/ / Modern Italian living rooms

Modern Italian living rooms

A house for a person is a kind of rear, inwhich he can be given relaxation, restore the lost strength. However, in order that it can be fully rest, you have to work on the style of registration. His choice depends only on the personal preferences of the hosts. But even in this issue there has been no influence of fashion trends. Currently, several styles enjoy a stable popularity. This list also included the Italian. It harmoniously combines elements of such design trends as classic, baroque, empire, taking only the best from them. This style is perfect for living rooms. It is in this room that many people want to create an atmosphere of greatness, emphasizing high status.

The Italian interior of the living room will require considerableinvestments. In it you can use not only antique things, but also modern objects. The room designed in this direction is comfortable and functional. The only important thing is not to overdo it, so as not to turn living space into a museum. With the right approach, such a living room will be a highlight, which will attract all the attention of guests, fascinating them.

Italian living rooms

Basic moments

In order to modern Italian living rooms looked majestic and exquisite, you need to know what features distinguish this style from other directions.

  • Naturalness of materials.
  • The display of wealth and greatness in every detail, even the most insignificant.
  • Accessories and decor should be elegant.
  • Special finishing of the main surfaces with the use of complex decorative processes.
  • Calm shades of color palette.
  • The furniture is symmetrical.

Any design direction has a characteristicfeatures. Italian is no exception. It clearly shows innovative notes. This style allows the combination of colors, the use of geometric patterns and contrast furniture. We'll talk about this in more detail.

living room in italian style

Color spectrum

Living room in the Italian style will look likeharmoniously, if you prefer deep warm tones. As a basis, such representatives of the color palette as chocolate, beige, turquoise are ideal. No less effective will be the shades of ivory, caramel, violet. All these colors are combined with white, black, gold. Since the style allows for various combinations, the owner will be able to truly reflect the passion that is inherent in all Italians.

Finishing the ceiling

Looking at photos of Italian living rooms, you cannotice the abundance of antique elements. They are used for finishing all surfaces, including the ceiling. However, it is important not to overdo it, because the line between grandeur and pomposity is too thin. The goal of the owner of the room is to create an aristocratic interior with a harmonious atmosphere.

So, how to decorate the ceiling in the living room?The first thing to do is to achieve a visual increase. After all, the chambers of aristocrats were always distinguished by large squares. For this it is recommended to choose white finish. It is important to achieve a perfectly flat surface by plastering. Multilevel structures with the use of friezes, molding are allowed. You can pay tribute to modernity by installing stretch ceilings. If you want, you can use liquid wallpaper, and special tiles. However, the finish should be monophonic.

Italian living rooms photo

Wall decoration

Italian living rooms stand out thanks to the richdecoration, so the decoration of the walls must be taken responsibly. If you use a classic design, then the best option will be Venetian plaster. This material will create a special texture of the surface, which will simulate the antique interior. And some carelessness will only bring originality.

Not bad will look cork wallpaper.They can be combined with various inserts, for example, painting, panels. The main thing is that these elements are rather large and focus on themselves. Also, the main finish is in perfect harmony with the mosaic. Most often it is used in places where the fireplace and other central interior items are located.

modern Italian living rooms

How to decorate the floor?

Italian living rooms will not be completed ifwrong to choose the finish of the floor. The final point in the design of the main surfaces will help put the floor covering. Of course, in the classical interpretation it should be a concrete tile of a rather coarse (untreated) texture. But there are alternative replacements. For example, a parquet board or a laminate that believably simulates the natural texture of a tree. The latter material has a long service life, does not require special care and is very easy to install. Glossy and matt floor surfaces are acceptable. But what exactly you have to give up, so it's from linoleum.

Choosing furniture

The Italian living rooms are comfortable.In this criterion, furniture plays an important role. First of all, it must have a symmetrical construction. It is important to pay attention to the material. To give preference is only natural wood. There are no special requirements for color design. Furniture can be both light and dark noble shades.

The optimal solution will be the construction, inwhich are clearly visible smooth lines. A prerequisite is the presence of a patterned thread. For upholstered furniture, upholstery is selected from expensive materials, such as leather. In the role of decor, gilding or incrustation is used.

If the size of the room allows, then you need to install a large dining table and chairs of massive construction. The sofa and coffee table will look great in front of the TV.

Italian living room interior

Lighting and decoration

Italian living rooms will be really cozyOnly with the correct choice of lighting devices and decorative elements. Do not give up wall sconces, forged floor lamps and suspended structures. If a multi-level ceiling is installed in the room, then it is possible to draw an LED strip on the transitions. Must be a central chandelier with forged lace elements and crystal or glass shades.

Select the decor carefully, because evenA minor detail may violate the overall concept. The focus is on paintings and photographs. They are framed in wooden frames, artificially aged or covered with gilding. They must be carved.

The Italian interior will not be complete withoutporcelain. It can be like figurines, and dishes. As a rule, they are placed in cabinets with glass showcases. Do not underestimate the effect of mirrors. With their help, you can not only transform the interior, but also visually increase the room's room.