/ What are some of the reasons for vomiting in children without fever? Treatment recommended by specialists

What are the causes of vomiting in children without fever? Treatment recommended by specialists

Pediatric vomiting is the resultinvoluntary discharge of the contents of the stomach. This condition arises due to the active contraction of the muscles of the abdominal wall of the muscles. It can even be observed in a healthy child, the reasons are varied, but often the culprit is increased nervous irritability. It can also be a sign of a serious illness. With intoxication, metabolic disorders, diseases of the nervous system and gastrointestinal tract, vomiting is often observed in children without fever.

vomiting in children without temperature treatment

There is no treatment without a doctor's examination - it is dangerous.for the life of a child. The only thing that parents can do to alleviate the unpleasant state is to lay on their side and often water the baby in order to avoid dehydration. This kind of involuntary reflex belching can indicate an allergic reaction to a particular drug or food.

In any case, it is necessary to identify the truethe reason why vomiting occurred in children without fever. Treatment is prescribed by a specialist. Before the arrival of the ambulance, you can feed the child with salt mixtures (drugs "Glukosolan", "Regidron", "Cytroglukosolan"). Give liquid in small sips or with a pipette. In addition, you can offer mineral (without gas) or just boiled water, broth hips, tea with chamomile. Do not get carried away by self-treatment without diagnosing the disease, as illiterate help will worsen the condition.

cure for vomiting in children

Let's look at the most frequent illnesses, withwho have vomiting in children without fever. Treatment depends on the existing disease. For example, meningitis, encephalitis, severe poisoning and concussion cause similar reactions from the intestinal tract. Without hospitalization can not do. Diuretics and antiemetic drugs, as well as antispasmodics, are prescribed.

Нервная либо психогенная рвота является a consequence of emotional disturbance or mental illness. It can provoke fear, panic, anxiety, etc. This condition is characteristic of anorexia nervosa and bulimia. The main task is to calm the child down and relieve the stress. A cure for vomiting in children suffering from hypersensitivity or mental excitability, usually sedative (medicines "Valocordin", "Glycine", valerian herbs, motherwort and others). The magnesium B6 is necessarily appointed, and also work with the psychotherapist and the psychologist is carried out. In case of bulimia and anorexia, therapy is indicated only in a neuropsychiatric dispensary.

what to take a child with vomiting

In acute gastritis, vomiting occurs in children withouttemperature Treatment is the same as in adults, under the supervision of a specialist. Required bed rest, appointed sorbents (drugs "Polyphepan", "Enterosgel"), alkaline mineral water. Mandatory sparing diet. The most common cause is food poisoning, and panic begins in the parents. They are concerned about what to take a child with vomiting.

First of all, the baby must be providedplentiful drink to restore water-salt balance. If intoxication is caused by acids or alkalis, a child under three years old can be given a teaspoon of vegetable oil. Before starting a specific therapy, you need to know what exactly provoked such a reaction. If vomiting began due to motion sickness or overexcitement, then you can resort to modern children's drugs, such as Ranisan, Domperidon Hexal, Kokkulin, Motonium. Do not try to guess - ask for help from doctors.