/ / Avent Philips steamer-blender: an overview, description, features and reviews

Avent Philips steamer-blender: an overview, description, features and reviews

With the advent of the child, the life of the parents changes.He needs to devote more and more time. Few few happy months passed, and it's time to give various bait. It will help quickly to cope with the preparation of children's dishes blender-steamer Philips Avent. Avent is a company long known to customers.


Blender steamer Philips Avent ("Avent")is intended for cooking baby food. But this does not mean that adults can not use it for themselves. Lunch for the whole family on it you can not cook, and different sauces turn out very tasty.

steamer blender avent

With the help of a double boiler it is possible to subject to thermalprocessing, that is, to weld a couple of fruits, vegetables, fish and meat. If the child is very small, he will not be able to eat them whole. First you need to grind everything. For this, there is a "blender" function. With its help you can get food of a uniform consistency.


The steamer blender Avent SCF870 / 22 is powered bynetwork 220-240 V. Power - 400 watts. The frequency is 50-60 Hz. Mechanical control: the device is turned on by turning the knob on the regulator. A beep indicates that the food is ready.

 blender steamer philips avent avent

The device is small in size. Its length is 31 cm, width - 20 cm, height - 15 cm.

The steamer-blender Avent SCF870 / 22 is convenient inuse. The tank is easy to fill with water. It is placed there 200 ml. The volume of the blender: 0.45 liters of liquid or 800 solids. Weight - 2 kg, together with a box - 2.9 kg.


The steamer-blender Avent consists of a base withthe evaporator and the glass. At the base is hidden the electrical part, here is the regulator of cooking modes: "Steamer", "Shutdown", "Blender". The power cord comes from below. It is protected from breakage near the base, because it is laid on special grooves.

The cord itself is short, 50 cm (in documentsindicated 70 cm), which is very disliking to customers. It is necessary to install the device in the immediate vicinity of the outlet, and this is not very convenient. After all, vibration when working in blender mode requires a reliable basis.

Users would like the cord to detach from the base of the steamer.

At the top of the evaporator there is a hole for the passage of steam and a guide for installing a glass with products.

steamer blender avent scf870

The steamer-blender Avent SCF870 / 22 goes tocomplete with a measuring cup and a shovel in order to remove the cooked food from the bowl. A colorful instruction in Russian describes in detail the sequence of processes. There are recipes for cooking 12 dishes, developed by famous pediatricians. They are designed for children of different ages. True, users note that not all the products mentioned there can be obtained from us.

Produced in Turkey.


The steamer-blender Avent refers to the firstclass security. After all the water has evaporated, the device automatically turns off. Therefore, your products will not burn if you forgot about them and went to another room. There is a system for the safe installation of the lid and bowl.

Do not allow water to reach the engine. If this happens, wipe it with a napkin.

Operating principle

Working with the steamer "Avent" is easy.Although some users complicate the process. They pour a lot of water, and then mark the desired cooking time. When it passes, turn off the steamer. But in this case, you need to constantly monitor the clock.

steamer blender avent scf870 22

In fact, the manufacturers conceived the principlethe operation of the device is different. Before pouring water into the evaporator, see the instructions in the cooking time of the products that you are going to use. Proceeding from the fact that 100 ml of water evaporates in 10 minutes, calculate the required amount and pour it into the evaporator. Then place the glass on the base so that the knives are at the top. Set the position "Steamer" and wait until the alarm sounds.

If you pour less water, then the products will remain moist, more - will be digested.

steamer blender philips avent scf870 22

Turn the glass with the knives down, turnControl knob on the "Blender" icon. Hold for up to 30 seconds. If no homogeneous mass is obtained, repeat the procedure in a few seconds. To keep it on for a long time is impossible, this will lead to a breakdown of the device.

Open the lid and take out the prepared mashed potatoes.

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The instruction does not advise putting in a bowlfrozen food. But some users do not pay attention to this and prepare without preliminary defrosting. However, they did not notice any side effects for the steamer.

When cooking steamed foods are prepared inown juice. It is used when grinding. If you do not need this amount, you can remove the bowl and drain the excess, and then set the mode to "Blender".


If you do not need to grind food, you canTo stop on function "Steamer". Consumer testimonials indicate that the Philips AVENT SCF870 22 steamer blender prepares delicious meatballs, cooks soups, prepares fish and meat, dishes from cereals and pasta. And for cooking each of these dishes takes no more than 20 minutes.


The steamer-blender Avent SCF870 has such advantages:

  • Saves time. Downloading products, you can safely move away and do other things.
  • Under the influence of steam, vitamins and nutrients almost did not collapse.
  • Used little dishes, so you only need to wash the bowl of the device.
  • It takes up little space, compact.
  • Multifunctionality.
  • Fast cooking.
  • It can be transported with you when traveling to another city or on vacation.
  • You can cook for the future, freezing part of the cooked food.
  • In the refrigerator, cooked food can be stored for one day.


Customers like the steamer-blender Avent.Reviews say that it greatly facilitates the preparation of food for children. Compare with how they cooked before buying the device: they cooked in a saucepan, drained excess water, forked vegetables and fruits. The result was much worse. Remains were lumps, food was heterogeneous. To wipe through a sieve is very troublesome, and it is difficult to wash it.

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Users like how with the rubberized parts the bowl connects with the lid and the base. The guide makes the installation process simple. They note the quality of the parts of the steamer-blender.

They notice that it is not very convenient to fill the water, for this it is necessary to take a watering can. But you can use a measuring cup with a spout, which comes with a steamer, or any kitchen cup.

There are complaints that the steamer blender Avent SCF870 22 does not grind raw fruits well. She tears them apart. But still it is designed to work with cooked foods.

Some users, after many years of work and constant use under the influence of steam, the plastics are old and loose, and darkened.

The silicone valve is small and weakly attached to thebasis. Sometimes it falls off and can get lost. Users would like manufacturers to add a couple of spare valves. After all, without them, the device will not work.

Some users think that the blender is too noisy. But after all, his power is not too long.

 steamer blender avent reviews

There is information that among the real steamers there are counterfeit ones. Their quality is much worse than the original ones.

Cleaning and washing

They say that cleaning the parts is not very convenient.It is better to do this immediately after cooking, until they are dried. Some users say that they periodically wash them in the dishwasher. The instruction does not forbid it to do. You can not wash there only a part with the motor.

No one likes that every monthcarefully clean the bowl of scale with the help of citric acid. Some users advise to fall asleep at night, at the rate of 10 g for 200 ml of warm water. In the afternoon, evaporate the water. To do this, install the bowl without food on the device in working order. Turn it on for 5 minutes. The remaining water is poured out. Rinses.

Then repeat the same procedure with clean water.

Knives are cleaned with soda.

In addition to citric acid, you can use 50 ml of vinegar, dissolving it in 150 ml of water.

After cleaning, leave the appliance empty and open.

Water for cooking is advised to take bottled water, it gives less scaling.


How much is the Philips Avent Steamer-blender?Prices for them about 5-7 thousand rubles. This, of course, a lot. But the devices of other famous firms cost about the same. Users note that the cost of jars for baby food in a few years can be compared with the price of a steamer.