/ / We make a bottle cutter with your own hands

We produce bottles with our own hands

Plastic bottles accumulate in every family.Most often, their continued use is to throw it in a landfill. Not everyone understands that a plastic bottle can be a good raw material for the manufacture of useful and necessary things in the household. It is enough to carefully cut it, and you get a reliable shrink tape. When heated, it melts and becomes very durable. Therefore, it is easy to find an application in the country.

It is impossible to cut plastic accurately and quickly.only with a knife or scissors. To solve this problem, you can create a special device that is easy to manufacture and operate. How to make a bottle cutter with your own hands, and will be discussed in the article.

Production features

There are several manufacturing options.bottle cutter with your own hands. Their photos say that most of them are almost the same. But there are some fundamental differences. Some options have additional improvements.

As a cutting element most oftenused blade from the stationery knife. To be flat, the tape must be sharp. The blade is attached to a wooden or metal workpiece. Some options include mounting to the base (for example, to the table). Others during the work must be kept in hand.

The easiest way

To make the simplest version of the bottle cutter with your own hands, you need very few materials:

  • base;
  • a blade (for example, from a clerical knife);
  • several screws;
  • several washers (or nuts).

bottle cutter do it yourself photo

The manufacturing process will take just a few.minutes As a base you can use a small section of the board. In any place (but not on the very edge) a screw is screwed. It should have a nut with several washers. Next to him in the same way another screw is screwed with several washers (nut). In this case, the washers (or at least the top) should be of a larger diameter. This is due to the fact that it will serve as a guide. Nuts are not required. You can just take a few pucks to get a small pile. Between the stacks of washers there should be a distance approximately equal to the thickness of the bottle wall.

Between washers located on different screws,fits the knife. Moreover, the sharp side should be directed to the screws. It is clamped between the washers. Depending on the number under the knife, the thickness of the cut tape will be regulated.

From the bottle the bottom is cut off.An initial tape cut is made. The cut part of the bottle is placed on the knife so that its one wall is between the stacks of washers. The bottle is pressed down with one hand, and the tape is pulled out with the other.

Wooden device

You can make a bottle cutter with your own hands, based on a small wooden bar. You will also need a stationery knife (its blade), a metal tape and a few 15 mm long screws.

bottle cutter with your own hands

The bar should fit in your hand (approximately 4.5 x4.5 x 17 cm. From above on the center the bar is cut down on some centimeters. On the front side, an incision is made approximately to the middle of the thickness of the bar. Both notches should intersect. The knife is inserted into the horizontal one with the point to the not-finished sidewall. It is fastened there with pieces of metal tape, fastened with screws.

The bottom of the bottle is cut off. An incision is made to form the beginning of the tape. Next, the bottle is put on the blank. The principle of operation and the device are visible in the photo above.

Materials for the metal bottle cutter

The following version of a self-made bottle cutter involves the use of the following materials:

  • aluminum corner;
  • clerical blade;
  • several nuts (washers);
  • one nail (200 mm).

how to make a bottle cutter with your own hands

In addition to materials, you will need tools:drill with drills (with diameters of 3 and 6 mm), Bulgarian, file. Emery paper is also useful to remove burrs. It is convenient to clean the formed metal chips with a brush with metal bristles.

Assembling the structure

The schematic diagram of this device is visible ondrawing. The bottle cutter with their hands begin to do with attaching the knife to the corner. To do this, the blade is applied to the corner from the inside. Marks a place for the hole through which the mount will be carried out, and the length of the knife (to remove the extra part of the corner). In the marked place, a hole is drilled in the workpiece (6 mm in diameter). The extra part of the corner is cut off.

Near the hole (departing from it 5 mm), cuts are made at the corner with an interval of 5 mm. Their length should correspond to the desired thickness of the tape. The slots are thoroughly cleaned from burrs and chips.

bottle cutter do-it-yourself drawings

A nail is used as an axis.It makes a thread length of about 15-20 mm. The edge of the thread is slightly bent, so that the axis sets the angle of cutting the tape and feeds the bottle. The threaded nail is inserted into the hole prepared at the beginning. A bottle cutter is ready and you can use it.