come to nibble it!

folk remedies against ants

The remedy against ants in the garden number 5: wormwood

Friends, we all forgot about greenhouses!After all, there can be visited by entire settlements of ants that can destroy quite a valuable crop. As a rule, an anthill is located a few meters from the greenhouse. As in the very first case, the fight against these parasites is to limit their access to the greenhouse. You can simply lay wormwood around it. If you still want to destroy the nests themselves, then use methods safe for garden soil:

  • scald the anthill with boiling water;
  • Sprinkle it with ash or lime.

In no case do not use chemistry!

And finally

In general, ways to combat garden antsjust a lot! However, not all of them are effective, and the reasons for this lie in a large number of anthills, in the adaptation of insects, in the illiterate application of one or another method. Therefore, I recommend you to use an integrated approach! Use my advice, but not all in turn, but several at once!