/ / How to make an electric shepherd with his own hands

How to make an electric shepherd with his own hands

Well-planned grazing is the maincondition of high-quality reproduction of livestock, reducing the cost of feed and harvesting hay. An electroshepherd is optimally suited for limiting the range of pasture, reducing the effort involved in organizing productivity and providing animals with food. The hands can create electronic equipment, which is a fencing generator.

electric shepherd with his own hands


Adaptations of this type are indispensable inlivestock farms, if necessary, the proper organization of pastures. A special fence allows to reduce the number of workers and, as a result, the cost of their labor. It replaces several workers, while the movement of animals does not require control.

Shepherd for sheep, do it yourselfmanufactured, consists of several elements, the main of which is a transformer winding, it is wound on a core, the layers of which are separated by cardboard. For transformer, cables of type PEV 0.18 are used. Paper inserts are needed to increase the gap between the core elements. The required capacity is formed by special paper and film capacitors, which are designed for a certain level of voltage supplied to the electronic device.

Structurally electroshepherd (do it yourselfit is quite simple to build it) consists of uninsulated wire fixed on plastic or metal supports. On racks, unlike plates, there are special insulators. The type of animals that will be in the pen determines the height of the structure.

Shepherd for sheep with their own hands


Принцип работы заграждения заключается в next. In contact with it, livestock is subjected to an electric discharge of a size within 3 mA and subsequently does not approach it. The health of pets when exposed to such a power current does not suffer, they simply experience discomfort and try not to collide with a hedge. The generator is powered by a voltage of 220 V. In the presence of solar batteries, they can also be used to ensure the operation of the device, their power should be at least 12 V.

What is the electroshepherd made for cattle?with your own hands? It consists of a grounding pole, springs for the main elements of the fence, suitable type conductors and insulators of the voltage generator. To install the device does not need to contact the experts. It should be noted that if the device is purchased in finished form, it is necessary to buy supports that are sold separately. The process of creation does not cause much difficulty, the simplest and most effective option is a single-wire fence, the production of which is under the power of any person.

Manufacturing process

Как сделать электропастух своими руками?The basis of the design consists of metal or wooden poles, while the first version significantly simplifies installation. Carving is made at one end of the post, and the other needs to be sharpened. For pulling electrical cables, the length of which can reach 200 meters, insulators are necessary, which are screwed onto the threads.

Длина столбов должна находиться в пределах 100-120 cm. A crossbar is welded on the pointed side, which simplifies the mounting of the pillars during the installation of the structure. The distance between the pillars should be about 10 meters, this parameter is decisive when purchasing materials for manufacturing.

Генератор для устройства можно приобрести в store or make a homemade voltage converter from a special coil (it can be taken from any vehicle), battery, transformer and several transistors. All items are placed on a small plate that is hidden in a wooden box.

electric shepherd for cattle with their own hands


The wire used must have a protectiveanti-corrosion coating, thanks to this electroshepherd will last longer. Do it yourself with the hands of the best of galvanized products with a diameter of about 2 mm.

Porcelain insulators are optimal.option, they are not exposed to moisture and atmospheric phenomena. You can also use ordinary plastic bottles, cut to the required size.

It is not recommended to increase the efficiencyfencing by reducing the resistance of the converter and simultaneously increasing its voltage, since the current flowing through the cable can harm humans and animals. Of particular importance is the arrangement of the lightning rod.

After installation, the construction is divided into several sections and equipped with a gate.

how to make an electric shepherd with his own hands


After reading this article, you can makeelectric shepherd with his own hands. It is practical and easy to use. It is easy to install and carry as needed. Grazing of livestock is carried out autonomously, without constant human participation. The main advantage of such electrical devices is the possibility of saving on working personnel.