/ / Practical advice on how to get rid of a medvedka on a garden plot

Good advice on how to get rid of a bear in the garden

Medvedka, or earthen cancer - it's just a scourge of gardensand vegetable gardens! This pest is worse than the Colorado potato beetle! Insect ruthlessly destroys the roots and tubers of garden plants, cutting them with their mighty legs. How to get rid of medvedki on the garden plot, read our article.

Earth crayfish love to devour youngpotato tubers, plant roots, and also fairly spoil the roots of carrots, beets, eat the roots of cabbage, tomatoes, and so on. During the mating period, they generally fly from site to site. And only an effective fight with Medvedka will save you from all this horror. As with any other insect, this is fought in two ways: chemical and folk. Consider each one of them.

how to get rid of a bear in the garden

How to get rid of a bear in the garden

Folk methods

  1. Plant around the perimeter of your gardenTurkish carnation. She just drove away the voracious pest from your site for the whole summer! Its smell is pleasant for a person, but unbearable for a bear.
  2. Удобрите почву куриным пометом.To do this, you need to scatter a very thin layer throughout the garden, and then dig up the area. Here you can, as they say, catch two birds with one stone: process the plants, and drive the Medvedka. Why precisely chicken droppings? Because, unlike the cow, in it ammonia is much more!
  3. Есть весьма оригинальный способ того, как get rid of a bear in the garden. And not from one, but immediately from the whole brood. We find small holes in the ground - the holes made by the pest. We put a finger in them and lead them in a spiral in the direction of the Medvedkin’s passage. After a while we will be buried in the pest's nest. This is a small compaction of the earth, whose diameter is about 3 centimeters. Take this little ball and pull it out. Outwardly, it will look like a dense ball. Break it in half. What do we see inside? A lot of white eggs! Sometimes their number reaches 50 pieces! Imagine, in one fell swoop, we immediately killed a whole Medvedkin brood! Now let's find out how to get rid of a medvedka on a garden plot with the help of chemistry.
    how to get rid of a bear

Chemical methods

  1. Take advantage of homemade poisonedlures Take, for example, cans of canned food or cut the bottom of a plastic bottle. Pour there cooked poison. Its composition: on 1 kilogram of any grain (oats, corn, wheat, bran, peas) add 30 grams of sunflower (unrefined) oil and 50 grams of Karbofos. Bury the bait in the ground to a depth of about 5 centimeters (or pack them in the medvedkino mink). Death does not make the pest wait long.
    effective fight with Medvedka
  2. Another way to get rid of a bearin the garden, about the same as the previous one, but still has some differences. Buy ready-made poison for the bear in the store, add it to any cooked porridge (for 1 kg of porridge add 6 g of poison). On the beds, make holes between the seedlings, bury the bait-poison in them, then cover it with earth or cardboard sheet (so that the birds do not peck). Leave a small gap so that the pest can get into the trap.