Manual milking on cattle-breeding complexes for a long timehas become history. Machine milking of cows is common, but milking machines for goats may still be surprising and questionable. Not everyone knows that there are several modifications of such equipment: mini-devices are used for individual milking, stationary installations - for the production of goat milk on an industrial basis.
Milking machine
During manual milking, mechanicalsqueezing the nipple and squeezing out portions of milk. The same principle of operation and milking machines. The electric motor makes the vacuum pump work, it in turn creates a constant vacuum. A pulsator is used to change the period of compression and suction of milk. It alternates cycles of compression and suction of milk. On average, 66 pulsations occur per minute.
Nothing complicated, but to bring the device toindustrial applications have passed more than half a century. Until now, milking machines for goats and cows continue to improve. Such an attentive attitude is explained by the fact that the inventors first of all think about the safety and comfort of animals. For this purpose, a vacuum regulator is provided, with the help of which it is possible to select the vacuum force in the apparatus.
A huge army of small farmers needs suchproducts like milking machines for goats. On a small plot of land it is quite possible to contain two or three dozen animals. But the milking process takes a lot of time and effort. In order to facilitate the work and apply the milking machine for goats. Feedback on their work is only positive. These are truly indispensable helpers on a goat farm.
Even with just a few dairy contentGoat mechanical milking can significantly facilitate the work. For this it is better to purchase a mini milking machine for goats. Machine milking has several advantages:
- The speed and efficiency of servicing the herd at milking. At the same time, the machine can milk two goats. The exception of manual milking allows you to save the hands of the milkmaid and protect them from arthritis.
- Getting hygienically pure milk.The pump pumps the milk directly from the nipple of the animal into a hermetically sealed chamber (bucket). This prevents wool, dung and other debris from entering the milk.
- Improving the quality of milk. Recent studies have shown that much more fat is stored in “machine-made” milk than during manual milking. An important factor for manufacturers of goat cheese.
The household milking machine for goats "Burenka" is very popular. Consumers have the following indicators:
- the most complete delivery of the udder, manual posting is not required;
- small weight of a nozzle;
- does not make a loud noise;
- it is completed with high-quality silicone rubber;
- Glasses for milk and a can are made of stainless food steel;
- easy to operate;
- the manufacturer gives a warranty of 12 months.
Terms of Use
Like any technique, the device requires compliancesome rules of operation. First, it is necessary to monitor the volume of milk in the tank and pour it in a timely manner so that it does not fall into the pump. Secondly, it is impossible to put milking cups on the ground; dust and dirt can be sucked in there. Thirdly, it is necessary to keep the mechanism clean and rinse the apparatus after each milking with the addition of special preparations.
Technical specifications
There are several technical characteristics by which milking machines for goats differ:
- by type: mobile or stationary;
- by productivity: the number of heads served in 1 hour - 20, 40 goals;
- by the number of heads of simultaneous milking: 1, 2, 4.
- on the material of which the milk tank is made: food grade aluminum, stainless steel, plastic;
- by volume of the milk tank: 20 liters, 40 liters;
- by type of teat cups: steel, plastic;
- by the number of staff: one or two people.
May vary by type of vacuum pump,electric motor power, maximum vacuum pressure, shaft rotation speed. In addition, the length of the hanger, overall dimensions and weight. Mobile devices are mounted on two-wheeled carts that one person can freely transport. Many domestic and foreign companies produce goat milking machines. The price is very different, manufacturers of CIS countries offer devices from $ 300, analogs of foreign firms in Germany, Italy will cost no less than $ 1,000.
Goat Milking Machine Labels
Functionally, all milking machines for goats are the same. Here are some common brands:
- “Maiga”: the model does not have its own pump, an external pump will be required for milking. The price is very modest, about $ 100.
- "Doyushka": refers to the category of mini. The device has proven itself on small farms and in the personal use of summer residents. The price reaches $ 400.
- Squirrel-1: for milking a single animal. Capacity up to 20 heads per hour, equipped with a 20-liter capacity, price from $ 250.
- "Squirrel-2": for the simultaneous milking of two goats. A variation of the previous model, for an hour you can milk up to 50 goats, the price starts from $ 300.
- “Burenka”: an excellent milking machine, a special design for milking goats, a reliable and easy-to-use mechanism. The market price is $ 400.
By the choice of technology must be approached carefully.There are no trifles. Everything is important, from the number of heads in the dairy herd to the quality of the silicone on the glasses and the rubber on the connecting tubes. Important and equipment of the device, up to the brush for washing the device.
Нет смысла приобретать несертифицированный товар.No one will give a guarantee in the correctness of the exposed vacuum pressure, the quality of plastic and the safety of work with an electric motor. Only the pet owner can decide if he needs milking machines for goats. The price that he will have to pay for them is bound to match the quality, and most importantly, they must be safe for the goats themselves.
Бытовой доильный аппарат для коз - экономически advantageous small mechanization of manual labor. It does not consume much electricity, it does not need special additional equipment or premises, animals quickly become accustomed to it. And most importantly, this little helper significantly eases the hard daily work of thousands of farmers.