/ / Security alarm system in the country: choice, instruction, installation

Security alarm at the cottage: choice, instruction, installation

The dacha was and remains an attractive object forthieves of different caliber. Not only valuables are being stolen, but also garden implements, agricultural products, machinery, and in some cases, intruders also take animals away. And even neighbors with a dog can sometimes not provide property protection at the proper level, forcing owners to use modern technologies to create a barrier to thieves. And this makes sense, because modern security alarm system in the country is able to provide effective protection against various threats. Despite the rumors about the complexity of such systems, practice shows that they can be installed by an ordinary house-master familiar with the general principles of installation and electrical work. It is enough to purchase a set of components, perform their installation and connection. However, the solution to this problem should be started with the selection of suitable equipment.

GSM Systems

security alarm at the cottage

The work of such systems is based on managementinformation coming from the sensors. Typically, GSM-signaling for the home is a control panel, which acts as a point of receiving signals and alerts. For example, from a triggered sensor, a signal is sent to the panel, which in turn notifies the trustee or several people through the communication facilities provided.

The simplest way to contact your neighbors orrelatives who can be close to the facility will receive an SMS message. In addition, in more advanced complexes provides for a sound appeal to the thieves who have penetrated or even video surveillance. Such systems are often aimed at a deterrent effect, but there is also a burglar alarm system in the country, which can disperse tear gas. Of course, these actions are carried out only after the appropriate team from the trustee.

Types of sensors

alarm system for home

Motion sensors or sensors are the mostthe perfect means of detecting an attacker. These are devices whose task is to identify changes in the environment that they control. There are different sensors covering certain zones of the object. At the moment, there are signaling sensors that are designed to control the outside territory and find an intruder already inside the premises. In particular, there are vibratory, infrared, ultrasonic, dual and other types of sensors.

The most popular are sensorsbreak glass and model, acting on the basis of infrared radiation. In the first case, the signal is sent when an attempt is made to influence the window mechanically, and in the second case, the burglar alarm at the dacha is activated at the moment the thief enters the room. In both cases, after the sensor is activated, a signal is sent to the control panel. As already mentioned, this can be a GSM-receiver panel.

How to choose the best option?

signaling instruction

Practice shows that the most effectiveprotection is realized in a complex form. That is, the more levels of protection, the more reliable the security function. This means that it is advisable to use at least two types of sensors and a functional control panel. By the way, the best signaling at the dacha is the one that is connected with the central control unit in a particular partnership. In this case, there is a chance not only to prevent robbery, but also to catch intruders. Another thing is that such complexes even today are rare and each owner is forced to rely on his own strength. One way or another, it will not be superfluous to provide external sensors for detecting thieves and internal, as well as to think out ways to interact with the control panel and possible measures to influence criminals.


alarm cost

The order of installation can be looked at by examplethe optimal in efficiency kit, which includes a control unit, an infrared sensor, sirens and a contactor - the so-called magnetic sensor. So, the alarm installation begins with the installation of sensors. The main task is to find the right place for its location, having in advance thought out the points that are attractive from the point of view of the attacker. For example, door and window openings. The same principle is used to establish a contactor, after which power is supplied to both sensors. Usually a network type of power supply is used, but you can use a battery.

Separately, it is worth considering the installation of a siren.Usually a long cable is already provided in the package, through which the connection is made. If the alarm installation is carried out from the outside, then the siren should be installed in a protected place, inaccessible to accidental contacts. This requirement is due to the fact that the sirens rarely have a strong case and need adequate protection.

Signaling Testing

alarm installation

In the finished form, the system should be alink sensor-control unit-user. At each stage, mechanical protection and possible alternative ways of performing the functions should be envisaged. The operation of the system is checked by activating the detectors in the standalone mode. This can be done using a radio-controlled keyboard. In particular, the modern security alarm system at the cottage can be supplied with remote controls, keys, a mobile phone and trinkets. Together with this, the function of the associated equipment is tested, which may include light and sound annunciators and the same control panel. After a successful check, you can start programming the devices for operation in a certain mode. The equipment can be configured to perform other tasks besides the security function, for example, providing fire safety or heating control.

Alarm Instruction

alarm sensors

Set up your device for activity statusis performed using the remote control or a special button. In the first case, this is done after all people have left the premises. Using the button means setting a timer with a delay, which gives time to leave the dacha. You can disarm the device using a remote control or an SMS message. It is important to note that each action with the instrument must be accompanied by a signal or sound indication. In standard models, the signaling instruction provides for displaying corresponding text messages on the status of the device on the panel display. In the event of an alarm, the alarm signaling format should be provided in advance. First of all, it is necessary to put in the memory of the control unit the data of the telephones to which messages will be sent, and also dial-ups. Next, you need to make settings for the operation of the siren and, possibly, other means of local protection.

Price issue

The final cost of signaling depends onbundling. The minimum set can include a control panel and one sensor. However, in most cases, several sensors are used - their number depends on the area of ​​the object, the configuration of the room and other parameters. With one sensor, the cost of signaling can vary from 7 to 10 thousand rubles. This is the initial price range for budget models. But the control panel itself can cost more than 10 thousand. It can be supplemented by several sensors with a price of 5 thousand. Accordingly, in the expanded equipment, high-quality equipment can cost about 20 thousand.

better alarm


Using electronic means of protecting yourselfjustifies only in the case of properly organized installation. There are times when the alarm for a house or villa is ineffective due to small things. For example, premature battery charge in the battery or an unsuccessfully chosen sensor installation site can negate all efforts to adjust the system. Especially for this professionals recommend to pay special attention to design issues. Of course, for a small dacha you can limit yourself to simple schemes, but if it concerns a large area object, you will have to calculate the complex configuration of a multicomponent complex.