/ / How to cut ceiling plinths in corners with and without a stussel?

How to cut ceiling plinths in the corners with the stool and without it?

The installation procedure for fillet ceilings seemseasy enough, but requires specific techniques to successfully complete the repair. Often we cut the corners of the ceiling plinth absolutely wrong, which leads to a reduction in the terms of its operation and poor quality repair work. Correct docking, evenly fixed edges is an achievable result, if you use the recommendations of experienced professionals.

Varieties of finishing products

This material is intended for decorativefinishing of the ceiling zone, its visual separation from the walls and shelter of the joints of diverse decoration elements. Virtually any version of the decoration, interior design involves the use of such parts. Otherwise the room will look unfinished.

To secure this part, fillets are used, which are attached to the ceiling with glue.

how to cut ceiling skirting in the corners
But there is a problem - how to trimthe ends of the fillets, so that they successfully converge with each other. There are rooms of non-standard configuration where ingenuity is required for normal material docking. How to cut ceiling skirting in the corners? There are different options for trimming and docking - with or without tools.

The choice of mounting option depends on the type of product:

  • Of the PVC - the cheapest, but also the most brittle, prone to defects, but easy to use, it can be cut with a knife.
  • Polystyrene foam - also inexpensive, fragile,requiring a hacksaw, although easily cut. A slightly more expensive is another option - from extruded polystyrene foam, it is harder to cut, but it crumbles less.
  • Polyurethane - the most expensive and moisture-resistant, durable and elastic. It’s harder to work with, it is deformed at high temperatures.
  • Wooden - dense and heavy material, cut only with a hacksaw.

Finishing installation: features

Many home and apartment owners are often in full swing.repair work is puzzled by the question of how to properly cut the ceiling plinth in the corners. The problem is that there is no technical possibility to make an incision at an angle of 45 degrees. To perform such manipulations is an important correct docking at the borders of the outer and inner corners of the canvas, which is quite problematic.

The specificity of the ceiling option is not only in the sheer position of the canvas.

cut the corners of the ceiling plinth
The mount is placed at the base at an angle of 38up to 45 degrees. The difficulty lies in making a 45 degree cut. It is difficult to connect the cut edges from the inside, there are gaps between them, the aesthetics are broken.

For the most accurate cutting is useda special corner element, which is inserted into the edge of the baseboard - it will help to hide errors when cutting. This element will emphasize the corners in the room, the choice of such parts must be approached responsibly.

Corner cutting

How to cut ceiling skirting in the corners? The secret of a qualitative cut is in making cuts both on the outside and on the inside. The inside cut matters if we make an outside corner.

Usually use professional equipment -miter saws or electric perforators for industrial use. But supporters of home repairs can do with conventional tools. The main requirement - at the end of the work, the result should be a clearly visible texture for the eaves, reflected on its front or back side.

Angle cutting technology

So, at what angle to cut the ceiling plinth and how does the formation of the corner with the help of home appliances begin?

First you need to measure the angle thatlocated between the walls - for this you can take pieces of foam from the equipment. Usually the angle is 90 degrees - strict perpendicular. In this case, it is necessary to cut the edges of the product at an angle of 45 degrees.

how to cut corners of ceiling skirting with tuslom
Similar actions are performed with the second segment.

В случае возникновения неровностей и mismatched joints in the gap between the ceiling and the walls need to divide the angle of the corner in two. At the same time do not confuse the details. The baguette for the left side is incised on the right, and the one on the right is the opposite.

Before you cut the ceiling plinth in the corners,form an angle inside the material in the upper space - this decision is based on the fact that the lower side protrudes above the upper. When performing an outside corner, the procedure is the opposite. The texture of polystyrene foam materials itself helps to smoothly and precisely adjust the details. If you use wooden or plastic elements for a baguette, then they will have to work more closely.

Method of cutting with mussels

Самый популярный вариант крепления – с using household tools. Stouslo is a famous carpenter's assistant who helps to cut at the right angle. Usually it is a tray, wooden or plastic, having vertical slots for the blade at angles of 45 and 90 degrees. How to cut corners of ceiling plinth with tuslom?

First, you should attach the material to the ceiling, set its bar in the box.

how to cut the corner of the ceiling plinth without the bunk
In this case, the tool must match the positionproducts. Holding the baseboard with your left hand, choose the position for the cutting tool (hacksaw) at an angle of 45 degrees. Cut the material without undue pressure. After that, the reciprocal bar is cut, set to the far wall of the wort.

Holding the working material with his right hand, choose the position of the hacksaw at the level of 45 degrees and cut it off.

Cutting without tools

How to cut the corner of the ceiling plinth without the flush? It is possible to perform the calculation and section manually.

how to cut the ceiling plinth in the corners
It is enough to make a good markup on the ceiling,then cut off exactly the desired angle. A significant disadvantage of this option is the inconvenience when you have to hold all the strips with your hands during the measurement process. In general, this method is no worse than helping to make the necessary measurements.

By applying the product to the place where it will be mounted, you can immediately take into account all the errors on the walls.

how to cut the ceiling plinth
Сначала обрезают две заготовки под углом 90 degrees Then apply one of the slats, pushing it into the wall perpendicular. Draw a line along the ceiling, delineating the desired contour. Then remove the bar and apply the second - for the response marking. The point of intersection of the lines will be the place of cutting. Then on the slats mark the place for the future cut.

Recommendations of the masters

Лучше всего знают, как резать потолочные плинтуса in the corners, experienced carpenters, carpenters and builders. Most advised to make cuts on the side and try on the strips to the ceiling, if necessary - to cut in the direction of adjoining the part to the surface.

Having made a rough docking, they screw the finally finished fillets onto the wall. Seams are sealed - installation of the plinth is completed.