Pinosol during pregnancy

Many women with pregnancyfeel various ailments. It can be an easy cold, fatigue, fever, a runny nose and others. Therefore, in the first trimester of pregnancy, a future mother may suffer from rhinitis, tonsillitis or a usual protracted rhinitis. And along with this, there is an alarm for your health and your health.

Treatment of a common cold: pinosol during pregnancy

To understand the severity of the common cold,it is necessary to consult with the attending physician and, if necessary, to take tests. After the doctor determines the disease and prescribes all the necessary procedures and means for use, you need to start treatment.

Among medicines against the common cold the mostPinosol is considered effective during pregnancy. This drug has antiseptic, antimicrobial effect. It consists of eucalyptus, pine, thymol, and peppermint oils. If to speak about indications, then pinosol for pregnant women is taken in case of inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx and nose. In addition, this drug is excellent to cope with the inflammatory processes of the upper respiratory tract: it helps with bronchitis, tracheitis and laryngitis. It is also used and ointment pinosol during pregnancy.

There are no contraindications for Pinosol, except forhypersensitivity. But if a doctor appoints you, he must take this into account. As for the side effects, they are extremely rare. These can be allergic reactions of the nasopharynx such as burning, itching or swelling. But in most cases, pinosol during pregnancy is well tolerated and completely safe during breastfeeding.

Well, if you are absolutely against any drugs,then the best medicine against cold and cold will be garlic, onions, lots of tea and various vitamins. These funds will help the future mother to strengthen her immunity, thereby quickly and safely cope with the disease. Washing of the nose with salted water is considered very effective in the common cold.

What is dangerous for the common cold during pregnancy?

The rhinitis itself is not some kind ofserious and terrible disease. But its consequences (sinusitis, rhinitis and others) can badly affect the health of the future mother. In addition, a severe runny nose can interfere with normal breathing, as a result - a lack of oxygen in the body of a pregnant woman. This can lead to frequent headaches and poor health. If a woman inhales air with her mouth, it promotes the development of infection in the lower respiratory tract, which can lead to various kinds of infectious diseases.

But do not forget that there is and socalled "runny nose" of pregnant women, who can accompany a woman during the entire period of bearing a child. And there's nothing wrong with that. The most important thing is that the well-being of the expectant mother is normal and the pregnancy proceeds well. Such a diagnosis the doctor determines only when all other possible causes of the common cold are excluded.

As a rule, the "runny nose" of pregnant women is not significantaffects the well-being of a woman. But it is necessary to eat a sufficient amount of vitamins, you can do a nose wash with salt water so that the rhinitis does not progress. It is also recommended to use pinosol during pregnancy or to do various inhalations, which should be consulted with a doctor. There are also a variety of folk methods of treating the common cold, which operate quite effectively and safely.

And the most important thing is to take care not to exposeyour body to infections. For this, there are a number of preventive measures that will help future mothers avoid colds throughout the period of pregnancy.