/ / Wedge anchor: dimensions, features of use

Wedge anchor: dimensions, features of use

Wedge anchor according to regulationscorresponding standard GOST, looks like a stud, the working part of which resembles a cone. Structural features of the bolt and the principle of operation of the product make it possible to securely fasten structures that differ in size and significant weight indicators.

How to correctly determine the option of an anchor bolt for a specific type of surface, how to hammer studs and fasten structures without worrying about their reliability? Read all about it below.

Scope of anchors

This effective fastener is activelyit is used both in capital construction, and when carrying out home repair work. The use of anchor-wedge is appropriate in the case when on the surface of a wall, floor or ceiling made of durable material (concrete, brick, etc.), it is necessary to carry out a reliable fastening of an object with large dimensions and an impressive weight.

The safety of such structures is ensureddue to the design and the material used for the manufacture of wedge anchors. This is galvanized steel, characterized by exceptional strength.

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High requirements for bolts are also due totheir use in the installation of elevator shafts, cable routes, high-loaded elements of stair structures. Therefore in reliability and durability of products you should not doubt. It is extremely important, using fasteners during construction, to follow installation rules.

Among the bolts and fasteners, a separate place is assigned to ceiling anchor bolts, which are used to securely fix heavy and overall chandeliers on the ceiling surface.

Features of the correct choice of anchor wedge type

Products depending on the length are attached inholes at different depths. Anchor studs with greater length are placed in deep holes. For 40 mm bolts drill a hole with a depth of 27 mm, and for anchors 80 mm long - at least 40 mm. There is a direct relationship between the length of the anchor stud and the thickness of the fixing part, fixed by its help.

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Согласно ГОСТу, длина болтов начинается с 40 мм.Increasing in increments of 5 mm, the wedge anchor reaches 10 cm in length, and sometimes more. A distinctive feature of this kind of mounts compared to others is the lack of a protective shirt.

What to consider when choosing anchor bolts

When selecting products, pay attention to such parameters as:

  • the maximum permissible working load that such products are able to withstand;
  • leveling load limit.

These two parameters are closely related.The workload corresponding to each of the dimensions of the anchor bolt should not exceed 25 percent of the leveling load limit parameter. The value of the permissible load is the main indicator that you should pay attention to when selecting bolts for fastening in concrete building structures in order to ensure their reliability and high strength. Therefore, in case of high concrete strength, pay attention to the permissible loads of the anchor of the wedge, which should differ in elevated values.

Features of anchor bolts

Check out the features of the popular bolt models presented in the tables below.

wedge anchor

When buying such bolts in a hardware store, pay attention to the compliance of the declared parameters with the GOST, and it is better to discard the purchase on the market.

Anchor bolt size

How to check the bolt standard

The only and true confirmation of the factcompliance with GOST - availability of a certificate for products in the package of documents of the trading company. It is worth paying attention to this factor because, regardless of the size, a wedge anchor of 12 cm or less is used to assemble critical structures, the safety of which in 99% of cases depends on the safety of human life.

Features of the installation and dismantling of bolts

At installation the anchor wedge working onthe spacer principle, the need for strict control of the depth of the hole to install fasteners disappears. The principle of operation of such an element as an anchor with a high degree of wedging consists in tightening the nut on its threaded part, while the coupling moves over the tail and thereby starts the internal strut. Externally, elements of the wedge anchor up to 20 cm engage with the inner walls of the groove, bursting it, thereby ensuring high reliability of fixation inside the wall.

Anchor wedge mounting steps

Works are performed in the following sequence:

  1. In the building structure, in the place where it is supposed to mount the wedge anchor, a hole is drilled. Its diameter must clearly correspond to the cross section of the bolt.
  2. The groove is done if desired.pre-cleaning, immediately before the introduction of an anchor with a high degree of wedging into it, but this item is not mandatory. It will be enough to remove construction dust and remnants of crumbled concrete or brick from it.
  3. After preparing the hole, insert the anchor. You can hammer it into the wall using a hammer.
  4. Having performed the above manipulations,proceed to the connection of the wedge bolt and the mounting part of the fixed object. Use for this a special nut that comes with an anchor. When it rotates, the plane of the fastened structural element is pressed tightly against the surface of a wall or another plane, and in parallel, an internal clip is triggered, opening inside the hole and forming a secure connection.
Anchor wedge dimensions

Mounting mount anchor wedge 16 cm, withconcept of action which you have already read, note that in the future it may be necessary to carry out work on the dismantling. To carry out a similar procedure without damaging the surface, it is recommended to make holes for the bolts with a margin, making the depth a little more than the anchor itself. The stud installed in such an opening is easily released from the top nut.

After removing the fixed design studjust slaughtered to the level of the wall in the groove. The remaining hole will be more accurate and will not be as big as in the case when, unknowingly, the “master” is hitting the wall. The attachment point from the top is sealed with cement mortar or putty and lightly polished to give an aesthetic look.

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Anchor bolts, reliable and durable, excellentsuitable for large-scale construction work. They cannot be said badly in terms of technical or operational characteristics. The only drawback of such material is the impossibility of reuse.

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Now you know what it looks like, classified.and mounted such a simple device, working on a unique scheme. Anchor wedge is the best mounting option for overall structures. However, you yourself have already understood this, having read the information given in the article.