/ / Shrubby bushes - the famous Kuril tea

Shrubby bushes - the famous Kuril tea

Decoration of your site becomes your favoriteoccupation of each gardener. Many hours spent searching for ornamental and fruit-bearing plants, as a result, are crowned with success. And in the garden there is another "resident", pleasing his appearance. The main parameters on which plants are selected are the duration of flowering, decorativeness and resistance to various diseases.

Be sure to plant a bush of cultured tea,which has another name - shrubby shrubby. The plant not only meets all the requirements of the search, but it can also be used as a tea cup of tea, which boosts the tone of the body. The shrubby shrub is known for several centuries. And as a tea widely used in the taiga regions of Siberia and Manchuria, where it grows in large quantities.

The shrubby shrub impresses with its endurance.It is resistant to both drought and severe frost. She loves light, although it can grow beautifully in the penumbra. With a lack of sunlight, it blooms poorly, but it increases foliage. The bush strongly branches and can reach one and a half meters in height. Has high decorative. The reddish-brown or gray crust is combined with green leaves, which have a silvery tinge, and golden yellow flowers.

The shrubby shrubbery grows very fast.When planting cuttings, in the second year you can admire its flowering and the formation of fruits. The bush starts to blossom in the middle of June and pleases with its beauty for two months, after which it forms berries - fruits that give the bush a special decorative effect. Each shoot lignifies to the very tip, which helps to survive winter frosts without losses. Flowering and fruit formation occurs annually. To maintain the beautiful appearance of the bush, you should conduct decorative pruning at intervals of 5 or 6 years.

When planting, carefully preparesoil mixture from a part of sand, two parts of humus and two parts of leafy soil. Crenellate shrub is very demanding on the soil. Be sure to drain the area intended for this plant. A large amount of underground water can ruin a plant. During the warm season, the mineral oil needs to be supplemented with mineral fertilizers several times. If there is hot and dry weather, then it will be necessary to conduct evening spraying, because the plant does not tolerate dry air.

Choosing for your garden a plant likeShrimp, shrub, select according to weather conditions in your area. If there are severe frosts in winter, then your bush of Kuril tea should be with yellow, golden or white flowers. Inhabitants of the southern regions can plant a bloodstone with red, pink or orange flowers. These varieties are less hardy.

Care of the plant will be inperiodic loosening and removal of weeds, infrequent irrigation and the formation of the crown of the bush. The spindle is very rarely affected by various pests and diseases. Basically, it is sick with rust. The rapid spread of this disease can destroy most of the bush in a few days. The yellow-brown spots appearing on the leaves creep along the bush very quickly. Turning over this sheet, you can observe small pads of mushroom spores, which are transferred by wind to healthy plants. It is not necessary to plant the cottonwood near the pine, on which the rust mushroom grows in the second half of the summer.

Thinking about the location of the bushof the Kuril tea on the plot, the size of the adult plant should be taken into account. The Cinquefoil looks great both in solitary and group plantings. Beautifully looking bushes planted on a slope or among stones of various sizes. Well suitable for the cobbler for the curb or hedge.