/ / Gooseberry Ural emerald: planting, care, description of the variety and reviews

Gooseberries Urals emerald: planting, care, variety description and reviews

The gooseberry the Ural emerald is a giftgardeners from plant breeders Research Institute of Horticulture from the city of Yuzhno-Uralsk. He has long enjoyed success with summer residents, and since 2000 he has been included in the State Register of fruit crops for cultivation in the West Siberian region.

Variety description

A hundred years ago, the gooseberry, beloved by many gardeners, was known not only for its beneficial properties, but also for the prickly bushes, which are difficult to cut, and the harvest is not easier to harvest.

Today breeders bred varieties not only withoutprickles and frost-resistant, but also with berries from light green to black color. One of the options for planting in the country is the Ural emerald gooseberry, a description of the variety of which makes you want to allocate as much space as possible for it.

gooseberry ural emerald

Its features are:

  • These are bushes of medium height, rather compact and with a dense crown.
  • Unlike other breeding species, the gooseberry, the Ural emerald, has not lost its “spinousness”, retaining small thorns along its entire greenish shoots along their entire length.
  • Листья этого сорта не отличаются одинаковыми both in size and on one stem, both small and large shiny specimens of dark green color can be found. The only thing that unites them is a carved pattern and a rim of sharp teeth.
  • The gooseberry Ural emerald blooms with large pink self-pollinating buds.
  • This shrub is characterized by the absence of thorns in the upper nodes and interstices, so it is classified as medium spinous.
  • That is why gardeners love a variety of gooseberriesUral emerald (reviews confirm this), so it is for its berries. Large, round or slightly elongated oval-shaped, light green, with a thin skin, they have an excellent sweet or sour-sweet taste.
  • The yield of the variety is also a delight. Collecting more than 6 kg of delicious berries from the bush is another incentive to plant the Ural emerald gooseberry in their country house.
  • The endurance of the variety also plays an important role in relation to the Siberian climate, as well as to the majority of pests and diseases characteristic of this shrub.

Вот такое у крыжовника Уральский изумруд описание varieties, causing the desire to taste its juicy large berries. And even his spikyness does not scare lovers of preserves, jams and compotes from the fruits of this shrub.

Advantages of the Ural Emerald

The main advantages of this variety are:

  • Taste berries that are suitable forconsumed both raw and canned. Jams and preserves are especially tasty and healthy, but medicinal tinctures are no less popular. The fruits of the Ural emerald perfectly tolerate freezing, while retaining all its beneficial properties.

gooseberry Ural emerald description

  • Not only is the variety high-yielding, it is not peculiar to its berries to crumble, but they are removed from the branches very easily.
  • Good resistance to Siberian frosts minimizes their care.
  • Disease resistance also frees summer residents from the extra cost of chemicals and time to spray.

Such advantages Ural emerald received from their "parents", because it is grown by crossing the famous variety Nugget with the Firstborn Minusinsk.

How to plant a gooseberry

Одно из преимуществ данного сорта в его compactness, which especially attracts owners of small areas, because on a fairly small piece of land you can plant several bushes in order to collect 6 kg of crop from each in the future.

Practice shows that planted near bushesUral emeralds give greater yield, as with the correct formation of the crown, they not only self-pollinate, but also pollinate each other, which leads to additional kilograms of berries.

The best place for planting this variety is the fertile soil on the sunny side of the plot.

gooseberry Ural emerald variety description

Important:Lowlands are contraindicated in the Ural emerald, as moisture accumulates there, leading to rotting of its roots. Hillocks are also not suitable for him, since here the other extreme is that moisture quickly erodes from the soil.

The best month for planting is the end of September, butneed to navigate the region. The main thing is that the landing should take place 3 weeks before the start of the first frosts. But for reproduction the best period is spring. The easiest way is to drop the cuttings from the mother bush with the subsequent separation when strong roots appear.

Planting seedlings produced in the prepared and fertilized with organic fertilizer wells, followed by irrigation.

Care for the Ural emerald

If you believe what they say about the gooseberryUral emerald reviews gardeners, then care for him is minimal. As they say, planted and forgotten. In fact, it needs to be watered as the soil dries out, to loosen the ground, weed weeds, and in the fall to trim the bushes for the correct formation of the crown.

 gooseberry ural emerald reviews

Organic fertilizers are applied to the soil in the fall, while the bushes lack minerals in the spring. That's the whole care for the Ural emerald.

Pests and diseases

Although this variety is resistant to powdery mildew, and to anthracnose, and it is flown around with the side of a butterfly moth, it is necessary to monitor the health of the bushes.

The cause of the problems can be aphid or caterpillars,who, with all their slowness, are so voracious that in a short time they can destroy not only the harvest, but also the bush as a whole. Therefore, with each watering it is necessary to carefully examine the leaves of the shrubs for damage.

gooseberry variety ural emerald reviews

At the first detection of "invaders", fungicides should be applied and sprayed both infected and healthy bushes.

Useful properties of the Ural emerald

Not only tastes attract summer residents togooseberry, but also its beneficial properties. As you know, the berries of this shrub are rich in vitamin C, which has a beneficial effect on the immune system, and serotonin, which cancer cells do not like.

In the berries of the Ural emerald, in addition to this "wealth", there is a high level of vitamin P and pectins, which are capable of removing heavy metals from the liver, kidneys and other organs.

In folk medicine, these berries are used asdiuretic and choleretic agent, as well as an immunomodulator. That is why it is recommended to use the fruits of the Ural emerald primarily raw, but the frozen ones are also useful, they contribute to the maintenance of the body in the autumn-winter period.