/ / Ferroli - gas boilers. Scheme, instruction manual, reviews

Ferroli - gas boilers. Scheme, user manual, feedback

Since 1955 known to consumers around the worldFerroli products. Gas boilers of this manufacturer have high quality and reasonable cost. But only for 15 years, this equipment is sold in Russia. For the years of existence of products in the domestic market, gas boilers of the manufacturer mentioned have earned positive feedback from buyers and specialists who carry out installation work.

Positive reviews

ferroli gas boilers

Italian equipment companies Ferrolicharacterized by ease of settings, excellent design and ease of use. The company has been on the market for more than 50 years, and this is not so much when compared to other manufacturers. But during this time the brand became one of the European leaders in the production of equipment for heating.

Consumers say that equipment is constantlymodernized, and its appearance has an increasingly attractive design. The devices meet the requirements of safety and performance, which is important for the consumer, as well as maintainability, as well as ease of maintenance.

If you are also interested in the company's productsFerroli, gas boilers of this manufacturer you can consider in more detail. For example, mounted models are most popular in Russia and are presented for sale in a wide range. They have a compact size and are practical. According to users, such a boiler is an ideal option for heating an apartment or house of medium size. The range of mounted boilers is quite wide, the manufacturer offers many models to the attention of users, this allows you to choose the desired configuration that will meet all requirements. Property owners of a more impressive area can consider the floor products of Ferroli, gas boilers of this line have high reliability and durability.

Sustainability and savings

repair of gas boilers ferroli

Such equipment is perfectly adapted toconditions of reduced pressure in the system. But the PegasusF2 model has a two-stage burner, which ensures cost-effective operation and durability of the nodes. The air during the operation of such a device is polluted much less. This modification, according to users, can be used even for the construction of cascade heating systems. If you additionally purchase a controller, then create a system of 4 boilers, the total capacity of which can reach the figure of 1 MW.


gas boiler ferroli malfunction

Довольно часто в последнее время потребители choose Ferroli devices. Gas boilers, which can be floor or wall, should be operated according to the instructions. The company attaches a warranty certificate and an operation manual to each device. If there are malfunctions in the course of work, the consumer should contact the technical support service specialists. As an alternative solution, the owner of the equipment should look into the user manual.

The most popular problems that mayoccur, is a low level of pressure, the device will report this error f37. In this case, the user should check the gas and water supply and clean the system. If you do not want to deal with malfunctions, you should remember that when the equipment is disconnected from the power supply system or the gas main, the anti-freezing function will be disabled. In order to avoid damage from freezing, which can occur during a prolonged shutdown of the boiler in the winter, you should drain the water from the boiler, this also applies to the heating system, as well as the hot water circuit. Otherwise, the water is drained only from the DHW circuit, and antifreeze is added to the heating system, and you should familiarize yourself with the recommendations of the manufacturer.

Instructions for use of the gas boiler Ferroliindicates the possibility of adjusting the air temperature in the room, it can be done using an optional thermostat. The latter allows you to set a certain temperature. If it is necessary to adjust the temperature of the water in the heating system, use the remote control or the interactive panel on the device.

Nuances of installation

ferroli gas boiler instruction manual

Настенный газовый котел Ferroli, инструкция по installation of which is presented in the user manual should be installed in the room where the ventilation system is constantly operating. If the air flow is insufficient, the device will not be able to work normally, and the products of combustion will not be removed. If such conditions are created, the harmful substances can penetrate into the premises of the house, which can cause harm to human health. If you purchased outboard equipment, you can use the kit with a bracket that is attached to the wall. For basting on the surface of the suspension points on request, a metal template can be supplied.

The main malfunctions and their solutions

gas boiler ferroli

The Ferroli gas boiler scheme will allow you to understandwhat design features has acquired equipment. Some home masters are able to understand the causes of the malfunction, as well as self-repair problems. If the device does not turn on, there may be no gas in the network, but when the water pressure drops in the boiler, the main reason may be a malfunction of the circulation pump. Such problems sometimes arise when the ignition power is insufficient, and in this case it should be increased. However, damage to the electronic control board of the boiler cannot be excluded.

If you purchased a Ferroli gas boiler,faults can also be expressed in extraneous noise inside the device. Only a master can cope with such a problem, and you need to contact support service as quickly as possible. If water pressure falls, the water supply system may be clogged, so you should immediately get rid of the cork.

Specialist's recommendation

wall gas boiler ferroli instruction

Sometimes the repair of gas boilers Ferroli and not at allrequired. If you are faced with the fact that the equipment does not turn on, you can try to unplug the plug and after a few minutes insert it again. If nothing has changed after that, you should contact the wizard for help.


In the event of a gas boiler component breakdown, youcan replace them. For example, gas burners are often made of steel. Despite the fact that these components are characterized by high wear resistance, they can be damaged by mechanical action.