/ / Shrub lilies in your garden

Shrub lilies in your garden

Lovely and delicate, lilies for their decorativequalities are not inferior to roses at all and are enjoyed by the gardeners with well-deserved love. There is an ancient Greek legend that attributes flowers to the origin of the milk of the goddess Hera, who fed her son Ares. A magnificent flower attracts a pleasant aroma, a variety of colors and varieties.

Among the most popular varieties can be calledAsian hybrids. These include such varieties as "delta", "tinos", "Loretto", "marlene". The latter is often observed the fusion of several stems into one. From this came the name - bushy lilies, it firmly established itself among the people.

cluster lilies

These varieties are distinguished by good winter hardiness andunpretentious in care. Their various colors are devoid of flavor. Their shape can resemble a turban, a bowl. There are double varieties. In color there are dense pink, pure white, black-purple, tangerine-red.

In the photo of bushy lilies, you can see what it is likebeautiful and spectacular flowers. Especially large large varieties will look great in compositions with other plants. They will form a bright background, behind the perennial asters, phloxes, echinacea. Flowers can be planted in separate groups.

lily bush landing

In order for the lily plants to develop properly,prepare ground for them. Flowers prefer loose, well drained nutrient soil, it can have a weakly acidic or neutral reaction. Plant them in a well-lit and heated by the sun. At the same time, flowers can grow in the shade. To keep the surface of the soil warm, you need to remove mulch and weeds in time around the stems of flowers. Do not plant the plant under the trees, where he will not get the light. Flower transplantation is advised to be carried out for 2 or 3 years after planting.

If you want your garden to be decorated with a lilyplanting, planting should be carried out as follows. You can grow a flower with the help of daughter bulbs, bulbots, scales. The bulb should be planted in the soil a half centimeter deep, while it is necessary that its sharp part is directed upwards, then completely sprinkled with earth. Plants should be placed one from another at a distance of ten centimeters. Watering regularly. The soil should be moderately moist. Water is advised to pour directly under the root and avoid it falling on the leaves. The soil is recommended to loosen to improve the aeration. This operation should be done carefully, so as not to damage the plant.

photos of bushy lilies

Need to feed the cluster lilies, for thissuitable mineral or nitrogen fertilizers. Wood ash allows you to protect plants from disease-causing fungi. You can add manure, but you can not use it fresh. Due to the overabundance of the fertilizer, bulbs can be poorly formed. When buds appear, it is recommended to add ammonium nitrate.

In general, cluster lilies do not require special care and are very convenient for breeding in the garden. The flower is resistant to low temperatures, therefore it tolerates even severe frosts.